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It all started as a boring day were Michael was playing with his toys. He had not been allowed to go out since this crisis had began a few weeks ago. He found it quite boring having to stay inside all day . With nothing new to look to all he could do was play with his stuff and do homework.There hadn't been anything new since the begging of the crisis. Suddenly someone knocked on the door he stood up and opened the door. It was his Mom.

"Come school has started Michael"she said. Michael grunted and said "fine i'm coming". He helplessly walked down the stairs.at noon

he asked "can I get a break"

She responded "sure". As I ran never seen before up the stairs I saw a door slightly opened that I had in my parents room. I decided I would investigate it later. But even as I played with my toys it wasn't as fun as a normal break the opened door mystery was stuck in my brain.

Finally I couldn't hold it anymore I silently tiptoed to my parents room .

When suddenly my mom called "time for lunch". I grunted I had been so close to finding what that door hid. But I still walked down the stairs not paying attention to where I stepped. Since I wasn't paying attention I slipped. I looked around to see what I had slipped on. It turned out to be a document like the one's my Dad kept. I was about to read it when my Mom appeared and asked " where did you get that ".

I replied"on the floor ". She eyed me suspiciously.

Before saying "well give it to me I had a feeling this document was related to the open door I had seen.

After a good lunch and having finished my work I went upstairs but not to play to explore what the secret door could have been. I silently approached the door. I peeked a looked in side. Nobody. Good I silently walked to the door I had seen this morning and it creaked open. I stayed silent to see if the noise of the door opening had alerted anyone. Apparently not, good I could finally see what was behind this mysterious door. What I saw next surprised me.It seemed there was a long tunnel I decided to follow it.

I walked and walked for what seemed like hours. Then suddenly I saw a bright light I had not seen in a while it was the light of the sun. I smiled I would have to ask my parents about this secret tunnel. But not right now I was finally outside again. I smiled a bright smile as bright as the sun. I was a bout to go back when suddenly a voice said "what are you doing" I turned around to see who it was and found myself face to face with a police officer. My stomach tightened. But I managed to

say"uhm I got lost" I said. Mistake who could I have gotten lost we were supposed to be inside. The officer eyed me suspiciously

before saying " your coming with me to the cops quarters. I sighed

then asked" can I go get my parents"

"and escape" he said "no".So we both silently marched to the cops station. When we got to the cops he

said "go sit on that bench we;ll call your parents". So I sat down in silence. about twenty minutes later a car pulled up and my parents climbed out. When they saw me my mom hugged me and

asked "where were you" but my dad scowled and

said " what took you to go outside"!

"I think that's what we all want to know" said the officer. All eyes looked at me. my stomach twisted. Then finally I started my story from where I'd seen the secret door. At the end of my story the police eyes turned to my parents.

Asking" what is this secret passage"they sneaked each other a look then my father started. He said that they had wanted a secret way to go outside and had been making a tunnel to go outside but they hadn't finished it since they had wanted to make it invisible so they could go outside and not be seen. Silence followed there words. Then the police office

said" very well your actions well be reported but for now you may go". On the way home we rode in silence for the first two minutes then my dad suddenly

asked" why don't we put the tunnel to go to disney at least for once we would have all the rides for free".

"No" me and my mom said.

"plus there will be officers guarding it "I said. The rest of the way he tried to convince us were we should put the secret passage. He was trying so hard to convince us to keep on using the passage he didn't even see we'd arrive until we got out. I was about to go to my room when a question appeared in my head I stopped in my tracks to

ask " hey Mom what was that document I picked up this morning "

she bit her lip but

said "nothing " I was determined to find out what it was. That night after having made sure they thought I was asleep I silently slipped out of bed and when down to the living room. what they were talking about surprised me they were talking about the document. it was about how a company had offered to make the tunnel and Mom saying they should tell about the company but dad saying it should stay a secret. I had no idea what to do. So I decided to tell them my idea.I waited for five minutes before they paused. That was my cue to enter. So I silently entered and

said"so that's what the document is about".Yes we should turn it in two against one my dad agreed to tell about the document. The next day we went to tell about the document.

two month's later we were finally allowed to go outside when we went to the park it brought be fun memories of our adventure.


March 27, 2020 18:56

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1 comment

Gauvain Hardouin
20:42 Mar 27, 2020

I loved this story it should win


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