Fiction Suspense

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Diary Dearest, 

Today is my birthday. And YOU are my present. I asked for a Barbie with different outfits to change up but I guess you will do. Nobody talks to me here or even at school so now I can tell YOU EVERYTHING! And you can’t say go away or call me Smelly Kelly or push me into the basketball pole on the playground. I asked Daddy for chocolate cake for my birthday but he said no. He says no to everything. He’s just the worst. AND he’s drinking again. I hate when he drinks because his face gets extra red and angry. I bet he doesn’t even know I turned 9 today. 

Diary Dearest, 

I made a friend today. She’s a new girl at school. Her name is Maria and she’s so nice to me! She’s so pretty too. Her hair is brown and curly and I wish my hair was curly too. She is super smart and can read any book in the library if she wanted to but mostly she likes books about horses. I told her I have a horse and it’s white so it looks like a unicorn and her name is Daffodil. I told her I can ride Daffodil any time I want and my brother can’t because he’s too mean. Like Daddy. They both don’t get to ride Daffodil but if I had a mom I bet she would be sweet as pumpkin pie and I would let her ride Daffodil. She would teach me how to braid hair and we could braid Daffodils tail. 

Diary Dearest, 

I sat with Maria again at lunch today and you will never believe what she did! She put a brownie on Jackie’s seat right before she sat down when nobody was looking and so it looked like Jackie made a huge mess in her pants and then EVERYONE was laughing and Jackie was crying and it was hilarious!! Nobody saw her do it except me and I didn’t tell on her even when Mrs. Shultz got crazy angry and told the class we HAD to tell her who did it. Zip it lock it put it in your pocket. That’s what I told Maria and then we laughed and laughed! I’m so glad Maria is my friend. She looks out for me. But I can’t ask her to come over. I don’t want her to meet Daddy. He smashed up the TV last night and then got angry that I didn’t clean it up fast enough. Charlie just stayed in his room and pretended he didn’t hear it. 

Diary Dearest, 

Me and Maria had fun again at school today. You know how our coat rack is right by the bathrooms in the hall? Well Maria thought it would be funny if we took Danny’s lunch box after recess and really quick went into the bathroom and dunked it in the toilet then put it back. At lunch he couldn’t even eat anything in his lunchbox because it smelled like toilets and was so gross! Danny tripped me in gym class yesterday and I hit my elbow so hard I cried and the other kids thought it was funny. But Maria didn’t laugh. She just looked at Danny and I KNEW she was hatching a plan. Sometimes I wonder if Maria was kicked out of her last school. She sure can get her paybacks to kids. But I don’t care. She’s my friend. 

Diary Dearest, 

Maria keeps asking to come over. I keep saying no but she may just follow me home one of these days. And then what if she asks Charlie about Daffodil and he’s all like who is Daffodil. She has to stay away. And maybe Daddy will be drunk too. No. She can’t come here. I hope she’s not mad at me. 

Diary Dearest, 

Well just like I knew, Maria followed me home anyway. She said she didn’t care what my house looked like or if Daddy was home, she’d hide and he wouldn’t see her anyway. So I said fine. But if he comes out swearing and hitting just run, like I do. She said she would and I believed her. And she did! Daddy was being rotten, Charlie was locked up in his room again ignoring it all, and then Maria left to go home and I got in bed to write and go to sleep. Goodnight! 

Diary Dearest, 

Maria came home with me again today. She said she doesn’t mind how Daddy is, she has a plan anyway. So I wondered what her plan was, but she wouldn’t tell me. Daddy was passed out on the couch when we got home. Charlie wasn’t around. Then Maria went into the kitchen and got one of the big knives from the drawer. She was smiling and then all of a sudden she just cut up Daddy’s throat and cut cut cut and there was red everywhere just like Daddy’s face when he drinks too much and gets angry. But Maria was smiling. She took the knife to the sink and washed it real good then asked me to show her where the shed was in the yard. I showed her and she buried the knife under the shed in the back real deep. Said nobody would look there anyway. Then we heard Charlie screaming so Maria said she’d see me in school tomorrow and ran off home and I went inside. Charlie was still screaming and then asked why I was laughing. I didn’t even know I was. Then the cops came and Charlie said he got home and found Daddy like that and that when I got home after him I must have been in shock to see Daddy like that. I know Maria won’t tell. Because best friends zip it lock it put it in my pocket. 

Diary Dearest, 

Maria wasn’t in school today. Nobody even seemed to notice she was gone but me. Me and Charlie stayed with Aunt Brenda last night. She’s really nice to us kids. She said we didn’t have to go to school today and Charlie stayed with her but I said why wouldn’t I go? But now Maria is gone. It’s ok though. I bet Maria will come back when I need her. 

