Romance Drama

Sorry, I'm late, Stein, Ember wanted me to see him plunge into the pool before I left him with Tosh.

That's alright, I haven't started yet. How's the little bugger today? Did you film it?

Yeah, look at that!

Jeez, he's grown so much since last week! And he speaks like a faucet! Damn, even traveling together I seem to miss out on his developments.

Don't worry, you'll see more of him now. Who'd have thought me and Tosh would finally get that band idea up and running? It's so nice of you guys to let us be the opening act, even though it is a bit nepotistic. Did you notice the last review? 

Yeah, how did Bobby take it?


Stop fiddling with the napkin, Sanna. Have a beer instead. Halfsies, right?

Thanks. I needed that. ... Stein?


I haven't seen Bobby today. He came back late and was gone when I woke up. Did he show up for the sound check? It's so unlike him to disappear like that, he's always back to tuck Ember in and read his bedtime story, but... Just four days into the tour and I hardly recognize the man. If I get to see him at all. Today he's not even answering his phone or any of my texts. Do you think he's using again?

Look, Sanna... I should have warned you. Well, fuck. He should have warned you. I honestly thought he did... Bobby... Bobby doesn't thrive on tour. It messes with his head, you know? He tends to go down that same old path, drinking too much, and popping a few pills to steady his nerves... - He hates performing.

Stage fright? After twenty-odd years?! Come on, Stein, there's gotta be more. Isn't there?


Stein? What do you know? He's your best friend and you've known him for the longest. What's he up to? What can I do?

I normally just let him ride it out, Sanna. He's probably ashamed for drinking too much or whatever and hides somewhere until he feels capable of seeing you and Ember again. It's not the first time he's done it, trust me. He tends to build things up in his mind, making him the culprit of everything wrong in the world and the anxiety isn't helping. He'll be fine when the drugs are out of his system - or kicking in - depending on what he took. 

Shit, now I almost feel sorry for him. I'm so disappointed. We were in such a good place when we left London, talking about him adopting Ember and everything... Now I kinda... Damn! I wasn't going to cry! Hand me another napkin, will you? - Thanks. 


Sorry for being so dramatic, Stein. I'm fucking exhausted. 

I don't blame you. 

He'll come around, right? It's like... I don't know this guy he's becoming, I'm starting to feel like I misjudged him completely. I haven't even known him for that long. Like... I met him when I was seven months on with Ember, grieving my husband and so hormonal I could hardly stand anyone, and there he was, my teenage crush. I used to have his poster up over my bed, you know. Hah... Maybe he's always been like this and I just didn't see it? So hung up on that persona I'd fantasized about since I was what? Fourteen? 

Come on, Sanna! You're the cutest couple I know! Bobby's head over heels in love with you, I've never seen him like that. Never. 

But maybe I...

Don't go there. Don't overthink it. Just... Try to relax. Ember is fine. Bobby is being a douche, but he'll come around. You're having the career change of a lifetime. The review for the gig in Milan was exceptional, and I agree with the journalist - you and Tosh should have been the headliner - not us old farts and has-beens.

You're neither. You were great, too. Ember and I dug those three songs you started with, but then he needed a new nappy and it was way past his bedtime so I had to leave. But you kept the audience, didn't you? I didn't see anyone else leaving when I did?

Nah. People only come for the nostalgia, those old songs. Bobby was pissed when they yelled for "Taken", but of course, we played it anyway. It's hard for him, you know, when our fans don't like the new stuff. They say it's not the same sound. 

Oh, but I love what you guys came up with over the summer! That new album is

Inspired! Yeah, I know. It's your fault, really. Bobby started it about the time he met you. Did he tell you?

Yeah, but... I only thought he said that to get me into bed. 

Hah! No. He couldn't shut up about you. Still can't. You guys'll be fine. If you want to be?

Of course. 

Cheers to that.


Yuck! IPA. Hand me another tissue, will you?

Let's switch glasses.

Thanks. How are you, by the way? I've been so wrapped up in Bobby, sorry. 

I'm fine.

You look more than fine, Stein. Positively radiant!

Well, thanks, my dear.

A new beau? Who? 

A gentleman never tells.


Let's try another beer. 

Just a small one. Tosh is bringing Ember to the sound check and I don't want my kid to see me drunk. 

