Friendship Drama Fiction

This is a story about a young awkward, well attractive in his later twenties man.Who was a real cat boy. Accompanied by his adorable roommate which is a lovable spunky cat the colors of dreamcicle orange and swan white, licensed service animal, loyal companion who's name is Irac.

Nidak has a strict schedule he must follow or than things are tornado level chaos around him if around negative depleting energies. His worst fear is being with a crowd of people for a extended period of time socializing about what's going on in their busy lives. Nidak has no children so he's not used to big family gatherings.

Later he gets invited to a highschool graduation party that turns out to be his youngest niece. Unfortunately, it's the only family event that he was invited to. Now Nidak is about 6'4 and he was homeschooled books and all, all of his school years guided and taught by his fateful mother. His mother died suddenly with a tumor and he willing left his old town and moved to Hollywood hoping to start a new life. Now the question is will he make it to his first party that he's manafesting and hopefully last party only time will tell and the drama that leads to a rather simple romantic relationship. Little does Nidak know he would be accompanied by a rather, cute, short female friendly who he is love immediately struck by.

Nidak is awoke suddenly by a noise and sudden tickle on his face. The noise grew louder next to his sensitive enlarged eardrum and it was only Irac softly purring. Irac licked Nidak's pale cheek grazed by the roughness cat tongue. To show a loving gesture and craving for attention. Possibly food and water given in exchange

Nidak responds by petting the top of the cats head in reassurance. He then uses the tip of his pointer fingers and gently wipes his sand filled crusted eyes as he scrambles out of bed. Then he quickly slips his worn out camo leather slippers where it showed his nearly frost bitten toe, shown stuck out of it. Slumping closer toward the doorway , the friendly feline eagerly, right on his heels. 

Its early spring Nidak was in hibernation all winter and he was more anxious to exercise in the recent low 60's in the mid morning. Irac would appreciate it, absolutely.

Around 10am Nidak checked his mail and to his surprise on a particular warm spring day birds sang across the street and although the blinding sun was burning his eyeballs he continued by simply a sprint over to the poorly painted crooked mailbox and randomly discovered a black and yellow envelope. Which he grasped and placed it in his pocket and hurried back inside. Where there he ripped open the envelope and a picture fell out on to the cold hard wood floor. Nidak read the invitation that simply said the time and the location of the party that happened in just a few hours later that day. Retrieving the picture from the floor he noticed right away it was his only niece who he rarely seen since she was an overgrown baby walker, teeth less monster "a.k.a." a raging toddler. Now picturing a grown beautiful young woman seeing a sweet success. Nidak had to meet her but also Right away to think this through about deciding to accept the rare invitation. A really sweet thought to include him in her biggest capturing memories. She was accepted at a college for photography next fall. Nidak decided to prepare his and Irac's most simple but cheap breakfast. 

Nidak is known as a legend, an unlisted or unknown "Cereal Killer" he would unnaturally pulverize Captain Crunch cereal into a fine Captain dust and pour it flawlessly into his oversized mouth for consumption. Washing it down with a quarter of a gallon of milk.( Funyons and milk is great if you like onion flavored cereal). Here's a fear you would never think of Nidak has a fear of bowls and let's Irac eat a handful of delectable dollar store brand "Meow Mix" straight out of his plate shaped sized hand and drank the water that dropped out of the tap. Nidak didn't bother washing the dishes so he had a bundle of disposable but recycled and not round containers that he reused.

Licking his paws and face Irac gracefully intentionally nudging his way over to the door to signal for Nidak to politely take him outside a short 10 minute walk. It's a short walk to avoid any interaction or conflicts with his neighbors. Irac walks right beside him and normally stops to smell the neighbors nearby stray cat and quickly retreats cowered in fear when warned followed by a hiss.

Nidak returns with Irac and then goes to take a hot shower. Nidak leaves the house for the thrift shop in hope to find a nice suit jacket for the rare occasion. All he owned was a ripped up suit jacket that his mom had made him for his highschool prom. Nidak didn't get to experience the dance with the other students. His mother was very Ill and Nidak took the best care of her until she passed away. The old suit jacket has remained abandoned filled with holes from the mice in his closet all those years.

