The Beginnings of June

Submitted into Contest #88 in response to: Write a fairy tale about an outsider trying to fit in.... view prompt


Fiction Teens & Young Adult Romance

It was early morning when June walked into the quiet cafe a few streets down from the apartment complex. She ordered a 16oz cup of chai and found a small table by the shop window to sit at. People watching. It was her favorite pastime in this small town of Oakwood Hills. June watched as a woman standing at the register in a purple coat with a tan scarf tied around her neck. A slight breeze entered the front door, shifting the scarf away from the bruises that were around her neck. June stared down into her tea as if she had just witnessed a sin, and her reflection stared back.

“Women were born for three purposes.” Her mother had once said when June was five. “To remain pure and obedient, to marry a man and be a good mother to his children.”

June looked up and saw the woman quickly adjust her scarf before the barista looked up at her to give her the coffee. She watched as the woman sat down at a table close to where June was. A man in a business suit entered the cafe and looked around at all the customers. He spotted the woman in the tan scarf and quickly sat down across from her. She slid the second coffee cup over to him and anxiously waited for the man to speak. June tightened her grip on the mug and tried to turn her attention to other customers in the establishment. After graduating college with honors, I married my high school sweetheart and we settled in a house near my parents. I had accomplished everything that society told me to be, but it wasn’t enough.

The sound of liquid spilling onto the linoleum wood floor forced June to look back at the couple sitting nearby. The man’s coffee cup was tipped over and the coffee was spilling on the floor.

“How many times have I told you that I wanted black coffee with three sugars?” The man said a stern tone that only June and the woman could hear.

The woman started to apologize and began to use a napkin nearby to clean the mess. June took a deep breath to slow her rapid heart rate. She stood up from her seat and turned towards the couple.

“Do you need help?” June asked.

“Is this man bothering you?” Came another voice beside her at the same time.

June jumped a little and then glanced over and saw a young man a few inches to her left. She took a step back and looked at the man nervously.  It looked like he was also sitting at a table nearby. The man was wearing jeans and a dark red college hoodie with the words Oakwood Community College engraved on it. While his facial features were pleasing to the eye, his expression looked strong and determined. His green eyes remained on the woman in the tan scarf as the other man began to tell the usual excuses.  

“We’re fine,” he blabbered. “My wife is just clumsy.”

He grabbed his wife’s arm and started to leave the table with her. The young man stepped in front of the husband to block his escape. The husband looked ready to fight as June quickly pulled out her phone.

“I’m fine!” His wife pleaded as she noticed June opening her phone to call the police. “Please, everything is fine.”

June looked at the wife with compassion in her eyes. She gently placed a hand on the woman’s shoulder.

“Sweetie, you don’t deserve to be treated like this.”

A few minutes later, the cops showed up and took down statements before arresting the husband on domestic violence charges. June walked up to the curb and then sat down the sidewalk. Folding her arms together, she took deep breaths to recollect her thoughts.

“Hey,” a calm voice said to her.

June looked behind her to see the man in the college hoodie, standing there.

“Guess we saw the thing.” He said, giving an awkward smile. “My name’s Jake.”

Without asking for permission, Jake sat down at the curb next to her. They both watched as the police took the couple down to the station.

 “I hope that she’ll have a better life after this,” Jake remarked. “Like you said, she deserves to be treated better than that.”

June stared at the gravel beneath her feet. She knew he meant well but what they did today was nothing to be proud of. That woman could still return to her husband without pressing charges. Or she could testify in court if she had the courage to do it. June closed her eyes and took another deep breath to calm her nerves. This situation was not what June had intended to encounter in her journey. Memories came rushing through her mind. Memories and that voice she had been trying to escape.

 “I married you because of your money and looks.” A man from June’s past yelled before slapping her in the face. “I didn’t ask for you to think for yourself.”

“I’m sorry!” June begged, desperately. “Just give me another chance. I promise to be a good wife.”

The man looked at her in disgust.

“You already lost that chance when you got that abortion.”

June took a step back, but the man grabbed her wrist that he had injured the week before and slammed her against the wall.

“What were you thinking?” He screamed. “Did I give you permission to do that? You crazy-----”

A hand touched June’s shoulder and she flinched. Jake was sitting beside her looking concerned.

“Hey, are you okay?” He asked.

June’s eyes slowly moved from his eyes to the hand that was on her shoulder. Jake seemed to notice her discomfort and quickly removed his hand.

 “I’m sorry,” he stated. “You just seemed unresponsive, and you closed your eyes so…”

The two sat there in silence before Jake checked his phone and stood up. June closed her eyes for a moment before looking up at him.


 “What?” Jake asked, her confused.

“My name it’s June.”

 Jake smiled and held out his hand to help June up.

 “Nice to meet you June.”

April 08, 2021 03:18

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