Mystery Suspense

Doors locked. Check. Windows shut. Check. It is midnight and everyone has officially left the building. I have been waiting since I have arrived at Sounds.Inc to explore the rooms, locked away from prying eyes. I have been counting down the days until the perfect snowstorm will strike. I am officially trapped at my office as one would say. But, rather, I am not trapped. I choose to stay there. 


β€œAgent Covington, do you copy? I repeat, agent Covington do you copy?” My walkie-talkie screamed from across the room. Blurry-eyed I searched the room for a familiar door handle, familiar desk, a familiar anything, but found none. At the crack of dawn, the strong winter sun had risen. Light-headed and confused I layed there staring at the plain office sky waiting for it to cave in and kill me. 


Ding, ding, ding. Pang, pang, pang. My head spun as I glanced around the room. My phone kept dinging and my head panging. β€œUghhh” I heard from across the room. Terrified I whimpered, β€œ Who’s there?” β€œWho are you?!” They screamed back. A loud crash came from across the room. β€œOffic- Covin- on ar uo there?” I heard someone say. I ran out of the room leaving the mysterious voices behind. I found myself stranded on a long hallway, more lost than ever. I kept turning and turning, everything looked the same. I eventually went in a large circle. I found an apple on the ground and against my better judgment took a fat, juicy, bite out of it. Disgusting I thought to myself as I saw the horror inside. Brown and rotten. I screamed and threw the apple across the hall. 


The ceiling never caved in and it never killed me. It should've, I deserved to be crushed by the drywall. A strange voice echoed from across the room. I couldn’t make out the figure, but I suspected I knew them. They whimpered terrified, β€œ Who’s there?” Angry at the world and myself, I yelled back at them β€œ Who are you?!” Even though I knew. Their footsteps echoed through the hall as they turned and ran. Alone. Again. God, I deserve it, but I wish I didn’t. 


Drenched in blood I made my way to the street. The snow from the last night was still knee-deep and barely melting. I started crying. Hours later I was almost frozen. I had to keep going, not sure to whom I was going to, but someone needed me. I could feel it. A warm breeze blew over me as I opened the door to a rundown gas station. I had $1.50 on me. I could only purchase a candy bar and hot cocoa, but it felt amazing to eat something solid. 


Sighing and feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders, I got up. I retrieved my walkie-talkie and found it dead. I took one last look around the room and left. I found a snow trail the other person had left behind. I followed it. I ended up at a gas station and entered. I saw a kid alone in a corner and he looked bloody, but I was too tired to tell. I purchased a hot coffee and protein bar. I sat a few tables away from the kid. His back to me I could sense I should talk to him. I made my way over to him and tapped his shoulder. Startled and wide-eyed he screamed and ran out the door. I tried to follow him, but the trail eventually let out. 


Panting, I stopped and the man was no longer following me. Relief washed over me as I had escaped. I had felt a weird connection to the man but also felt unsure around him. If he needs to find me he will. Until then, I'm getting as far away as possible. 


Cursing myself for scaring the kid I run the facts of what happened at Sounds.Inc. I was placed there as a fake employee by the FBI, to explore and see if our theories were true. If our suspicions were correct then Sounds.Inc was holding over 50 kids captive. We were right, they were holding kids captive, but I only found one. Where was my brother? He should have been there. I don’t even remember what he looked like. He was only 4. I wanted to scream at the universe for all of it. I lost my brother, I needed to be the one to get him back.  


Three train rides later I am in New York City. I plan to continue and make it to Seattle. I have no money and no plan to get there. I fell asleep under the stars and awoke to the smell of smoke. Cigarette smoke to be precise. Coughing, I looked up at the man smoking. He asked, β€œ Kid, what’s your name?” That's when it hit me. I didn’t know. β€œUmm”, I stammered. He looked scary. I got up and ran again. He chased me for blocks. I turned down an alley and watched him, wiz, past me. I continued running in the opposite direction. My brain kept questioning itself. God, what was my name? Did I have one? Did I have a family? What had happened to me? 


