
Reflecting upon the life patterns and trends and keenly observing the same. One is able to realize that there are several things, aspects of one’s personality and incidents which one has encountered in life.  However, it is only when one thoughtfully observes & determines to create value  it takes on a new dimension altogether. Transforming perceptions, the way to lead life, finding happiness in all endeavors literally donning a new meaning.

 Earlier being in deep slumber and being a late riser was a deliberate choice. One of the days when the rays of SUN started filtering in the room. The urge was to roll over with dreams. However, the warmth of Sunshine pervading the environment, on self-happily now compels to rise up with the Sun. The day fills up with brightness, optimism looking at the Sun as the selfless spirit of illuminating self and the world is beautifully  learned.

Keenly observing ,the all-encompassing virtues, qualities of the SUN lighten up the entire phenomena. When one looks at the surroundings around, one is amazed at the brightness which comes forth. Looking at the Sun itself one is filled with a refreshing spirit.

The Sun heralds a new day, beginning with new possibilities, hopes, aspirations and is the harbinger of success. Learning is that the daily errands which earlier seemed to be dull took prominence as the Sun moved in the horizon. One feels to be in rhythm with the day as the sun advances and the sunshine spirit, keeps one going. Once the day is set on the right track with the rising sun. The spirits are in place and the motivation comes in perspective.

Another activity which has undertaken a totally radical shift in the way of fine tuning is cooking meals. This previously used to be a dreaded, uninteresting chore. However the inclination to cook for a loved one is the motivating force as it reminisces one of the joy of doing something meaningful; affection and care being the driving force. The process of beginning to cook and planning the ingredients with love is the stimulating one. While the preparation part holds the attention as it is well thought out with the thrust on flawless execution. Besides the selection of spices, the thoughts to bring in a variety of recipes.

While preparing the meal, random thoughts flashed across the way, as this has never been a favorite chore. Nevertheless, the love of the dear one makes one do things joyfully & wholeheartedly. You bring forth the interest which has been lying within which just needs to be tapped. The time is opportune to give wings to the culinary skills and vent to feelings of warmth which comes through the way one bonds together through meals.

The introspection and awareness is there its not just for name sake, it’s the feelings behind the activity which makes it wholesome, fulfilling. The heart is longing for the arrival of the loved one to have cherished moments together spent. In the meanwhile, finding solace in the other activities happening around.

In the meantime, a look around brings to limelight the SUN which dispelling the clouds, no point having gloomy thoughts. It’s a bright new day, let’s give it all. The day sets momentum as the spirit gets uplifted. Forging ahead with aspirations anew. The day progressing, amidst the mundane things. One needs to find ways to enjoy the joys of nature. The true joy in little things, the squirrels collecting chestnuts as the day moved on. The urge to be in rhythm with nature was there hence joy and growth came forth in numerous ways. Learning was all around as the birds were chirping in the mode of constant movement, advancing together in flocks. Most of the times solo depicting the stand-alone spirit. Even while doing other chores, the heart and mind keeps coming back to nature ways of taking and advancing together with all.

One needs to learn perseverance, trust the journey, the time to manifest things takes its own pace. We just need to keep creating the causes which result in the desire effect no matter how long the time frame seems to be.

Soon the day paced up with some activities on the social front. The need to be social and to have enriching interactions has become all the more significant now. The thought flashed across the heart and mind at the spur of the moment. The neighborhood cafe was abuzz with fervor and gaiety as the revamped structure and new offerings were on display. The crowd at mid noon was upbeat more about the free goodies rather than the change in the overall look and feel of the place.

Considering the behavior of the crowd, it seems to be that masses are more concerned of the superficial things which passes in a jiffy. In lieu of taking moments to reflect on the small but significant pleasures of life such as looking around the environment around and enjoying the little things.

Picking up from yesterday, the cues are to learn the Sunshine spirit. To Keep up the invincible spirit. From dawn to dusk as the day progressed, the stars started glimmering in the sky and the moonlight shedding light on the pathways and people around. The days are not the same as the resilience of spirit is tested everyday as there are cloudy days besides the sunny days. To live with appreciation, gratitude it is necessary to be adaptable to all days. Understanding the uniqueness of each one offers its warmth and support to live every day with calmness, wisdom and good cheer. The focus on days must be on advancing with grace and equanimity amidst the challenges faced. The feeling of sheer joy of living is the essence of life as it multiplies good fortune and manifests our dreams.

Walking by the lanes, by lanes while going around the sight-seeing is worthwhile as one comes across the lives of sections of people around. Enjoying the Sunlight, basking in the Sun the smiles are in one sync.

All kinds of work , activities which seemed to be mundane and stereotyped in the past, now holds a greater meaning with all the frills. Let the strings of the heart be tuned to the nuances of life and the daily alignments.  The bliss which comes with the simple acts being done sincerely has its own unique charm and value.

Irrespective of the ifs and buts the self-motivation drives the way forward. With the urge to shine, everything seems to be in place as the resolute determination is to be undefeated and remain unswayed by undesirable influences.

The hope and optimism must not be shaken as this leads to the resilience of spirit. An action gives confidence once it’s done with full joy and composure. No matter how monotonous it may seem to be, one just needs to persist, persevere & be mindful of one's responses and conduct to bring out the Best at all times. Thus being One with Self and the Surroundings!

July 09, 2021 18:28

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