Friendship Happy Inspirational

This is a story, of course. What else would it be? The difference between this story and all the others, is that this one is unique. It is not just any story. This story is one of a special friendship. One of sacrifice. One of love. And it starts with two special people who became friends, and over time, they became the best of friends. When one was sad, the other would cheer them up in no time, when one needed help, the other was there for them to lean on, always. Their friendship was so special to them and it made sense. They completed each other and they were perfect for one another. Who wouldn't treasure such a valuable friendship?

Ever since they became best friends in high school, every year, they celebrate their friendship by going out together on a trip to their favorite place in the whole world - the lake.

You may think that a lake is nowhere special, but to them, it was the most beautiful place they could go too.

Normally, they go with a parent or two because they were too young to drive, but once they were old enough to drive on their own and their parents allowed them to do it, they would drive up to the lake that they held close to their hearts and camp for a day.

Today was no different.

They drove up to the lake early in the morning, as they have been doing every year, so they could catch the sunrise and set up the tent using flashlights and the bonfire. All the sleeping bags were placed on the ground, next to each other so they could tell jokes and keep each other awake, and the food was placed in the corner of the tent.

Now for the first major part of the trip - Sunrise.

Once the sun began to rise, they would sit on the shore of the lake, and take in the sun set in all of it's golden glory and warmth. They always say that there is nothing quite like it. Watching the sunrise made them grateful to have each other. Right when the Sun rose above the horizon, they would make a promise to each other.

"Today is a new year, so let's hold each other dear. Stay close and stay strong, for this friendship will be long. Filled with joy and tears, we rise as peers. I am grateful to have you in my life, and thank you for a friendship worth sacrifice."

After they have said this together, they say their top 5 favorite moments of the year they had together and they camp for the day and night. There are challenges involved, like who can make a bow and arrow the best, who can light a fire the quickest, and so many more creative things that make them bond. They would carve a wooden trophy so they could always keep something from this trip home.

Then at the end of the day, when they are tired out and have done all the activities that they could think of, they sit on the shore of the lake and watch the moon's reflection on the water and the constellations in the sky. They lie on the ground and name whatever ones they can. Sometimes they even see shooting stars and they both make the same wish: To be best friends forever and ever. For them to stay strong and dear to one another.

Every year they come back. Again and again. they come no matter what. Even when they got married, they came. Even when they had children, they came. Even when they have suffered a loss, they came. And they always went together and they would do it all again: setting up camp, watching the sunrise, the promise they make to each other, the activities and challenges that they came up with. Even when they have grown old, they would still come. Not to do the activities because surely their backs would give up on them, but to spend a morning and night with a special friend. A best friend.

More years pass by and the old age finally gets to one of them. They lived a long, joyous life - and they lived it well. On her deathbed, she tells her friend, "Stay strong. We've lived our lives to the fullest. You have been with me from start to finish and I would have it no other way. Don't stop going there, eh? Today is a new year, so let's hold each other dear. Stay close and stay strong, for this f-friendship will be long. Filled with joy and tears, we rise as peers. I am g-grateful to have you in my l-life, and thank you for a friendship worth... sacrifice."

Though she thought she would never be able to bring herself back, the remaining friend went to the lake. Her granddaughter drove her up here.

The friend got out of the car and the sun began to set. Perfect. One last time. For her.

She lay down her favorite plant, a dandelion, fierce like her, and she sat down on the shore of the lake once more. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she remembered all the good times they had together. When she finally looked up, the moon was in the sky and the shooting stars were soaring across the sky. From one friend to another. A friendship so strong, not even death could tear them apart.

She stared at the reflection of the moon on the water and smiled to herself. What a crazy life they had lived. They were always there for each, they sacrificed for each other, they helped each other, and they held each other close. No wonder they held each other dear. Then again, who wouldn't?

"Today is a new year, so let's hold each other dear. Stay close and stay strong, for this friendship will be long. Filled with joy and tears, we rise as peers. I am grateful to have you in my life, and thank you for a friendship worth sacrifice."

The End

November 17, 2020 17:19

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Clarice Shepherd
21:12 Nov 25, 2020

So cute! And sad! I love the little poem they recite to each other. If you don't mind me critiquing you a little bit, I think your story would flow better if you removed unnecessary commas. Aside from that, I adore your style, and I love the idea of a life-long friendship :)


Jenna Khorshed
00:45 Nov 26, 2020

Thank you so much! I appreciate and value constructive criticism, so I will work better on that in my next story:)


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