Fiction Romance Drama


There are various ways to tackle challenges in life. One may prescribe a strategy that has helped them before or they find suitable towards a certain challenge.

Lucas is working at the coffee shop serving customers on his day-to-day life. Penny is a singer and model, she is widely exposed to many people who are wealthy and have a very good reputation. Together Lucas and Penny have been working towards their dreams.

These two didn't have this life before. It was the consistency and belief that made them get this far. Despite their small challenges they always had it working for them.Lucas was the engine of the whole thing, whereas Penny the driver behind the wheel. Given those roles the relationship they had was in motion.

Relationships aren't as easy as they seem to be, there are ups and downs. Nevertheless, what is a relationship without the best of both worlds.

Chapter 1

Lucas is sitting on the couch watching TV after working his day shift. He looks around him the house feels empty and lonely. His hand rushes on his pocket and grabs his smartphone device. He starts scrolling through social media as he was swiftly rushing through his home page he saw a post of his girlfriend Penny and many comments about her having an affair with her boss. Lucas didn't believe that was true so he denied what the comments were telling him.

He puts his phone down and continues watching TV. Although distracting the content on the TV went to the topic of infidelity and it brought up the thoughts in his mind "What if my girlfriend is really cheating on me?"It was unsettling for him so he started panicking and sweating. His anxiety was beyond what he would imagine.

Time on the clock across the wall wasn't something he pays attention to, but today he was fixated on it like he was on a mission. The next tick on a clock 19:19 was simultaneously met by a knock on the door. He rushed up to the door and opened it. Only to find out it was a colleague from work whom he less expected to see. "Diana, come in" She walks in with a grin on her face. He directs her to a couch not to distant from his and walks to the kitchen and fetches something to drink for his uninvited guest.

He comes back and serves her with a smile on his face. Diana with gratitude on her face "Thank you Lucas... I thought I will find you with your significant other, where is she?" Lucas with a shrill voice responded "She should be on her way home now, I am pretty sure she's still caught up with one of her friends or something." Diana

with a smirk on her face "I would believe so too, but what do you think about the current rumors that are being spread on social media about her?" Lucas looks at Diana intently, but with a little irritaion of which he hid under his smile "I don't think my girlfriend would do such a thing. I know she loves me so much. I know this might sound crazy, but she never would betray me.I trust her." Diana responded politely "I understand, it's none of my business I was just concerned because this didn't seem like it was just a rumor to me especially the way it was too detailed. It was like the person who sent that comment knows that she's involved in something of this particular." Lucas's pupils dilated as the stress and anxiety levels increased. He looked at the clock it was now 19:45. He didn't respond to Diana instead he stood up and asked to be excused. Diana left as he was about to leave she added" The Agenda of today's meeting wasn't about your girlfriend, but I wanted to give you your coat back... " as she pulled it out from the plastic she carried"... You left it in a locker room."Lucas looked drained, but he smiled and said" Thank you Diana, you are for keeps. Have yourself a goodnight, I on the other side have something to deal with." She smiled and walked out.

Penny hasn't come back yet, it's now 20:00...

Chapter 2

At exactly 20:20 she walked in with noise of both male and female friends that she left behind the door. Lucas is sitting on a couch trying to calm himself down from his frustrations and all the anxiety he was facing within himself. Penny goes to him with a smile and tries to kiss him he moves away. She asked politely with a frown "What is it? You don't want me to kiss you anymore?" Lucas blasted "Not while you are busy kissing other men!" Penny seems to be confused "What are you talking about? What other men have I kissed?" Lucas diverts from the question "Where are you coming from this late!?You are never this late. You are having an affair with your boss huh? Does he treat you better than I do? Do you love him?" She looks frustrated now and angry "You are accusing me of cheating on you and haven't even heard my side of the story. You are being naive. You don't even know what really happened. Why not ask politely so I can tell you what really happened?" Lucas looks away and stands up "I'm going out for a walk..." Angrily slams the door behind him.

In a few minutes as he was walking he received a phone call from Penny he answered "Come back home, come so we can talk about this before..." He drops the call before she finishes talking. He breaths in the fresh breeze that was outside. He wasn't too far from his house so he went back after a few minutes of fresh air. He was now calm and clearly in a good space to talk. He walked in and sat on the couch.

