
The year is 2120, Ai’s live amongst humans. “Cradle Technology has allowed for the dead to be reborn through machine”. Jason reads on his holographic news report card. “What a load of crap” Jason exclaims. “Could you imagine the earth run by robots eh Tony? Asks Jason. Tony funnily replies, “Those nerds need to give it a break already”. “In all the years we’ve known each other, has anyone or anything been able to replace what God gave us?” asks Jason. “Nope can’t say it has” said Tony. “Exactly! And if I die, I die. Why would I want to be in a different body? It wouldn’t even really be me…just a ghost, you know” says Jason. “You sure are right. But I don’t know…it would suck to be gone forever” says Tony. “But we gotta get back to the construction site lunch is almost up” reminds Tony. “Oh yea, no telling what those hover drones will report. They’re always watching us” says Jason. “Tony make sure those wires are tight. If the weights off, the car might turn loose” says Jason. “Whaaat” yells Tony. “Make sure the wires are.... Tony look ouut”, screams Jason. “Tony man, holy crap someone call 911” yells Jason. Finally, 2 paramedics arrive to assess the injury. “Respiratory functions are limited, and his body is mangled” said one EMT.  On the way to a hospital, another EMT yells “Hey! I sent over the condition of that guy and they’ve re-routed us to another facility.” ”Whe, where am I” said Tony. “You are at an off-site facility. My name is Dr. Rubin” explains the gentleman standing next to Tony. “Wha, what have you done to me!” screams Tony. “We saved your life sir” says Dr. Rubin. “My life? What do you mean?”, asks Tony. “You were almost dead, and your body was in tatters. We had to make a few alterations. Please take a look” says Dr. Rubin. “Whaaat? My face!” yells Tony in a robotic voice. “You may look a bit different, but I can assure you, you are much more improved than before” explains the doctor. As a week has pasted, an employee thinks, “Man, I still can’t believe we lost Tony”. Another worker chimes in and says, “We couldn’t find the hospital he went to either… which I thought was kind of strange”. “I know” responds Jason. “But I know he’s dead. I saw him lying there with my own eyes. And it’s my fault he’s gone” explains Jason. One year later, we come across the same construction site. “Alright guys see you later” says Jason. Jason begins grabbing his keys and jacket to lock up the office for the night. As he is walking to his car to leave, he notices someone approaching. A little nervous, Jason comes out and says “Who, who are you?” He stands there for what seems to be a lifetime before a Robotic voice speaks…“It’s me Jason, don’t you remember?” Then Jason stares into that metallic face frightened, trying to see if he can find any sort of resemblance. After a moment, he finally comes to the realization and says, “Tony?! Oh my God! Is that really you? What happened to you?” Tony begins to explain, “After that elevator accident, I went for a little R and R.” Tony, looking bewildered asks “What do you mean man? When I went down to the local hospital, they said that you weren’t a patient. I don’t understand.” Jason begins to clarify, “I got taken to a lab; where they operated on me and replaced about 80 percent of my body. The process was quite long, and the doctor told me that I am basically a new man...what do you think? Do I look like a new man to you Jason?” “You, you look great” says Jason. Tony begins to scream, “don’t give me that BS Jason! I look like a monster! I can’t feel anything…I don’t get tired or eat. I, I don’t even feel human anymore and it’s all your fault.” Jason takes a few steps and says “What are you even saying man? We were best friends!” Tony sternly states “All I remember is you being late on giving me the signal. I bet this is all funny to you. Now I’m a glorified can opener!” “No, no, not at all man” said Jason. Tony and Jason stand there staring at each other for a few seconds when Jason says, “I want to help.” Tony vehemently says, “You mean like how you helped at the construction site”. “Come on man! It wasn’t like that. I literally yelled for you to get out of the way as soon as possible” pleads Jason. “I even tried looking for you in the hospital and nothing. I never wanted this to happen to you. You have to believe me” begs Jason. “Believe huh?” sarcastically asks Tony. “At the beginning of all this you laughed about cradle technology and scoffed at its possibilities” said Tony. He further boasts saying “I might not feel human anymore, but I feel much more durable.” All of a sudden, a security drone comes out of nowhere. It yells, “Hey you there! This is private property you must vacate the premises immediately”. Neither men move an inch. “The next time we see each other I won’t be a lowly construction worker anymore. You see they didn’t just upgrade my body…they also upgraded my mind; I have access to so much more knowledge now. You were wrong about cradle technology Jason. Just like you are wrong for letting this happen to me” explains Tony. Jason stands silent as the security drone picks up the speed towards both men. “The world is full of people who either make the wrong call or never do what’s necessary in time. With the cradle technology I will own this city” promises Tony.  A robotic voice shouts “You there, bellow”. Jason turns his head to see the security drone. “This is private property and it is after hours. You must vacate the premises now” demands the security drone. “Ok I’m going, I’m going. Stupid security drone” sighs Tony. “Man…that was insane! I for sure thought he was dead. I’m definitely going to have a stiff drink tonight” said Jason.


July 29, 2020 16:16

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