Suspense Drama Funny

Everyone has their own idea of fun, what is fun to some is not funny to others, and it was ok with Emily if people didn't agree with her idea of fun, she didn't care much about what people thought of her or the nicknames they gave to her, for her living in the moment and having fun was more important.

Her idea of fun had slowly developed from when she was a kid, it started with swapping her classmates lunch boxes or hiding them, the look of confusion that she got from them satisfied her a lot, she liked putting people in confusing situations and seeing their reactions brought her great joy.

Her classmates nicknamed her, 'Trouble Emily', she liked that nickname a lot, although her classmates hadn't name her that because they had a mutual liking to her, her teachers always advised her to stop tricking people, she was only destroying her relations with others and that wasn't healthy.

Relations were not something she cared about, for her, her fun was paramount, otherwise what was the point of attending school?, studies already bored her, if she couldn't have a little fun, then school would become a really dark, depressing place for her!

Their new english teacher Miss Karen seemed to not lecture her much or tried to mend her wayward ways, she liked that about Miss Karen, she had started paying more attention in the english class, after all liking towards a subject depended on the liking for a teacher, it was a mutual relationship.

One day Miss Karen asked her to meet her after class, she wondered why did she want to meet her?, for a moment it bothered her and made her slightly anxious, was their mutual liking going to come to an end?

Her restless, anxious mind was put at ease when Miss Karen told her that she had found her writing to be quite good, the way she wrote in a slant manner, it looked really neat and pretty, but she could try to improve her i's and e's a bit more.

She was quite taken aback by the unexpected praise, she had never thought much about her handwriting, but now she had started to notice it more, the more she looked at it, the more she found areas that needed improvement.

Miss Karen was right about her i's and e's, they looked a little jagged and didn't match with her slant writing, she felt she needed to improve the way she wrote the words move and pick, they were too straight and didn't go along with the other slant letters, she could also improve her 's' more, and the 'm' looked liked 'n' in many places, she needed to improve that too.

Miss Karen was impressed with her improvement in such a short time and liked that she took her feedback and implemented it, she told her that she had a thirst for improvement, and if she keeps going on like this, she could give calligraphy a try too!

One evening as Emily was experimenting with different ways of writing, it suddenly dawned on her that maybe she had far more potential than she had previously thought and her writing skills opened many doors for her that were not limited to calligraphy alone, that she had not thought existed!

She got her mother's recipe book and her dad's journal in which he reviewed all the movies he had watched, she gave their writing a hard look and noted all the pecularities and how slant or straight the words were, then she tried to imitate the way they wrote, it didn't resemble at all the first time but with subsequent tries, she began to write more closely like them and after a week of practice, she had matched their handwriting exactly as they wrote, it was quite difficult to pinpoint that it was she who wrote it!

Next she decided to imitate Mandy's writing, it was easier she felt as she sat next to her, so she started paying close attention to the way Mandy wrote, but made sure she didn't make it apparent she was observing Mandy's writing, this skill was a secret of hers.

The way Mandy wrote 'r' was quite similar to her way of writing the letter, and with a little practice she was able to match Mandy's writing, this achievement made her proud of herself, she was so overjoyed that she didn't see the pen on the floor and tripped and fell on it!

As she was carrying the english assignments back to her class, a book fell out, she was irritated at first because she was in no mood of bending down and picking it up, as the scraped knee still hurt, but her irritation soon turned into excitement when she saw whose book it was!

An idea began to spring up in her mind, that made her chuckle with excitement, she glanced around to make sure no one was watching and she knew she was far away from the class, she flipped the book open and made mental notes of all the pecularities of Robert's writing.

Robert was the popular boy in the class, and the class monitor, the toffee nosed Annie had a huge crush on him but Robert didn't notice her at all, she had wanted to get back at Annie since a long time, Annie never appreciated her sense of humor and always complained to the teachers about her, if she were to write how much she hated Annie, she was sure she would fill up a whole diary and still it won't be enough!

Back home, she took out a page and began to write in how she imagined Robert would write if he was writing the letter, the letter didn't need to be too obvious that he was in love with Annie nor could she write in a way that showed Robert was head over heels for Annie, after much deliberation, she came up with a letter that was just perfect for the occasion!

When no one was noticing she slipped the letter into Annie's desk, and she was sure Annie had read it when she saw her blushing and soon it had spread like wildfire among the girls that Robert had asked to meet Annie in the basketball court during lunch and Robert was obviously blisfully unaware about the whole thing, becaue Annie had made everyone promise that this shouldn't reach Robert.

The next whole week, Annie felt too embarrassed to come to school and when she came eventually, she felt too humiliated to speak to anyone, even though everyone kept talking about how she stood there alone for half an hour but no one showed up, some girls even thought she had just lied and made the whole thing up because she was so desperate to get Robert to like her back, and Robert now glared at her whenever he saw her, he thought she had copied his handwriting!

She found Annie glaring at her during classes but she pretended not to notice, Annie had tried to pin the blame on her but she had no proof, so no one believed her that 'Trouble Emily' could do such a thing or was capable of pulling off such a sophisticated trick, to her class she was just a dumb clown who played stupid tricks on others sometimes and Annie had become the laughing stock of the class, which she enjoyed every moment of!, after all these were the things that made school a whole lot more fun!

She was grateful to Miss Karen for making her achieve such a big feat, if it had not been for Miss Karen, she would have never discovered this latent talent of hers, and whenever she found Annie glaring at her, she remembered she had earned another nickname among Annie's few supporters,

'Untraceable Emily'!

May 15, 2023 08:28

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