September 12, 2023 15:25

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Martin Ross
15:45 Sep 19, 2023

Fantastic dark horror, and the dead-on voice and structure added to the credible and devastating trajectory of the story. My 10-year-old granddaughter’s currently going through some unbelievable bully at the hands and instigation of one very frightening little girl. I wonder what voices are pushing this little psycho to stalk, troll, frame, and attack the self-esteem of my baby, and what home factors have spawned such gleeful cruelty. Your story resonated with me on the literary as well as personal levels.


Nina H
14:36 Sep 20, 2023

Aw, Martin, so sorry to hear about your granddaughter going through that. That’s such a difficult situation for everyone involved. I do hope it gets resolved quickly.


Martin Ross
15:19 Sep 20, 2023

Thanks so much — things melted doen yesterday, and this child may get the psychological help she needs. And Emma a chance at a happier school year. I don’t know how anyone writes YA or even tween fiction without navigating modern cruelty and darkness. I’m a cheerful soul today, aren’t I? Have a lovely and creative week! 😉❤️😊


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Michał Przywara
20:56 Sep 21, 2023

Very nice! I had a suspicion it might go down that path, but there were enough clues otherwise to make me wonder, like when she mentioned "Her hair is brown and curly and I wish my hair was curly too." Thus Maria isn't just an alternate personality, she's also aspirational - she's what Kelly wants to be. Likewise, her reluctance to "have Maria over" reinforced they were different people too. I wonder if there wasn't some fear there, if she was worried this idealized version of herself would find her wanting. Same with Daffodil. She was wor...


Nina H
22:38 Sep 21, 2023

Thanks for reading, Michał! Yes, you’ve picked apart a few layers of Kelly’s troubled personalities. She has a lot going on in her head, some she’s aware of and some maybe not. And nobody around her who cares enough to notice. Thanks again for taking the time to read and comment! 😄


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Dora Bona
08:40 Sep 21, 2023

Delicious story. Smatterings of Carrie peeking out from beneath that innocent facade. I think you did just right with the personality duality. At first there was no clue, but you've skillfully developed the character up to a satisfying crossroads where you just know... congrats, I loved it.


Nina H
12:53 Sep 21, 2023

I’ve only read King’s shorts, I’m too chicken for a novel like Carrie!! I’m so not a horror person 🤣 Thanks so much for the great feedback Dora! It was tricky giving just enough information to question Maria without telling too much. 😄


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Gregg Punger
00:43 Sep 20, 2023

Hello Nina, I really like this story. The diary technique is great, and a great twist at the end. I also like the hint that Maria is actually just one of the diary writers other personalities.


Nina H
14:32 Sep 20, 2023

Thanks, Gregg! Yes, I tried to be subtle but not TOO subtle with Maria’s real identity! Thanks so much for reading and commenting! 😄


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Marty B
22:54 Sep 17, 2023

A very dark story, proving violence and trauma begets violence and trauma.


Nina H
23:25 Sep 17, 2023

Spot on, Marty Thanks for reading :)


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Kevin Logue
07:40 Sep 16, 2023

This was really well done. The run on sentences made the narrative really child like even though the happenings were anything but. For me Maria is Kelly's guardian demon, but it's reflected in the father, inner demons coming to the surface when intoxicated. Although Kelly's was protection, the father's was self hatred. Lots of backstory told really smartly, Nina. The diary entries work so well. Great entry.


Nina H
10:51 Sep 16, 2023

A “guardian demon” - I like that, Kevin! And I’m glad you noticed the run-on sentences. I was trying to do just that: make it sound more child like in the telling. Thanks for reading!! 😄


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Mary Bendickson
01:23 Sep 15, 2023

Short on words long on meaning.


Nina H
23:24 Sep 17, 2023

thanks for reading, Mary!


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Delbert Griffith
14:51 Sep 14, 2023

Wow, Nina, you packed a LOT into a few words. We get a great idea of Kelly's life: no mom, an abusive drunk for a dad, a humble abode, a disinterested brother, a horse that doesn't exist. Being called Smelly Kelly because no one cares enough to have her keep up with general hygiene. You really said a lot about her lot in life. At some point, the poor girl snapped. Enter the alter ego, Maria. A survival mechanism if there ever was one. You have to feel pity for the kid; she didn't create the terrible life she inherited. She wanted a Barbie d...


Nina H
17:54 Sep 14, 2023

I was a little stuck with this week’s prompt, Del, then you suggested taking something innocent and making it … not. And Maria was born 😂 I wonder when she will strike again?!?


