Creative Nonfiction Teens & Young Adult Thriller

Illumination of Mind

 “What should I do now? Should I go?... Gauri murmured to herself.

Let’s time travel back to old Indian society. The society where minds of people were barnacled with dark shadows of social evils such as dowry system, male dominance, child marriage, sati system, veil system and no woman education which were blocking the path of rays of true humanity and equality. Gauri, an innocent, caring and responsible woman, lived with her loving husband and obedient son, Sachin, in a small village. Like other females she never went to school and was married at a young age. She respected the rituals and laws of the society blindly and never felt them wrong. One day, Gauri’s husband happily returned from field.

“Gauri, Gauri..where are you?”He cried out.

“Yes, coming with the dinner.”

“Oh, no not now. You just be quick, I have a great news to share.”

“Yes, why are you so......”

“No, time to answer whys. Hmm... Do you remember when I mentioned one day that a new structure is building near the river?”

“Yes, I do remember. What is it?”

“Any guesses...”

“No” she said casually.

“The thing is a government official today announced that a day after tomorrow there will be a grand opening of the first english medium school in our village affiliated to an Indian educational organisation working in London. Sachin is at a perfect age to start his long voyage of education.”

“Oh that’s great our Sachin will definitely be a talented professional business man, one day but the fees will be too high. How can we...”

“Oh, God has given a great solution the trusties of the school came up with a beneficiary idea that Sarpanch (the head of village) has to choose any 20 families who can avail a benefit of free education for first five years and very nominal charges after that and...”

“What? Did our Sachin is also selected? Are we one of those 20 families?”

“Have patience dear. I gave my name today in the morning to the committee and straight coming from the results that....we are one of those lucky family. Sachin will study in that school and at no cost till five years.”

“Hurray, amazing news” Gauri exclaimed.

“Tomorrow, I will fill the form and my son will get an admission. Now let’s relish the dinner.”

This journey was a turning point not only for Sachin but for Gauri also.

The first day for school came. Everyone woke early than usual, Sachin was dressed in the new stitched uniform and his father packed his bag as Gauri do not know what happens in school exactly. Gauri prepared his tiffin box with his favourite and mouth watering dish and a cute water bottle.

Sachin’s father and Sachin went to a start new academic life with at most excitement.

In the afternoon Gauri was eagerly waiting at the door for her son. Soon she saw little infant steps approaching to her happily and dancing. When Sachin and his father entered the house she ran to hug Sachin and appreciate his endeavours in sitting quietly and attentively listening the teacher. After eating lunch her husband left for fields and Sachin mentioned each and every minute detail of his new adventure. Gauri listened to every word with great fascination. Soon days past and Sachin started asking the meaning of words or way of writing the letters to Gauri wherever he stuck in studies but she never went to school knows nothing and gets disappointed onher helplessness whenever he asks her. He also use to tell the great knowledge his female teacher in school, who came from city, has. All these incidents lighted a fire inside Gauri’s mind to study and be educated.

“Beta, I request you to teach me. I also want to have some basic knowledge.” Gauri pleaded.

“Mummy, I am also learning but certainly I will share every information or learning shared in the class. I promise to you. We will study together nowards.” Sachin replied confidently.

Listening this Gauri was on cloud nine she kissed her son and firmly decided to obey her new guru.

As promised, daily Sachin taught her mother something new and interesting concepts. Gauri use to learn them by heart. Gradually as Sachin reached higher classes new subjects such as Civics, Geography, history were introduced into Sachin’s curriculum which enlightened Gauri’s mind to the current situation of her society and evils which were performed and was strangely unknown to them. She came to know her rights, which were never provided to her, and her duties towards nation which cannot be fulfilled by her only men can.

Today, God wanted to test all her learnings. Sachin got severe fever. Gauri was taking his care but she felt that medicines were over and Sachin is suffering from a very high fever. This brings us to the day were story started. Who will bring the medicines? Because women were not allowed to go out of house except to fetch water. Straight to well and back to home through a defined path and no where else. Going on medical store and buying medicines was a fascinating dream for women. But this dream has to be true today for Gauri to save her child’s life. Will she be able to break the chains of social evils which were stopping them? She was in a huge dilemma all the lessons of political science given by Sachin were moving in her mind. Terminologies such as equality, discrimination, gender bias, women inferiority were provoking her to go to the chemist. Sachin’s father will also return late today.

Somehow by mustering all her courage and learnings in mind. She finally left the house and step after step her feet were badly shaking. Few days back, a new chemist came for lunch and while advertising for his medical store he mentioned the way to his store. Gauri remembered this as she reached the medical store everyone was amazed.

“Please, give these medicines written on the prescription” she said in a trembling voice.

“Okay, give me” the chemist said.

These words boosted Gauri’s confidence, she expected a rebuff, as the chemist was from city unknown from rules of village.

Suddenly the assistant angrily exclaimed, “How dare you Come out of house?”

“S..so.sorry....” Gauri said.

The female teacher was passing through the store at this time but stopped listening this quarrel.

“Why not she can come out of house? Today females are working in field and owing shops bigger than you.” Teacher braced Gauri.

“But for what others do we can not break our laws.” assistant argued.

“Laws..what kind of laws which do not give a lady her freedom to roam in her own village. Set on fire on those laws. Woman is born free to live free.” Teacher kept her views.

“You are such an unscrupulous woman” assistant replied.

Thereafter a long repartee continued between teacher and assistant.

By observing all the strength of teacher Gauri also decided to fight against unjust. Meanwhile she got medicines profusely thanked teacher and returned home.

In night when her husband returned he was enraged but strong and determined Gauri gradually made him understand and from that day she was now no more an inferior and discriminated woman rather an aware one with all powers to eradicate the evils of society.

Darkness is not just absence of light but also absence of rights and true human values and can be enlightened by education and awreness. Like her Gauri travelled from darkness to light by being aware.

This remembers a quote by Gina Barreca

Maturity understands that there’s darkness in the world but that there’s no need to dwell in it: we can lighten up and offer illumination to others.”

- Bodhini Jain

May 08, 2021 03:11

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Anant Jain
03:30 May 08, 2021

Perfectly written


Bodhini Jain
09:35 May 12, 2021

Thank you


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Vidhya Gram
09:36 May 12, 2021

The plot is interesting


Bodhini Jain
09:41 May 12, 2021

Thank you


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