Penny was a little angry, but she kept calm too.They knew that being angry isn't going to give them any solution so they started apologizing to each other for irrational behaviors and opened a communication ground that was healthy for them to talk.

Penny started "What is going on?" Lucas responded "You tell me..." She added "Come on now you aren't being helpful here, I need to have something more solid if there's a way forward" He replied with a serious look on his face "The comments on Instagram say that you are having an affair with your boss, can you please explain that to me" Penny keeps quite a bit and looks at Lucas in his eyes "Do you trust me?" Lucas responds immediately after those words "Of course I do, I do trust you." She added "Do you think that is true? What they say about me?" Lucas responded "I am not sure what to believe, that's why I am giving you what I have received. Tell me something that I can be able to withhold " Penny stands up and goes to fetch a diary book where she writes her stuff "Okay Lucas, you can withhold almost everything I've written about my plans and future goals here.It is the reason why I have asked you if you trust me.Take your time and read from the first page" Lucas seems to not like the idea of reading but he ends up accepting the diary "I will read, but I will come back for more questions, because I might need some clarity" She smiled and kissed him on the forehead and said "You'll never know until you really find out"

Chapter 3

He went to work with this diary, he read it while he was still free and smiled at the romantic things that Penny had written about him and how she valued him so much. It was until he read the near end pages that he saw that there was a problem with how he had been acting when challenges occurred. He realized that he has been ignorant and haven't been listening to her. He felt the need to talk to her so he highlighted the things he felt like he wanted more clarity on.

He took a break from reading and left off to do his work.

Penny on the otherside is very determined into making sure that all these rumors about her aren't destroying her love life as well as career reputation. It was beginning to cause her discomfort when she's around her boss because of what has been posted. She felt isolated from her colleagues and friends since she trusted no one anymore. Doing practical research helped her to know who to come clean to or who to stay away from. It was a busy day as she's supposed to go for several photoshoots and compose new songs for the upcoming album she's been working towards. It was no longer the same as this affair rumor was still trending in her feild, but she kept a positive spirit and worked harder.

Late at 17:17 she reported that she's going home to her boss of which has been observing her concerned about how she's handling the rumors and work. He also apologized if this matter and the way he behaves around her brought attention for her. Even though it wasn't she said "it's fine... I'll finish my work at home." She called Lucas to check if he's already home and what to bring for dinner she couldn't get hold of him so she bought what she thought was right.

Chapter 4

Getting home she found no one there she puts the take away in the microwave and heads straight to the bedroom to take a nap. Minutes later at 17:45 Lucas walked in also bringing flowers to make it up to his beloved girlfriend. He noticed that she's already home by the bag on the parcel counter and walked straight to the bedroom he found her sleeping so he just covered her with a blanket and went off to watch TV. Two hours later she woke up and took a shower she went to the sitting room where Lucas was watching TV. She kissed him and told him that she loves him. He smiled and walked to where he left the flowers and said "I love you too" while presenting them to her. She looked happy and took the flowers.

They prepared for dinner and started talking about the matters in which were highlighted by Lucas in Penny's diary.

Lucas said "I have and understood your feelings about my behaviors and I acknowledge the source of your suffering. I am not going to shy away but to delve in this matter as your partner and share my feelings with you. I feel like there are many things taking place in our lives and that you are also finding it difficult to cope with me. I believe that we need some space to deal with our emotional traumas since we haven't healed properly. I don't know what you think, but I think that is what can help us deal with this unresolved tension within ourselves. "

Penny takes a huge deep breath and starts to say" I think a psychologist is going to help us to deal with this matter I mean we both can afford one and it's not like all these things we don't know what to do when they come. I understand that you want space, but I think therapy will really help us." Lucas nodded and said "I am going to see a psychologist alone and so are you, most importantly I need space" Penny felt like she didn't have much of a choice, but to let Lucas decide on what he wanted so she said "Fine...I'll be waiting for you then, so how do we do with this space thing " Lucas added" I'll be away for a month trying to heal and I'll keep in touch with you." Penny responded "I'll try to find solitude within myself and heal too. I might not like the idea of space, it'll be your word against mine if I force my ways to you."

The end...

January 03, 2021 14:17

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