He's two, he won't remember any of it. 

That's not the point. 

Right. Let's dry you up with a good, hearty meal afterward. Come to think of it, I could eat too. Maybe invite Tosh and Ember?

What is it with you two? If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were an item.

Pish posh. You're delirious! Hey, cabron! We need some coffee over here! Pronto! 

Cabron means idiot, you know. 

Oh, sorry! I meant bartender. Muchas gracias, my kind sir. 

No problemo, cabron. And coffee for madam. 

Haha, cheers!

Uhm, Stein? Care to keep an eye on my stuff? Gotta slip off to the little girls' room.

Yeah, no worries, luv.


*Do-do, do-do, do-do*

Bobby! Where are you?


What?! Not him again, I thought you guys were through?






Sanna is freaki-










Get your act together, Bobby.


Well, fuck you too.



You OK?

Yeah. It's nothing. Any thoughts on where we should eat?

Tosh said the hotel restaurant has great vegetarian options, I know it's pretty unexciting - I should explore Barcelona of course, but I don't feel like dragging Ember out in that godawful rain. Look at that! Is that lightning?



You've made it, Sanna. It's not me that lens is pointing at. 

I think you need glasses.

Have some more beer.

December 12, 2024 17:52

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Helen A Howard
09:59 Dec 19, 2024

Your dialogue perfectly captures the trials and tribulations of performing and being on the road, and of course what the characters go thorough on the way. I little a bit about this as my partner is a bass player (no longer in bands) so I got a taste of the crazy world of bands. Well done.


S. Hjelmeset
10:19 Dec 19, 2024

Thank you! I don't know this from experience myself, but have always thought it must be tiresome just travelling all that much. You're the second writer in here who tell me I'm on the right track with my assumptions , so that's nice


Helen A Howard
10:28 Dec 19, 2024

It’s good to be on track. The feedback here can be really helpful. I wrote a story called Confronting The Elephant which partly features the dramas between band members if you fancy reading it, There can be a lot of rivalry between bands, whether they “make it’ or not. I’ve only experienced it second hand and on a small scale but it gets a bit crazy at times.


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Viga Boland
16:02 Dec 17, 2024

I have tried unsuccessfully 5 times to comment on this so I returned this morning to try again. Excellent job on dialogue only prompt, and as the mother of a performer, I can certainly understand the trials of being on the road. Nice capture


S. Hjelmeset
16:38 Dec 17, 2024

Oh, thank you! Hope your child is safe out there.


Viga Boland
16:51 Dec 17, 2024

My “child” is 42 and these days flying from Nashville to Vegas to Hawaii etc etc. she leaves for Cozumel on Thursday. Her years as a singer/entertainer/performer have enabled her to see so much of the world…Paris, Rome, on and on. I envy her. She’s seen so much more than I ever will. The worst part of her life was chasing that elusive dream of becoming the next big thing. Thank heaven she finally woke up and realized that just leaves you broke and disillusioned…if you survive the battle LOL. What she and we have lived through would fill a b...


S. Hjelmeset
17:46 Dec 17, 2024

Cool! I think she found that sweetspot between ultra-fame and barely-scraping-by, which is what most should aim for:) Write that book, and bring her on the book tour!


Viga Boland
18:31 Dec 17, 2024

I’ve already written and published 6 books. That book is hers to write one day. 😉


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Rebecca Hurst
15:52 Dec 16, 2024

This is really very good ! I was hung on every word, and sometimes we're all just guilty of skimming. You definitely have the makings of a novelist. Excellent work !


S. Hjelmeset
17:21 Dec 16, 2024

Yes, we are, so thanks for reading it all and for the kind words:)


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Mary Butler
13:28 Dec 16, 2024

This dialogue-driven piece beautifully captures the messiness and vulnerability of relationships under strain, especially the line: "Just four days into the tour and I hardly recognize the man. If I get to see him at all." - it portrays the emotional dissonance of loving someone who is struggling, the painful intersection of hope, disappointment, and love. The dialogue feels raw and real, with layers of unspoken tension woven throughout—making the reader feel like a fly on the wall of this heartfelt conversation. Wonderful story, so thought...


S. Hjelmeset
14:05 Dec 16, 2024

Oh wow, Mary! Thank you for the wonderful feedback.


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