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 I took a deep breath. There is something different about spring. That air. So fresh. Everything starts to live again. There's something about it.

  I could barely see anyone in the park today. Weird. How could someone intentionally miss that feeling you get when you go out on the first warm day in a year? It’s like you’re getting a chance to start everything from the beginning. You’re getting a clear page. Carte blanche or something. You don’t need to wear all these layers of clothes; a shirt and a leather jacket will do.

 The sun began to set. Beginning of the golden hour. If I was any good at photography I would take all my photos during the sunsets. And maybe sunrises. But I guess I like the sunsets more. The sky looks so pretty. It can be even pink sometimes. Basically lots of colours get included. And they’re more mysterious than the sunrises. They’re the beginning of the night. You never know what’s going to happen at night. Sunsets give you all the possibilities.

 It feels good to be surrounded by nature. The trees. I sometimes wonder what they’ve seen. They’ve been here for such a long time. You think of all those historical events and how long ago it was, but such trees in a park have been here ever since.

 Some people go to these cafes that were visited by famous writers. You can go as well to a park in a city these guys lived in. They must’ve walked through that park at least once. And the trees witnessed it all. And not only the famous writers. So many people. Every single day. They look at these trees and think about them, or maybe don’t notice them all. They can be worried about other things. More important perhaps. I guess if I had some actual troubles I wouldn’t be pondering here about some trees. But on the other hand I think it’s good to do it sometimes. Clear your head and just wonder.

 The grass moved cause of the wind. And I could also feel it in my hair. I love that. You can just close your eyes and immerse yourself in everything that’s surrounding you. And at the same time you can imagine to be wherever you want to be. The ultimate feeling of freedom if you’d ask me. Wind in your hair.

 The sun was getting lower with every moment now. I could see all theses colours slowly spreading across the sky. There was even some pink. Sunsets are pretty everywhere, but nothing compares to these by the sea. I’ve always wanted to live by the seaside. The air is even better than the one in a forest. That breeze you feel on your skin makes you more alive.

 I could have a little house on the beach. And I would go out for a walk everyday. Maybe even twice a day. During the sunrise and the sunset. Feel the sand under my feet. And then the small waves by the shore. Simple things like that. Just don’t worry and be happy right?

 But maybe I’d miss the city. I’m afraid I’d be bored after a while. A park is better in that way. It’s in the city so you don’t need to go that far. It’s like a quick escape from that fast live we’re living here. You’ll always find some time for a walk in a park. And if your daily troubles aren’t that serious you can allow yourself to wonder about some random, irreverent stuff. Like this.

 Maybe someday I’ll get to live by the sea. When I won’t be attracted by the city anymore. I know there are also cities by the sea but they feel different. It has to be a small town to get the whole experience. A big city by the sea is just a demo version.

 If you think that way you can say the same about a park. It’s just a small part of the forest. But it’s hard to get lost in a park. That is, completely lost. Like when you’re not sure whether you’re ever going to get out. It has to be terrible. So scary. Especially at night. Get lost in a forest. When it’s so dark you can’t even see the stars in the sky. Cause when you’re lost at sea at least you have the stars to guide you.

 You can barely see them in a park as well. Because of all this pollution. They’re really blurry. Some of them completely disappeared. Such a pity.

 It was getting darker now. No more colour pink in the sky. It happens so much quicker during winter though. I hate short days. It seems to be always dark. So depressing. Spring changes everything. The day is longer. The nights are better cause they’re something special now. During winter it’s dark all the time so you don’t value it. And besides, a night feels different when you are outside. During winter it’s too cold for that. In spring it can be a little chilly as well. But, "oh, those summer nights" as they used to sing.

 The sun disappeared now. It’s hidden behind the horizon. Somewhere, the day is just starting. They haven’t lived through it yet. And I haven’t lived through the night. All is a mystery. Question marks all the way.

 It’s gotten properly dark. I’d better go home. I’ll figure what I’m going to do on my way there. It’s still pretty early. I’m not going to sleep, that’s for sure. We waste so much time sleeping. I mean, I like sleeping but it would be good if we didn’t need so much of it. We could get all these things done.

 Maybe I’ll call someone. I hope my friends feel spontaneous enough today. I wish I could stay in the park a little longer. But I guess I’ve reached my limit for today. I had it for the whole sunset. That’s a lot. I don’t get to experience the sunset everyday. Sometimes I miss it cause I’m at work and I don’t pay attention to these things. But today I really got to appreciate it.

It’s good to stop for a while. Look at stuff and maybe think a little. That’s what parks are for. A place to wonder when you live in a city where you don’t have time for that. They must’ve gotten the idea from oases in the dessert. I guess.

April 02, 2020 18:31

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1 comment

09:14 Apr 09, 2020

Light and unencumbered, a young person's inner landscape, except there are several places where it veers away from internal monologue, which is meant to reflect the way you talk to yourself and so is direct, non-explanatory and becomes descriptive: "It was getting properly dark", "The sun was disappearing now" etc.


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