Contemporary Drama Fiction

Jonas Cripps is a shy person. He comes in contact with so many people. He works for a small ad agency. When working for a small business, everybody knows everybody's business. Jonas is a type of person who likes to stay to himself. Even though his co-workers be gossiping around him. Today at work, Sarah was talking about another co-worker, Betsy, on how fat she is and she needs to go on a diet. Betsy has a secret crush on Bobby, another co-worker. Jonas was sitting at his desk and hearing this, and it was getting on his nerves. Jonas couldn't wait to get home., where it was quiet most of time, but his tuxedo cat, Moxley, can be very noisy by meowing when he was hungry. Jonas loves to cuddle with his cat and talk to him. He wanted to slap the living daylights out of Sarah .Who do she thinks she is? The next day at work, Jonas saw Sarah and Betsy talking. Sarah was acting like she's Betsy's best friend. They were discussing forming a book club that meets every month. Betsy loves to read cozy mysteries, and Sara loves YA Contemporary and fantasy (fairy tales retelling). Sarah's favorite Fairy tales retelling is "Heartless" by Marissa Meyer. Betsy's favorite book is "Meet Your Baker" by Ellie Alexander. Jonas was rolling his eyes at Sarah. How can she be so friendly with Betsy and behind her back talking about her so badly? You can't trust them, and that's why I stay to myself. Jonas couldn't wait until the weekends he can start binge watching "Monk". Jonas stopped by the grocery store on his way home to pick up groceries for the weekend. He plans to get everything that he needs so he doesn't have to leave the house this weekend. Jonas was in the line waiting to check his groceries and heard Bobby, his co-worker talking about Betsy; He was told by Sarah that Betsy has a secret crush on him. How disgusting is that? Does she really think that I would be interested in her, ugh? Bobby is unaware that Jonas was listening to his entire conversation. Jonas is finally home and ready to unwind and get ready to watch "Monk" "wow" 8 seasons and 125 episodes. I don't think that I will complete this weekend. Its Monday again, oh man, what happened to my weekend, it went by so quick. Back to Gossip World. Jonas has a big presentation to present to his boss about a new product. Jonas heard snickering in the background as he was giving his presentation. He glanced over and saw Sarah and Bobby with a surprised look. Jonas continued with giving his presentation. Boy, what a rough day at work. Jonas got home from work and called his father. Jonas was close to his father. They talk normally every Sunday afternoon, but he needed to talk to someone about what's been going on at work. Jonas's father could tell that he was down about it. His father told him just try to ignore it and keep your focus on your job. Jonas' father is the type of person who likes to keep the peace. I guess my dad is right. Just stay out of the office gossip, Jonas went back to work the next day and did what his father told him somewhat. He couldn't help but overhear Betsy and Sarah making plans to set up their book club. Jonas was so disgusted with what Sarah is doing to Betsy. How can she stand up there with Betsy, pretending to be her so called best friend? Jonas had an idea that came to his mind. I can buy a journal and write how & what I am feeling. That would be a great idea; Jonas went to Barnes and Noble when he got off work. It's been a very long time since Jonas been to Barnes and Noble. It bought his mind back to when he was a little boy. It reminded him of how much he loves to read books. He also used to have a journal he recorded everything that was going on. He remembered that he didn't write in it every day. Jonah's favorite books that he loved to read when he was a little boy were: "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain. There are a lot of journals to choose from, most of them were expensive, meaning over $15, huh, maybe, I should have gone to Walmart and got the Exceed Hardcover Journal, which is only $9.99, I think. Well, I am here at Barnes and Noble and not planning to go nowhere but home when I leave here. Wow, what a variety of journals to choose from. I don't which one to choose. Jonah's mind was all over the time, like a kid that doesn't know what to do? It was a tough decision to make. Jonah has got the Dark Brown Leather Journal with Flap and Latch Closure and a pack of three Catalina Felt-Tip Fine Point Pens. Jonah couldn't believe that he spent close to $50 dollars for Journal and pack of felt-tip pens. Heck, you only have one life to live, enjoy it. Jonah loves the smell of the newness of the journal. He was thinking to himself, this journal is too expensive for me to write in it. "Why am I thinking like that, nut? A journal is what you write your thoughts in. Jonah wrote an introduction page: I got this journal to write in to record my feelings, what's going on around me daily (what I hear, see, and smell). I can also write in this journal about what I want to say to people but don't have the nerves to say to them face to face. I hate my work environment, all the gossip that I hear about people.

Jonas's Journal Entries:

Sarah and Betsy

Bobby's phone conversation at the grocery store

His Presentation at work

I am just so tired of Bobby and Sarah talking about Betsy.I wish that choke the life out of them. Betsy is a sweet and easy-going person, and she's willing to help anyone that needs it, Betsy thinks that wrench Sarah is her friend but she's not, I can't stand this. I got to put an end to this, once and for all. I got to step up and be a man, stop being afraid to speak what's on my mind. I absolutely hate those two, Bobby and Sarah. Your day is coming and I am going to blow y'all out of the water. Hey, Sarah, Bobby, and Betsy, can we talk for a minute?

January 14, 2021 06:09

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