Contemporary Romance Teens & Young Adult

I counted the petals on the floor and double-checked the dishes on the table. The fairy lights wrapped around the trunk were turned on, the engraved heart we both made years back was emphasized, and I tied the last ribbon by the tree.

 I patted my pocket and felt the tiny box poking my leg and I imagined the tiny rock on the thin gold band, glistened as it was perched upright inside. I went to the window to see if my suit was wrinkled, or my hair was still intact.

Nervousness ran through my veins, I could feel my heart beating fast. I can’t keep myself steady, I kept checking everything else from the food to the decors I had to do something with my hands or else I would lose my mind.

“M relax! You’ll do well” Stephanie, my sister assured me patting my shoulder

“I just hope she’ll say yes” I smiled meekly at my sister

“Yo M! The uber driver is nearly here!” Bon, my best friend yelled from the inside of my house, he tossed the bouquet of daisies towards me, and I caught it right away. He gave me a thumbs up and I made a face.

“You know the signal!” I yelled after the closed door.

I nervously tugged on my tie, inhaling and exhaling. I felt like my suit was suffocating me that I had to unbutton the first two. 

My sister walked back inside the house, and I watched her disappear. I heard the faint laughter of Vee and my heart skipped a beat.

I have been preparing this dinner since the afternoon, everything had to be perfect for her. I have to make it perfect for her, after all, I was asking her to be tied to me forever.

“Oh my gosh!” She exclaimed as she saw the situation in our backyard. The rose petals that lead to where I was, the fancy dinner that was located at the center of it all. The scenery was almost like an enchanted forest vibe that I knew she adored, especially the lights.

She walked over to me, her long pink skirt swaying as she took one step and another. Her white blouse has ruffles on the sleeves, she looked adorably beautiful. 

“What is this?” she asked, I just smiled at her

I handed the flowers first, tucking a strand of her dark locks behind her ear

“I love you, you know that right?”

“M, what is this?”

I chuckled, she was impatient as always. I finally kneeled one knee before her, pulling out the red velvet box from my pocket. 

Vee covered her mouth with her free hand, tears started to form in her eyes. I cleared my throat when I felt the threatening lump forming, I wasn’t going to cry, not yet at least.

“I love you so much, that I want my every day to be filled with your voice, that every morning your face would be the first thing that I see. I don’t care if you would boss me around every day, I don’t care if you form wrinkles in between your eyebrows, I am willing to be with you for as long as I live until I lose hair and yours turn to white. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. So Vee, will you marry me?”

She said a muffled yes, jumping up and down. She kneeled in front of me and wrapped her arms around my neck, forgetting the flowers that she dropped on the floor.

“I love you M, of course, I’ll marry you”

That was the happiest day of my life, leading up to the day she walked down the aisle, the white trail of her gown behind her and we both had said our vows. Since then my days with her were the ones I would hold unto forever.

“Awww!” Midge cooed, her hands were intertwined against her chest.

“So romantic!”

“I wish I could meet someone like that someday” Victoria commented, lifting her chocolate-covered face

I chuckled at the sisters, shaking my head at them

“Oh you will darling, both of you will meet the person who will be willing to be with you the rest of your life, to put up with your annoying traits and character flaws.” 

I pulled out a clean wet wipe from the coffee table and wiped Victoria’s mouth. I put aside the plate of chocolate chip cookies, grabbing one for myself as well.

“There is one in a million for every person out there, you just have to wait for faith to introduce you to them” I felt the butterflies in my stomach, that memory still makes me feel the same way no matter how long it had been.

I heard the car doors closing outside, I didn’t have to go and answer the door as it opened wide and the married couple came in. 

“Let’s go kids! Let grandma rest” 

Hannah, my daughter ordered the twins. They gave me a quick peck on the cheek before heading up the stairs with their laughing father in tow. 

“They are growing up so fast,” Hannah said, as she stared after her children

“Now you know how we felt when you were their age” 

Hannah smiled at me and gave me a kiss of her own.

“You better sleep mama Vee, it’s getting late”

“Yes ma’am” she laughed at her own mother and mounted up the stairs.

I couldn’t help but feel warm and fuzzy on the inside, my heart was filled with content and happiness that I couldn’t ask for anything more than what I already have. I placed one hand above my left chest, above my heart.

“If only you could see them now my M, I bet you’d be bragging about how great they are”

I grabbed the picture frame next to me and caressed M’s face through the glass covering and sighed.

“We did well my M, we did well indeed” 

February 16, 2021 01:22

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