Romance Coming of Age Friendship

(Yeah, I have nothing to do with the Characters here, since I just made them up in a matter of 5 minutes) 

I hear the music playing in my head. I guess that's the only thing that can get me to escape reality.


"Hey! Wake up, sleepyhead!" The person behind me had yelled at me.

"I-I'm sorry. I'll, uhh, just uhm-" I replied.

"JUST PASS THE PAPERS IN FRONT OF YOU! What the hell are you waiting for..?!" They said.

Welcome to my life. As you can see, I'm kind of the worst at getting it together. I have no idea where I'll be in 5 years. Today, I'm 15, and I have nothing better to do with my life other than listening to music. 

Okay, I'll just- Let me just find a space to sit so I can explain this better. 

Alright, that's better. Okay, now let me tell you everything. I'm Lily, and life is shit. But, who cares. The only stuff I can do is listen to music. I mean, I can sing, but I don't know. I only sing in the shower. Whelp, I grew up in a place filled with BS, people who think they're better than everyone else, fighting for something to be remembered for, which doesn't really sound bad, which if you actually look at it, it's pretty much a selfish goal. But that's life's purpose. To be remembered for something that inspires someone else to be remembered for something relevant, too. 

Every day, I walk a few hunches to the metro station. Yeah, they say City Life is full of opportunities, which isn't since all you get is traffic, riots, and random protests that cause violence and death to innocent people. 

"Hey... You wanna.. Sit beside me later?"

That's Porter. He's kind of a klutz, but well, he's the only person I kind of like talking to. We usually always bump into each other while on the metro train. After that, we kind of started talking more, since he's the only interesting person I've met, so far. 

"Oh, Hey Porter. " 

"Heyyyyy, Lily..!" Porter replied.

"So, uh, how is your cat doing..?" I asked.

"Oh, the usual. Mr. Muffinman still keeps begging me to buy Cheese for him."

"Pfft... Anyway, I've been thinking of making a cover for this one song that has been stuck on my head lately.." I said.

"Oh yeah..? What song..?" Porter asked.

"Its ____ ."

"Am I supposed to come over to your place for tonight again..??" Porter replied as I grabbed him while the train's doors opened.

We ran around the empty evening streets, laughing as the setting sun had given the whole place a warm vibe.

Once we arrived at my place, knowing my parents were out for another business trip, as usual, I turned on the TV, and the news was playing while I reheated some frozen bagels for dinner.

"Rabid Epidemic Invasion in the ___ Region..! Local children missing after residents evacuate from the area. "My daughter had.."

I placed the puffy bagels on the bowl, as Porter stuffed 2 in one time.

"Srr hrrr frr frrr-" Porter said, while the bagels were still in his mouth.

"Porter, you dumbass... Pfft... Don't talk while your mouth is full..!! Hah..!!" I snickered.

Porter chewed and swallowed the bagels, and gulped some water then said,

"What I meant was... Are we gonna make the cover now..?"

"Yes..! You know the chords... Right..?" I replied, and to my surprise, he stood up and grabbed his ukulele. 

"Alright. Let's get this business booming." He said, and we ran to my room, and then he set up the camera.

"3.. 2.. 1.. Ok" I counted, then I sang my soul out of my lungs, as all the feelings, and the emotions were driven out like crazy. Porter smiled, as he watched me sing. I felt like I was finally free from all the problems. 

After I sang my heart out, Porter held my hand, and smiled, as we both laughed with relief.  

"Mkay, I'm gonna be uploading this to YouTube now..!" I said, then we both took turns in writing the description.

"That's good enough..!" Porter yelled, as we cheered and jumped around the room, yelling random words.

I know, and I'm fully aware of how weird we both were, but at that moment, we were super excited for the most stupid reasons ever. Porter's rosy red lips, and his deep brown eyes. Watching him smile was the most amazing feeling in the world. 

Porter helped me reach my goal. He was the only one who knew the real me. Everyone at school, they never knew how relevant my life was, too. No one knows what I want, and only I know. 

I don't know why I'm feeling this way around Porter, but it feels like I'm falling for him. It's wrong, but he's very important to me.

"Let's go to the balcony..! There's a full moon tonight..!" Porter said, then he dragged me with him out to the balcony.

The stars were bright, and it was like we were in the depths of space, reaching out to the nebulas from afar, but knowing we could never get near them. They blinded my eyes, but they were so beautiful. Something we want but can never get. 

"Hey, Lily..?"


"I love you."

"Me too."

"Never leave me, okay..?"

"I won't. And when I do, just remember, I'm always there, in the night sky."

"It's funny... How nothing makes sense, but deep down, we already know the truth, but we just can't say it, since no one's gonna hear us out.."

"Yeah... People are total shitheads."

"Pfft... Yeah. That's kinda true."

"I know."

And at that moment, I just leaned my head on Porter's shoulder. It was amazing. The night sky was just... Beautiful. And after that, I never wanted Porter to leave my side ever again. But good things like these never last.

July 5, 2038

It was a rainy day. Porter had to leave since he got enlisted in the army as a medic and a patrol officer since there was an epidemic in a nearby region, and many children went missing. 

July 10

After a few days of no contact, Porter had sent me a message, saying he was fine. We talked for a while, and he said that it was very dangerous out there. But he promised me he would come back.

July 20

A week later, I got a knock on the door. It was Porter's mom, and she was crying, tears bawling out of her eyes.

"You must be one of Porter's friends.. I.. P-Porter's... HE'S GONE.."

She said, pouring her eyes out.

I was speechless... I couldn't believe it. I was hoping Porter was safe, but... No... 

I cried all night, knowing Porter was never coming back... I remembered all the times we were together. He was the only person I could talk to. He was my light.

A few hours later, I checked on me and Porter's cover video, and I was shocked... We got a few thousand views... Which wasn't that impressive, but still... For the first time. So after this, I decided to make the most of it, and sing the living daylight out of my soul. 

I sang every single day. I made a song cover every day. All for Porter. And I gathered a lot of subscribers, and soon, studios were prompting me to play songs. And after that, I gained a lot of attention from the media. This was all so blurry, and I couldn't process what was happening. It was all happening so fast. So fast, that I never really thought about it too much. All I thought about was Porter.

November 4, 2039

"So, Lily. Why made you want to make this song in the first place..?"

"I, uhh... It's... It's someone who turned my life around. I met him in the subway, and we kinda just... Got along after that. He was the only person I could talk to. But... He had to go... And now, I've made a song about how you know... How I feel about the situation."

"Alright. Give us a demo."

"Okay, here it goes..!"


Thank you, Porter.

November 04, 2020 12:07

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