Nidak made a decision and headed towards the direction to the nearest hand me down store since he is a penny pincher. Nidak arrives and applies his facial mask and gloves. Walking straight to the back of the store to avoid the crazy impatient bargain shoppers. Nidak grabs a yellow suede jacket and walks up to the front to pay. Nodding his head he thanks the clerk and walks out the store. Nidak is about to cross the street when noticed the light was red and walks forward and a silver Chevy Cruze rolls forward and bumps in his sturdy legs without a buckle. As he takes a step backwards he locks eyes with a young pink haired woman as she exited the vehicle on the driver's side. Apologetically blurts out quickly offering a ride or money.

Besides being bruised and an obvious small limp is current. Nidak accepts the ride and gives verbal directions to the graduation party. It was a quiet ride and than a few words exchanged. The girl said her name was Carla and said she too had never been to a party before Carla says she loved to dance and no one had asked her to dance with them . Nidak asked Carla to join him for the occasion and promised a dance. Carla happily accepted the invitation to stay at the party with him.

When they arrived they were quickly greeted by two blonde haired women presumably the younger one was Nidak's sister and niece offering a refreshing crystal glass of bubbly champagne to the both of them and invited them inside. Carla followed closely behind them and walked nervously inside. Carla reached for Nidak's hand, sweaty palms and all. Which caused his heart to race and he quickly let go and started sweating perfusely.

Carla shrugged and quickly apologized and turned away feeling embarrassed.

Next, Nidak walked outside to gain his momentum although feeling rock hard Everytime Carla is close or touching him. Anxious and feeling out of place wishing he would of brought Irac with him. Carla made her way back over to her car and began to feel a tear jerk from her eye. While she wipes her hazel cotton eyes she noticed a man dressed in all black wearing a black ski mask, who didn't appear to be a wanted guest. Runs directly inside the square 1 story building with a loaded gun, sirens trailing quickly behind him. The ski mask man runs back to the nearest room and it was the girls bathroom and latches the metal lock. A wall now it appears as a standoff. Nidak moves slightly ninja like steps, soundless over to the bathroom that the gunman was inside. The officer surrounds every corner of the building and told everyone to remain calm. The police approached closer to the suspect divided between a door and a loud anticipated noise abrupted quickly inside the building.

Carla stopped and confirmed she heard a gunshot and runs inside to see what was going on. The man with the intent to kill comes out with his bloody hands up with a visible open wound gushing scarlet red blood from his lower body and he's quickly detained and removed from the primaces.

 The aftermath of the party continued and Nidak runs over to Carla and compforts her immediately. They both walk over and talk to his young niece and she lovingly gives him a friendly hug her. She thanks her Giant uncle for accepting the invitation and keeping everyone safe. 

 Heroic Nidak and Carla leave the party early. The night was still and he invited her to his place to watch a movie and she gladly accepted. Carla pulls in front of Nidak's house and enters the front door with him. Irac is laying in front of the fireplace cat napping and doesn't hear anyone come in. Irac later stretches out, yawning before rubbing against the strangers leg. Irac didn't mind Carla and begged for some attention. Carla showed Irac some affection and immediately responded with a soft purr.

Nidak stretched out his hand and offered a dance and Carla accepted the offer. Carla laid her head on his chest as they danced around in the candlelight. Nidak sealed his promise to Carla with a kiss on the forehead. Nidak said he was having a great time and the enjoyed their first dance. Nidak hoped his mother was watching him enjoying his life and finally getting to dance with a girl that he always dreamed about.

Nidak knew they would be more closer than anyone he ever knew. Carla giggled and was checking out the stack of DVD's on the shelf and chose one.

 The movie began on the large tv screen the surround sound was extraordinary. They both consumed buttery popcorn and warmed up with a blanket. Carla politely asked for a bowl. Nidak said he didn't own any bowls so he filled the an empty cereal bag with popcorn. Together they enjoyed the random old film and eventually drifted off to sleep. Tightly holding onto each other.

They may never forget that night of the party with their lives at risk. Nidak will make better judgement if he ever gets invited to another party again. 

May 10, 2021 03:04

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