Creative Nonfiction

I open my eyes and find myself lost in a void. A deep dark vastness of absolute nothingness. Its unbearably cold and distant from any form of life. In the farthest of distances I see a single pinpoint of light. A twinkling that flashes ever so slightly. A flicker so minuscule I must blink my eyes to prove to myself it is real. The essence of my soul is compelled, i must soar through this ever expanding emptiness to reach this light. A beacon that beckons my soul to reach it, for I am destined to be the caretaker. As I glide through endless time and space the only company I keep is the galactic orchestra around me. Hearing an archaic symphony of static-like chimes and beeps with pings and a circuit of rings and tinkles. The heavens keeping assemblage around me to guide my way. A long journey ahead. In that moment I realize this is a voyage Ive been on since the beginning of my existence. I now find myself subjected to my minute lights pull. It needs me close, it pulls me nearer. Being propelled by its winds, I leave the familiar blue of Neptune’s essence, understanding this magnificent planet’s loneliness and solitude, so lonely that its world has been tipped on its axis. I narrowly miss Uranus’ warped orbital path feeling its iciness as I pass through its spray of volatiles. With a shiver I look ahead and notice my twinkle has disappeared! My view has been skewed by the rocky, crystalline ice particles that ring around and enclose the monstrous planet of Saturn. A fear comes over me. This icy loop threatens my path to you but that twinkle urges me to push on. I see an opening in the rings, I think I have a chance. As I soar past Titan and Tethys then skimming by Janus, only a few of the many moons orbiting Saturn, I see a clearing, my opening. As I near the rings I start to feel the crystals and dust particles pelt against my skin, like strong winds in a desert, Im being sand-blasted. I shoot right through the clearing known as Cassini’s Division, right through the middle of the rings. What a wondrous sight! Unscathed, I make it through. I turn around to say goodbye to the awe-inspiring Saturn and some of its moons on the other side, Enceladus, Rhea and Prometheus. Maybe one day I’ll come back to visit and stay awhile but my journey has just begun and I must stay the course. Slicing through this dark matter I see my twinkle has turned to a spot of light, no longer wavering, my light is bright and steady. Im getting closer. I suddenly start to hear a menacing sound ahead of me. My alien orchestra has been replaced by a deep grumbling roar, then a boom! My course is shaken, Im almost too close. I skate across the most outer layer of Jupiter’s magnetic atmosphere, magnetosheath, almost blowing me away. I find myself amazed by the massive thunderous storms beside me. The disturbing whirlwinds and cloudbursts that exist on this planet, and that great red spot! What a terror to behold. One could not imagine the sure devastation that exists within those clouds of poisonous gas. To fall prey to its gravitational pull would lead to a certain searing heat and crushing death. On I fly…wondering what else this mesmerizing and desolate place has in store for me. I feel that pull inside my core grow stronger…im coming. Im coming as fast as I can. But what is causing this yearning? I dont yet understand the grasp this unknown light has on me. Why must I be so near it? It calls out to me, I have no control over my actions nor do I have control over my feelings. I feel a deep burning inside of me that burns hotter and hotter the closer I get. Like a steam engine it thrusts me forward, I strive on. I no longer hear the ominous roars or thunderous booms of colossal Jupiter. My alien orchestra plays a new tune, of sorts. I begin to hear a whirring and breath-like puffs mixed with zaps and crackles that follow no musical staff. These notes flying around, free to roam on their own, making their own majestic score. They follow no rules of melody. Its a creepily beautiful galactic chorus invented by Mars, the God of war. Mars, the son of Jupiter, not as daunting and mighty but still ever fierce. A hot and barren land made of rust-colored sands and stone, rocky and unforgiving. Patches of ice dot the landscape. Its almost unimaginable to believe any being could ever survive here. If settled on one side you would most certainly burn when the sun rose over the astral horizon. If settled on the other side death by freezing would be imminent. Only a sliver of this planet is possibly habitable, nestled in between both extreme degrees on this parched world. What kind of life would that be? My thoughts are interrupted by my ever growing light, no longer a spot. I now see an enlarged beam, a luminous ray of the most brilliant white light I have ever seen. A spotlight that reels me in. I see my light hovering above my home, floating motionless as if waiting for me. Like the kinetic energy of quarks I rocket through this final stretch, I have no power over the speed I am traveling. Im on a crash course with my lodestar, Im blinded by the purest most radiant light I must squint my eyes to see. I feel the burning inside me start to flare, and as the searing heat increases we instantly collide! The most cataclysmic, explosive collision that rips our souls apart. In a nanosecond we are scattered astronomically into a trillion pieces throughout the galaxy in every direction. Like glitter and diamonds we are swirling and expanding outward but, just as suddenly, like a splash in water our particles are collectively pulled back together and fall back into place as one. What has become of me?! I feel I am the most fulfilled and my soul satiated, I am fully actualized. In this moment as powerfully singular as I feel I am I realize I am not alone. I am not one but two of the same. For I thought I had been the only one on this journey, but alas, my twin light was soaring and gliding and searching for me as well. Serendipitously we have found each others missing element, our nexus. As I look at my carbon copy a tear rolls down my face. For I see in you all the hurt Ive ever felt, ever experienced. I see the pain and loss in your eyes. I see your scars that have been etched out by the heathens below, deeply engraved. The emptiness so profound it keeps company with the bottomless holes , the holes that have been carved out of your heart leaving the most unfathomable, abyssal of wounds. I weep for you and your tormented soul. The pain of our past lives almost unbearable. As I grieve your torturous past you stare into my eyes, place your hand on my face and smile the most tender gentile smile, because you see my wounds as well. My deep dark well of misery, all too familiar to you. Where has this beautiful spirit come from? So extraordinary yet recognizable and natural. As if looking into a mirror at myself, he is me and I am him. I bask in his miraculousness. We are one. I now know why we were cosmically joined to one another. To heal all that has been broken and marred, to mend all that was scorned and diminished within us. I will fill your deep cavernous holes with my rapture for you. I will bring the joy back into those gloriously beautiful eyes, filling them with love and light, never to be dulled again. I am here to encompass you with my force field and protect you from further harm. Protect you from all the evil and malicious energy that so many lost souls are waiting to dole out to us. I will swath you with my tender care and salve your scars so they pain you no more. Your feelings and emotions are now my responsibility, mine to care for and protect. For I love you. I can not explain how or why, it just is. And nothing ever felt more right and divinely perfect. You are my soulmate. It has always been written that we were meant to be, born and created from the same nursery of stars, we share the same nebula. With matching energies we create a force so great it could never be duplicated or challenged. I have found my meaning. All the struggle and strife and pain in our actuality has prepared us for this moment, for this reunion. I have finally been guided back to you my love. We will never be separated again. We will never feel pain and betrayal again. For you are mine and I am forever yours. Dare I say, a match made in heaven. We are bound eternally with one another forever. We shall never be alone, I will always be by your side. My love for you will never die, not even after my mortal death. My love for you has always existed and will live infinitely for you. Nothing else matters, nothing else is real. Just us, here and now. You are all I need, you are all I want, you are the only truth I will ever know. You are my whole existence. You are all I live for now, until the end of all time.

November 09, 2024 16:54

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Kay Reed
22:30 Nov 20, 2024

Hi Andrea- I loved how dream-like you made this piece, with some really beautiful descriptions throughout. I enjoyed your imagery quite a bit, which made me feel transported. Well done here!


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David Sweet
18:30 Nov 16, 2024

At first, I thought this was going to be a life-after-death story. Beautiful descriptions of our solar system. I thought you were being drawn back to your body, but evidently, being drawn back to a soul mate.


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