Coming of Age Drama Creative Nonfiction

As we know that many heirs generally take on their family businesses just like that being a heir, I have to take charge of my family business.

My family have been indulging in agriculture for ages. Since my family wants me to learn new methods of productivity so they enrolled me in town high school. I have to learn new ways of technique which will help in expanding our agriculture in different platforms and markets.

My grandfather Elias and my father Samuel spent their whole life in the fields. My father introduce modern equipments to the poor farmers which will help them in increasing productivity against my grandfather conservative thinking. My father is a part of various organisation which works for the interest of farmers, he keep raising his voice against injustice with the farmers. His continuous efforts made him farmer's organisation representative, he works for the welfare of farmer, believe in introducing new techniques and ensure that no injustice takes place.

I attended my junior and senior high school in town, I was living a well off life because of my father endless struggle to earn a living but I was embarrassed to told someone about my father's occupation. I never had a dream to live on because somewhere I know that I just have to accept my family business. After my college last year semester my father called me to start working on the farms, I remembered I used to feel outcast even in my own farms because I left that place when I was 10 and returned after 12 years, I was feeling pressured around the people, I did studied about agriculture but implying it practically seems to be a tough job in hometown. I was sure I don't want to be in the farms, I mean I don't belong there. Whenever I thought of spending my entire life just like my dad, I got goosebumps. Its not that I hate farms, it's just that I wanted to explore the thing I really wanna do. I discussed the issues I have been facing with my father, he said you will learn you just have to stay strong. I then clear cut myself that I want to find a different career. My dad didn't supported me and I left the hometown and permanently transferred to the town. I attended my graduation ceremony, I met my cultural secretary Rosy who once insisted me to try my hands in theatre. I asked her about how to sign up. She told me just to register and submit the required amount.

Life going to be tough as my dad cut my allowances, I have to live my choice myself. I am broke. My choice turn my life upside down. I am working as a part timer the whole day just to earn a living and plus some for the enrollment. I worked as bar tender,receptionist and a waiter. After a few months, I got enrolled in drama and theatre academy. I sold my luxuries. Now I am sharing a PG with five more young chaps who's working like donkey the whole day to live their dreams. I was broken for sure but still living a life , I joined the theatres I got some few lines to speak on ,the jury give their feedback that I should reflect on myself that I want to be an artist for real or not as I am wasting my time beacause I am not able to show any emotion/expressions in my face while playing my part. For an artist, emotion and expressions are the one thing which stand him odd among the even. I was heartbroken that for the first time I was living my dream but all the efforts I made till now was in vain. I was told that I don't fit in the theatres/dramas. I practiced harder, I continuously begged them to once see my part. But there was no changes in their comments. I used to practice harder but when it's the show time I had a nervous breakdown. I messed up the whole scenario. I was told to just observe others, learn from them. I was not able to conquer over the emotional changes in my lifestyle. I was rotting from inside. I tried hard to show my emotions but the changes which happen in my life are the causes which have hidden my emotions and keep telling me to just stay strong.

Whenever there was a drama , I mainly play a part of passerby. I guess I just accept my daily lifestyle and there was no sort of inspiration left inside me. I entirely spent my 2 years just like that. I got a call that your father's no more, visit him and give your consodolence. I cried my heart out. I hardly remembered when I last talked with my father but didn't expect him to gone too soon. I just wished I didn't made any choice so I didn't have to leave my father and live that rotten life. I thought of residing in hometown permanently to carry on with the farms. The very next day when I was going to visit the farms, I got a call from the theatre academy that due to someone stepping back in last moment, I got his part. It's also the bigger part in comparison to the other part which I had played till now. I refused but they insisted me to just try once. I accepted their proposal for the last time.

I played my part, jury appreciated me. Coincidentally the part I have to play of crying, which I guess I performed genuinely because of loss of my father. After that they offered me to play some small roles but they have a good audience focus. I took that opportunity and after that my success rates increased, I was doing good . Soon I got a lead part in a drama which has mix reviews. But I take that review as in positive aspect and my major hit was my second one in which I played the part of a lower class farmer. I just hoped that my father was alive to see my growth. Later on I was signed in for movies which eventually lead me to be the best actor.

If I think of who inspired me to be an artist clearly I have an answer when I a little my father and me used to watch the movies together. My father is my inspiration who told me to stand out and stay strong.

- that was success story of Adam zed( this year best actor award holder)

November 21, 2020 19:31

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