The Police Came To The Conclusion That No Crime Took Place

Submitted into Contest #77 in response to: Set your story in a remote winter cabin with no electricity, internet, or phone service.... view prompt

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Drama Crime LGBTQ+

For all it lays, the snow just twist the arm of her. Spending days - no, weeks - above the herd that did it last to her. Open and lost she moves around the snowed spire of the cabin she just bought. Still, the current stays, as the snow cuddles her arm. Sweeping snow, always pushing inwards from the outward, turning everything white that once was gray, but what will remain?

She dreams her life away, every second a thing lays more on her as it already did in the past. No snow will make her disappear, despite being a dancing coward who tries to hide here in fear.

She always knew what to look for, especially as she looked for a place. When the coming winter reaches, she wants to go while the past stays here. She hoped the winter will make her disappear, a winter coward, wanting to clean the fear.

No ringing, no bell, no shout, no sounds to fear.

Nothing online, nothing electric, nothing taken, no images to fear.

Remember fate? Illusions break from the inside, not from the outside, and not everywhere you go is where you should be.

As she jumps of the spire into the deep snow, nothing is damaged that wasn't already damaged before. She walks forward like the snow rolls downward, her hands grab the snow like she has been grabbed before, and let it roll downwards. At the sea, the lake, she hasn't been before, the snow balled into three snowballs, she turns them into something she has seen before. Two bigger snow women and one small snow woman, nothing more can be displayed from her past, that past moment passed on like the sand of time.

In a police station a donut hit the coffee. Multiply donuts do the same with various forms of coffee. The cops were in a good mood, several bigger cold cases had been solved, and some cases took a surprising turn.

The sun is shining in this winter so Mac & Mac are able to enter their police car in their uniform with shorter sleeves. As long as they stayed out of the shadows they could easily walk around in this uniform without getting cold.

But as she looks, she just sees some scars, kicking at the two snow women - to no avail. Not much food, not much human contact, the human body is like the mind, frail after all. She only hurts herself as she focused on them, nothing really changed for her since her past.

He looks back and easily maneuvers the car out of the parking lot. "Where?" he asked Mac. "Down, left, straight, left, upwards" Mac answers Mac in a way only good colleagues can. "Maybe it will rain" Mac guess, but Mac answers with a simple "unlikely".

She beats those snow creatures up for 30 minutes now, but not only do they not get much damage, she started to hurt herself since she was 5 minutes in. Her right leg burns, like it never did before, she turns around and looks straight at the lake.

Mac looks at the folder.



"Nothing done."


"Was it ruled that way?"

"Yeah, she is innocent"



She tries to walk on the lake, walking on eggshells, being to scared that something may break, is something she felt before. Easily she can walk over it, frozen as it is, without much fear that it will break in.

Mac looks at the folder.



"Something done."


"Was it ruled that way?"

"Yeah, they are guilty."



She walks on her shells, as she did in the past, walks over and away from it, as she didn't in the past. She walks upwards, climbs upwards, back to where she came from.

The car enters the mountain. They look to the left and right.



"How long?"

"Not long."

"Then it's easy."


Upwards she walks, like nothing happened in the most recent past. She enters the house, happy to be alone, as she did in the past. There is a hole in the floor, she encircles it with stones, and fills it with wood. She lights the woods on fire, nothing eatable around, at least it looks like it.

Doors open. The Macs leave the car.





They walk through the snow drenched wind. 

"It doesn't rain."


She sits close to the fire, it warms her, something she isn't used to. The fire gets a little bigger, but she is still frozen from her past, her limbs can't move much.

Mac and Mac walk through the snow, upwards. The wind pressures them enough to give her more time until they are able to reach her.





They walk past a lake. Mac looks to the side. Mac looks to the side. Next to the lake is a small damaged snow woman, there as well seems to be a hole in the lake, just like someone broke through the ice on top of it.

The Macs walk past the lake, upwards to where they think the house might be. They reach it faster than they think. The wind calms down while they reach the house.

"Open.", Mac knocks at the door, but nothing answers.

"Open.", Mac knocks at the door, but this voice doesn't get an answer too.

Mac kicks. Door opens. She sits there.

"Here" says Mac and gives her the folder. "It is written here that you are innocent, and acted in self-defense. No need to worry, the police came to the concluded that no crime took place." The other Mac calms her down, or at least tries to. She doesn't say anything. She just turns around and looks at the policemen in shock. A few seconds goes by, but then she stood up and moves toward the Mac that gave her the folder. She has it in her hands.

"It was a tough case, but we are happy that we were able to solve it." One Mac starts. "Although, we really don't know how you made it look like that." The other Mac adds. Both Mac pull their guns on her. "We looked into it ourselves. It is our duty to help our sister and her girlfriend, this is what family is for." They look her deep in the eyes, shook their head, like disappointed parents, and shot her dead.

January 22, 2021 19:05

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1 comment

Kathy Allen
21:55 Jan 27, 2021

Wow. Absolutely beautiful descriptive writing. There are two or three grammar errors (but I found a typo in my own :). I can't say enough about this one. It's almost poetry. Great job.


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