Sad Inspirational

She, the girl who was an outcast. She, the girl who was despised and ignored by all. She, the different girl. Every day, her schedule was the same. Wake up, school, lunch, home, dinner, sleep. Every day was like a broken record on repeat. That was not always the case for her. The story starts a few years ago, on Lunar New Year’s Eve. 

The day She was born

She came into this world with a piercing cry. Her proud parents welcomed her, with open arms and teary eyes. On the way home, a drunk driver came and hit the car. It was a hit and run incident. A passerby saw and called an ambulance. When the ambulance got to the hospital, it was too late. This little girl, as if she knew what was going on, penetrated the air with a half cry, half scream. 

The day it changed

She knew. Her aunt took her in, loving the little girl at first sight. The aunt pampered her, just like a grandmother would. She went to school every day until a pass came home asking the aunt to get the little girl’s IQ tested. So She got her IQ tested.

The day She got a test

On the way to the clinic, She was nervous. Was there something wrong with her? No. It was just her nerves. During the test, she answered every question easily. 3x+4=13. X=3. When it was over, the results came. She had an IQ above everyone. It was 204. She didn’t know.

The day the aunt made a promise

When She went to school, her aunt went out. She had met a handsome man and a lumberjack. They were planning to go find the immortal medicine of the gods. And they did. The aunt promised to never leave the lumberjack. When the girl went home, the aunt also promised to never leave her. 

The day the aunt broke the promise

When the girl was at school, the aunt encountered an intruder, He wanted the immortal medicine. The aunt was conflicted. So she ate it. The aunt floated up to the moon. We now know her as Chang’e. When the girl returned, she was hurt. The promise had been broken. 

The day she found the lumberjack

It was raining the day it happened. She was walking around outside when the lumberjack approached. He asked where her aunt was. She merely pointed at the moon. Her round, blue eyes clouded over with sadness. Tears, like diamonds, gathered in the corners of her eyes. The lumberjack nodded her farewell, summoned a cloud, and floated up to the moon. We know him as Wu Gang. 

The day she met her grandma

Her grandma was old. Grandma was a stout woman who loved kids. Grandma took her in. Grandma spoiled her. A lot. Grandma had a lot of things to do, so forgot the fact that she wasn’t supposed to tell people about her IQ. 

The day she learned something

She was only 10 years old. But, she had gone through more than a 10-year-old should. At school, she had learned that being different was “weird”. She didn’t know that her IQ was above average. She didn’t know her parents were gone. All she knew was a simple life. But, one day at school, her teacher called her out for getting the highest score in the school: 204 on the yearly IQ test. Her “friends” shot cold glares at her that if looks could kill, would murder her.

The day she learned what bullying was. 

She was innocent. All she wanted was the newest sweater that was in season. But, her classmates were mean. Too mean. They called her names like “Freak” They avoided her everywhere. Excluding her from their games. She was hurt. The hurt got too much at one point. 

The day a therapist saw her

A therapist was what her grandma brought her to. The therapist tried to talk to her. But, she was quiet, Not saying anything, she was sent home. She didn’t want to talk. The therapist was confused. Everyone was about her. 

The day she learned how to fend for herself.

She was eighteen. Recently, her grandma had passed away. She was devastated. Not only did grandma pass away, but she had also told everyone in the school Her IQ. She felt sad. She felt betrayed. She felt like a piece of her heart and brain had been ripped out. The part of personality suddenly had disappeared.. That was when it all changed.

The day every single thing changed

After all her emotions disappeared, everyone said the same thing. “What happened to the sunshine in your smile?” “What happened to the sparkles in your eyes?” All she replied with was a nod. Her friends changed. They became actual friends. But even then, it was too late. She was gone but still here. 

That was the story of her. She used to have interesting, different, and amazing days. But that changed when she became a college student. All she did was schoolwork, never deviating from her plan. She would never go out to a party, never to a group hangout, and never to a barbeque. All her friends tried to persuade her, but she would never budge. She was stubborn, so that was when all her friends started to leave her. 

One by one, they left her, saying being friends with someone who never showed their emotions was too hard, and told her that someone else asked them to hangout. Just like that, she became a lonely girl. 

From that day on, she never talked unless necessary in class, nor had any friends. Even people who wanted to be friends, she didn’t let them. 

Today, on Lunar New Year, how will she celebrate? She’s been lonely for years, emotionless for years, but no one, no one could fix this broken girl. It would only be a matter of time before she was forgotten, blown away like dust in the wind. 

February 05, 2021 16:27

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