Delbert Griffith
18:21 Sep 14, 2023

Well, you did a sterling job with the prompt, my friend. I think the Kelly/Maria duality is a terrific premise, and ripe for more tales. You have a fully-fleshed-out Kelly to work with, and the blithe killer Maria. I congratulate you on your dark creation, Nina. Like all good writers, you write even when it doesn't come easily. Cheers!


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13:51 Sep 13, 2023

Wiooooo. 'Maria' . So innocently told, as written by a child. Creepy af! Nice little horror tale Nina.


Nina H
13:55 Sep 13, 2023

Am I guessing right that the quotes around Maria mean you caught on?? Best I could do this week - not my forté!!


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AnneMarie Miles
04:47 Sep 13, 2023

Seems to me like the story of how two psychopaths become friends 😂 I like how casually the murder is mentioned in there. The lack of description adds to the development of the MCs character, which is then supported by her not needing to stay home from school after her father's death. The whole tone of this is nonchalant but it's such a gruesome and dark topic, and it really works. I could see this being developed into a longer piece, expanding on the build up to Maria's brutality and on her background. I'm honestly curious to know a bit more...


Nina H
19:36 Sep 13, 2023

I tried giving subtle hints about Maria…maybe I was too subtle??


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AnneMarie Miles
23:12 Sep 13, 2023

I think the subtly was just enough. I wasn't insinuating that it was unexpected. The voice of the character just sounds very casual, meaning the MC is unbothered, attracted even, to the sinister nature of Maria.


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Murray Burns
18:03 Sep 12, 2023

Great story. Interesting, funny, suspenseful, and violent all wrapped up into one on tight, little package. Sadly, I imagine it would hit home for many readers. And...you get my vote for best bio.


Nina H
18:10 Sep 12, 2023

Thanks for the read, Murray! Maybe I need to add another tag to the story - I really didn’t even know what best described it 😂 And thanks for the bio vote!!! I’ve awarded myself Best Reedsy Bio 2023. Because why not? They can’t take it back if it doesn’t really exist 😝


Murray Burns
19:43 Sep 12, 2023

The best thing about self-created and self-bestowed awards is there are no limits. Last year I won my "Guy Who Likes Hot Fudge Sundaes the Most" award. This year I'm favored to take home a similar award in the Chocolate Chip Cookie category. It's a real self-esteem builder.


Nina H
20:01 Sep 12, 2023

Haha!! I heard the prize for “guy who likes hot fudge sundaes the most” award is a hot fudge sundae every Sunday. AND I heard the prize is transferable. Therefore I’ve taken the liberty of transferring said prize to myself. I may do the same with the cookie award, should you win it.


Murray Burns
14:03 Sep 13, 2023

I'm a little choked up about it, but last night I presented and received the (non-transferrable) "Lifetime Achievement Award for Most Hot Fudge Sundaes Consumed by a Human Being"....Ha!


Nina H
19:15 Sep 13, 2023

“Presented AND received” 😂 I hope your golden statuette of a spoon becomes the envy of your family and friends! Kudos!


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Chris Miller
18:01 Sep 12, 2023

Yep. That's a dark impulse alright. Nice use of an innocent voice and format to tell a grim tale. Thanks for sharing, Nina.


Nina H
18:18 Sep 12, 2023

Thank you for reading Chris! I feel like the contrast between innocence and violence can be a stark one. I appreciate your comments!


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Unknown User
10:06 Sep 14, 2023

<removed by user>


Nina H
10:12 Sep 14, 2023

Hey Joe! Perhaps there’s a dark Maria inside all of us waiting to come out? 😱 Thanks so much for the read!


Unknown User
10:17 Sep 14, 2023

<removed by user>


Nina H
10:26 Sep 14, 2023

It’s so very tempting to “unleash our Maria’s” sometimes! Maybe not to the extent Kelly does, but the initial ways more so? And speaking of morals, begs the question of whether we are born with them or if it’s a societal construct based on herd expectations for behavior? 🤔


Unknown User
10:41 Sep 14, 2023

<removed by user>


Nina H
10:51 Sep 14, 2023

Human psychology is a rabbit hole we can get lost in all day here I think! I see what you’re saying and can’t disagree. And speaking of being in tune with higher selves and the guiding universe, I need to sit back and explore your latest “behold” 😄


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Jill Murphy
10:22 Oct 11, 2023

Whenever it reads “UNKNOWN USER” it means user was removed from this site, either by choice or by force. User did not remove comment, even though it reads “REMOVED BY USER.”


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