A millionaire in the middle of the vast sea

Written in response to: Write a story about a voyage on a boat.... view prompt


Adventure Suspense Sad

The boat was carefully kept onto the sea by a massive truck and I looked at the sea. It was calm, peaceful and perhaps the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. I sat right in the middle of the boat, cracking fortune cookies and hoping to get to Sandy Island Beach before noon. To give you a taste of the boat, it was a wooden boat with bright red dots and a fresh coat of yellow paint and a huge white sail made with a high quality nylon cloth. It was created by one of the best boat makers. In my opinion, it was the most luxurious boat that money could buy. It was a bit hard to get it at a great price, but I got it for a decent price and I nearly bit off all the nails of my five fingers. I was a happy man and thought that I was the luckiest person (kind of a millionaire) in the whole wide world. A heaven in a boat. I was sitting comfortably on the cozy cotton layered seats and thought of going alone and enjoying the luxuries at its finest.

“Happy sailing sir!” one of the men in the harbour screamed.

“Thank You!” I screamed back.

The journey starts here. The boat sailed soo smoothly, sailing with the wave and to be honest, I felt nothing. Everything was great until I opened the portable snack bar and found five packets of crisps, a bar of caramel flavoured chocolate and one single water bottle. 

“There should be more,” I said crying with desperation. 

This is a long trip. It will probably take at least three days. Five packets of crisps, a bar of caramel flavoured chocolate and one single water bottle is not enough to keep me going. After all, luxury isn’t worth it. I mean, first off I must live to ride this sailboat, right. I should have paid more attention to my food rather than the look of the boat. Eating a tiny nibble at a time and staring at the sea, I feel that my brain has been engulfed in fire. Anger kept increasing and increasing and I stomped onto the boat. Then, I saw a small crack forming and a tiny amount of water entering the boat. I knew that I didn’t do the right thing. I plastered it with a crisp bag melted using a matchbox that I found lying around the deck.

The day was fading away and the black clouds started covering the white ones. The day was coming to an end and I was sleepy. My eyes were closing each time I opened them. Ultimately I dozed off to sleep. 

Approximately an hour later, I was awoken by the the dark, creepy eeriness of the night, a gust of salted wind blew past my face. The sea was merciless, sending waves savagely. The wooden boat could not resist its strength. I was painstakingly plastering the bits and bobs of the wooden boat. Eventually I was helpless. My deep hunger for food grew and I was sitting on the deck and eating the last bit of crisps that I had and drinking the last sip of water available. My sleep was interrupted by hunger. I was left with agony by the fact that I was running out of both food and water. I started guessing my chances of survival. I mean you could survive a few days without food but not a day without a drop of water. The water in the sea was extremely salty, so it was crossed out of the list of survival necessities that will help me survive. I could see myself in the blue waters. It was like a cinematic moment. The dreadful dreams of drowning immersed into my mind. Fear was a rising wave. Balls of thunder keep striking the white sail. The black coloured rubber kept squeaking with pain, turning the boat ever so slowly with the last bit of energy left. I could see an island far, far away, but not close enough to my boat. All hopes were lost. 

“I’m alone!”


“Please help!”

My screams were useless. There is no point screaming when there is no one to be seen. It was just a waste of my precious energy. The thunder kept invading the blue skies, the storm kept invading the sea and the fish were swimming away from trouble. I leant onto a pole and slept covered with the salty water. 

Floating endlessly, clueless, I was woken up by the loud squeals of the seagulls and the constant knocking of the fish onto the hull of my boat. I squeezed my eyes with my bare hands and washed my face with a splash of water. I could see the anonymous island once again, even closer. I was overjoyed. The wave was dragging my helpless boat towards the island. Soon I was drifting off. What a nice start to the day that I predicted to get even more miserable. 

I could see the anonymous island getting closer and closer. I knew that It was not the island that I was searching for, but something was better than nothing. I pulled my arms and started paddling the boat just for a bit of extra energy for the boat to sail even faster. I was fed up with this one one nine situation I was in. I could do it for a whole lot of time. Small huts were visible. People were busy, minding their own businesses. The coconut trees arched in the entrance of the island. The island was a few metres away and I was overjoyed once again. 

I knocked my boat onto a rock a few metres in and I swam to the shore. The people gazed at me, without even blinking an eye. They greeted me with a warm welcome. It was quite nice to have a solid ground to stand on and a bunch of people to talk to. 

In the beginning of the journey, I felt that I was on the verge of extinction. I jumped on the sand. 

“Hooray!!!” I screamed with every bit of energy that I had left. 

If I had learnt anything, if there is a path to luck, no one can stop it from drifting towards you. 

August 22, 2021 02:38

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Keya J.
04:10 Aug 22, 2021

It was a nice story though I felt it speed up at some bits. The way you ended the story was appreciable. Proofreading recommended (esp. 1st para). Overall, Nice Job.


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Fresh Start0
14:51 Aug 28, 2021

i quite like the speeding up the story i think it contributes to the character's personality! really great story! (though you should proofread the first paragraph. i was a bit confused when i read it)


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12:58 Aug 22, 2021

Feel free to leave a comment. 🙂


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