Helpless, useless, and alone I stared at the sky. Wondering if he was too. Maybe he was looking at the same bright night sky, misted with the pollution of Seattle. Maybe he was in Seattle. I could find him. I dreamed of the day he’d be in my arms again. I would never let him go again. 


The sun was up so I was up. Truth be told I am terrified. How many men are trying to chase me? Did I do something wrong? Ethan. β€œOh my god!” I screamed with glee. Ethan. Ethan was my name and I was sure of it. I had a brother too. Emanuel Covington. OH MY GOD. I ran away from my brother. TWICE. Why, why, why. I would not let it happen a third time. 


Oh, Ethan, you were so young and innocent. You didn’t deserve it. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have left you all by yourself. 


January 17, 2021 19:02

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Also, thank you so much for liking all my stories Sophia!!!!!!


18:32 Jan 19, 2021

Of course! I read them all to lol. They were all amazing of course.


18:35 Jan 19, 2021

We should do a story collab one day.


19:05 Jan 19, 2021

You hit 400 followers!!! Also, that would be so fun. We definitely should.


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Hey Eleanor! Honestly, this was such an amazing story! I really am looking forward to a Part 2 for this story! Amazing job! :)


16:08 Jan 19, 2021

Hey, Laila! I am in huge shock right now. Ahh this can't be happening! Thank you so much! I will definitely write a part 2! Hopefully we can become friends! Thanks again.


Your welcome Sophia! (Sophia, or Eleanor? What can I call you?)


16:12 Jan 19, 2021

I love the name Eleanor, but my real name is Sophia. What ever you prefer is fine!


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16:13 Jan 19, 2021

You'd prefer to be called Laila rather than Haripriya correct?


16:19 Jan 19, 2021

Okay! Also I still can not believe this is happening lol.


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16:21 Jan 19, 2021

Hey I also have some questions on how you built your website. Do you have an email or some way I could contact you so I don't spam your page with comments. My email is eleanoreclipse56@gmail.com if you don't feel comfortable putting it out on your page.


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19:56 Jan 17, 2021

Hey, guys! I if you have read this story you are probably confused. It switches between both the characters. I am not sure how clear that was. Also, I left it open with the possibility of a part 2. Let me know if you would want one! Thanks!


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Amanda Lieser
15:30 Jan 21, 2022

Hi Sophia, I really enjoyed the descriptions in this story. I thought that you did a great job building the mystery through this piece. Some of the beginning of this story was a bit confusing, but I imagine it’s partially on purpose since there’s a lot that’s not revealed until you get to the end. This is certainly a piece better enjoyed the second time around. Thank you for writing this piece!


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Kemani Grey
13:04 Jan 25, 2021

I can be an emotional wreck so do me a favor and don't keep me in suspense, I'm literally dying here!! I was pretty sure you were a famous published author or something. Your use of words is beyond amazing and had me on the edge of my seat! Please I need more of your work!


13:43 Jan 25, 2021

Hi Nashira! I am currently working on a part 2 and it should be posted this week. Thank you so much I can promise i'm not some famous author I just turned 14 lol.


Kemani Grey
18:21 Feb 01, 2021

OMG! Well you're a damn good writer for someone so young! Glad we have that in common! I'm almost 15!


18:24 Feb 01, 2021

Haha, I love finding more young writers as well! Your crazy talented. :)


Kemani Grey
18:35 Feb 01, 2021

So are you!


18:47 Feb 01, 2021

Thanks! Would you like to be a character in a story of mine?


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WHATTTTTT!!!! The twists and turns in this were crazyyyyy!!!! It was an interesting turn on the prompt where you made it the character's choice to stick around instead of because they were trapped. Another amazing story Eleanor!! Nice job!!


02:58 Jan 22, 2021

I literally have no words. You are the sweetest person ever. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Of courseeeee!! You totally deserve it!! More people need to read your writing!!


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