African American Fiction Holiday


Hi, I'm Rose Geraldson and am an African American living in Los Angeles. I have a bakery shop that has been running for two years now and things were going great until he came,my rival since catering school, like why does he have to open to a bakery shop just a few blocks before mine. He comes from a wealthy home and could open he's bakery shop any where in Los Angeles. I really thought this December was going to be a December to remember but I guess not.

Mason's POV

I finally will get to see her again although am pretty sure she wouldn't want to see me as we were rivals in catering school at least that's what she says but I always really liked her as she was beautiful and really different from other girls I have met. Rose was really the first person not to look at me and care about my family's wealth.

I tried to make her talk with me but she never did until I began to irritate her a little. I really didn't mean it though but she took offence and raised her voice at me,so I went with the flow.


"Good morning Sam" Rose greeted her friend and worker Sam.

"Have you bought the new Oven yet because if it's this oven here you plan to use to win this year's annual festival, we are sure not to finish baking until midnight"Sam replied

"Oh my gosh Sam stop exaggerating and no I haven't been able to gather enough money yet but don't worry I will buy it Sam". I said.

"I knew that will be your reply that's why I have come up with an amazing idea. Now sit."Sam replied

I sat down sceptical about Sam's idea as he's ideas always push me over the edge."So I was thinking and came to the conclusion that since you don't have money to buy a new oven I thought we can join hands with another bakery shop"Sam said

"Who are we going to join hands with as every bakery in town wants to win this year's annual festival". I replied Sam.

"See this year's festival is unlike the other past years as some celebrities are going to give the winner a cash price of ten thousand dollars and a 3 years contract to supply pastries every Thanksgiving and Christmas to the Children at Los Angeles City Hospital and that is a big contract Rose that we cannot afford to lose". Sam finally finished his long speech.

"I knew that already Sam just tell me who you want us to join hands with already". I said really tired of him bitting round the bush.

"Mason's Campbell".Sam said

"Hahahaha,oh my goodness I thought I just heard you say Mason's name".

"Well I did say his name".Sam said

"Well,no thank you".

"Listen to me girl, right now you need to suck it up and go present this offer to him and from what I've heard the guy never did anything wrong to you. It's not he's fault he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth ok".Sam said really angry that Rose tends categories all rich people as the same due to her past.

"You are right".I replied

"Of course am right girl,now let's get back to work".Sam said really feeling himself.


So am currently waiting for Mason to arrive a just outside his bakery

"Well, this is certainly a good morning". Mason said just after coming out of his black slick Range rover.

"Good morning Mr Campbell"I replied

"Mr Campbell wow,So what do I owe this visit Rossy". Mason said while walking into his office.

I followed him and was immediately awestruck by the big bakery shop and the interior design. He even has he's own office.

"It's Rose and am here for a business proposal". I replied

"Hmm,let me guess. It's about this year annual festival right?". Mason said

"I will go straight to the point then since you already have an idea. I want us to join hands together and apply for the holiday festival as a team and if we end up winning you will get 30% of the money and equal supplying of pastries to the Los Angeles City Hospital. So what do you say?"I replied not wasting anytime

"Good deal but I don't want that?"Mason said

"What do you want Mason,why do you always have to be difficult". I replied

"I'm not been difficult Rossy because no business man will accept a 30% deal for such an offer."Mason said sounding all calm while I was seriously feeling nervous for no reason.

"Ok, what do you want then?.

"Three dinner dates is all I want'. Mason said

"Why will I go on a date with you".

"Well you need my help to win and I know you are an excellent bakery but without the necessary baking tools you can't quite win and not to brag am great at baking too."He said really confidently.

"Why do you want to go out with me".

"You will find out tomorrow evening 7pm sharp."


"Arggh, I really hates he's guts". I told Sam as I entered the shop

"What did he say?"Sam asked

"He said he doesn't want anything just three dinner dates". I replied Sam

"What?" "Exactly my reaction like why will he want to go on a date with me as we were rivals in school and even now we are still competing".I asked Sam as I didn't understand either.

"He likes you silly".Sam replied

"I don't think so, I think he has an ulterior motive". I said why Sam just shakes his head.


I wore a simple blue dress as I waited for Mason at my bakery shop only for him to arrive and direct us into his bakery shop.

"Unbelievable, I taught you said we're going out for dinner"

"I figured out you will be more comfortable at a bakery rather than a restaurant and we can start preparing for the festival."He explained himself while looking rather unsure for the first time since I've known him.

"Great let's start then". We finished at 10pm and started eating the pizza we ordered when he decided to drop the bomb on me

"I am in love with you Rose and I have always been and will always be in love with you".He said it really plain not even sugar coating it. He continued by saying he's not asking me to reciprocate he's feeling but he felt I should know and give him a chance during these dates and if by the end of the third date, I still don't have any feelings for him,he will not push it.

I got home and I wasn't able to sleep as I knew that he was like those rich people who looked down on others. The truth was that in school he was really nice to everyone and once I saw him give lots of cookies to orphanage. I just always disliked rich people because my mom was not accepted by my so called father's family because she was an orphan who had nothing to offer in marriage to their son and even after she told him she was pregnant he said he was never going to marry her and she was just a fling. So he gave her money to abort the baby. My mom suffered in the hands of wealthy people until her death.

I still don't know if I can trust Mason yet but let's watch out.


I squeezed he's hand as they announced the winner of this year's holiday baking contest festival.

"The winner of this year holiday baking festival goes to Fresh Rose bakery!!!".

"Oh my God! Rose we won".Sam exclaimed.

I was so happy that I could not even shout all I could do was to hug Mason really tight.

"I love you too Mason and I'm ready to give us a chance."

"Yes! and I love you too". Mason exclaimed as he hugged me really tight lifting me up in the air and grinning ear to ear.


December 05, 2020 16:23

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