Fiction Historical Fiction Contemporary

I've always liked reading, not that I had another choice. Both of my parents are literature teachers and I have been surrounded by books my entire life. After hours and hours of listening to my parents' speeches about how can literature influence a kid’s life, I finally gave it a shot. The first few authors, Tolstoy, Stendhal, Flaubert, or Dostoevsky weren’t really “the one”, so I started looking into British literature, and these she was – Jane Austen. It was a love-hate relationship, at first at least, but after “Sense and Sensibility”, I discovered “Pride and prejudice” and I fell in love immediately. From the first few pages, I adored Elizabeth and I wanted to be like her, I started speaking like her, I started reading more and more, just so that I have an opinion on every subject. As time went by, I even started acting like her, only wanting to be surrounded by people who liked reading and had a very strong opinion. 

Growing older, becoming an adult I moved to London to be even closer to where all the magic happens. I moved into a flat and brought many of my books with me. I just can't stop reading and thanks to my friend’s advice, I decided to apply for a job at a publishing company, just so that I could read even more. After countless times of rereading Jane Austen’s books, I borrowed some of the styles from that era – now I wear elegant long dresses, with leather shoes and a hat whenever it was sunny or a pair of gloves whenever I felt like a confidence boost. I just couldn’t get enough of it. 

Now, here I am, on my way home, just to reread that amazing book once again, after a stressful day at work. As I entered the house, I took off my hat and my gloves and placed them by the mirror in the hallway, then I took off my leather boots and looked at my reflection – I look just like one of her characters. I turned on the kettle and went to the big bookcase in the living room. As I approached it I could smell that wonderful aroma of old books and dust that just take me back in time when I lived with my parents and I used to play in the library while they red. I used to make fun of them for spending that much time reading and not paying attention to what is happening in the real world – silly me, they knew that the “real world” was the one in books, the one that can drag you in for hours or days. 

I dragged my finger across all those authors, every single one of them so different and in the same so different, their talent making you want to get lost in that world that they created. Who is it going to be? A Bronte maybe? Or maybe some Shakespeare? How about some French literature – maybe some Dumas? But before I could think about it even more I placed my hand on one of the many different copies of my favorite book that I have, “Pride and prejudice”. The kettle’s small whistle brought me back to life and I turned around from the bookshelves. 

The small kitchen was filled with the smell of rain that is pouring outside, not that I'm complaining, I do enjoy the rain. I left the book on the table and went to turn off the kettle so that I could make myself a nice cup of tea. A few minutes after, I place my cup of hot. Tea on the coffee table and sit on the couch. With my legs under me and my head in my hand, I started reading those so-known lines. Mister Bingley just moved in and miss Bennet is getting more and more impatient, despite Mr. Bennet’s annoyance. The fact that their mother was about to meet Mr. Bingley, her new neighbor, and her possible son-in-law made everyone impatient and after a few dances, Charles Bingley takes an immediate interest in the eldest Bennet daughter, the beautiful and shy Jane. The encounter between his friend Darcy and Elizabeth is less cordial, him refusing to dance with her because she wasn’t beautiful enough. 

I kept rereading a few passages, as I drank my cup of hot tea. The smell of it made me feel like I was there, in the same ballroom. I wasn’t afraid that I couldn’t dance there, as I grew up and discovered that kind of literature, I knew I had to learn how to properly dance their dances. I placed my cup on the coffee table in front of me. After a few hours of reading this masterpiece and seeing the struggles, Darcy and Elizabeth went through and seeing him propose to her for the second time, made my heart melt. 

I put the book down. I've always loved this book, from the first read I realized that would be my favorite book. I went to the kitchen and washed the mug. My eyes felt heavy and I that it was quite late, as the sunset already. On my way up, I took another few books with me, just in case I felt like reading later. 

I tried reading a few pages and I couldn’t focus anyway – my mind is still in that wonderful place of Pemberley. 

“What can I help you with miss?” the elegant man in front of me greeted me with a bow. 

I looked at him in disbelief and I wasn’t sure what to tell him. Why is he so polite to me? I looked down at myself and I almost screamed at the fact that I was wearing a gorgeous long dress, just like the ones from the beginning of the 19th century. It had long sleeves and was white with a beautiful light-pink stark jacket. It can't be-

“I'm sorry sir, but could you tell me what year is it?” it was his turn to look at me in disbelief. “I'm sorry, but it seems like I forgot the date of today” I added. 

He gave me a nice smile and informed me that it's the spring of 1819 – my jaw dropped.         I needed all my strength to keep a smile on my face. Now, why am I here? It seems like I'm in England, based on the arias around me and the weather. 

“Did you come here to meet miss Darcy?” the man asked me again, as he seemed a bit uneasy with the whole situation. I nodded in agreement. Elizabeth Bennet – Darcy herself. That’s it! I'm dreaming. Oh, how I wish it wasn’t just a dream. The young man led me inside the castle and sent someone to take my luggage. He tried a few times to find something to talk about – saying a few things about the weather, or about the fields that surround Pemberley. I asked him a few more questions about the owners of the castle. 

As he opened the door for me and lead me inside a big room, filled with paintings, I finally saw her. She's even more beautiful than I imagined – her light brown hair is falling down her shoulders in careless waves and her brown eyes seem like they're glowing in the sun. I greeted her and before I could say anything else, she came right at me and wrapped her arms around my neck. “It's so nice to see you again. It's been so long since I last saw you.” I smiled at her and as she tried to speak again, her lips parted but the only sound coming out of her mouth was a loud annoying noise BIP!! BIIP!! BIIIIP!! No! No! No! Not yet… I just got here, I don’t want to go back there. 

I slammed my hand on the electric clock so that it would finally shut up. I wanted to stay there, just a little bit longer. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I remembered that beautiful castle, with that breathtaking view and with Elizabeth – it was perfect! Why wasn’t I born in that era? I want to go back...

October 02, 2020 21:56

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Keerththan 😀
16:15 Oct 15, 2020

This is a wonderful story for the prompt. I enjoyed reading this and the characterization was amazing. Keep writing. Would you mind reading my new story "The royal Fork?" Thanks.


Renata Vaideanu
18:16 Oct 15, 2020

Thank you for reading it. I'm glad that you liked it. I sure will read your story.


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VJ Hamilton
22:03 Oct 10, 2020

Hi Renata, VJ here from the Critique Circle. You established the character early on as someone I can identify with - a lover of literature. By paragraph 2 I read about her deepening obsession-- to the point that "now I wear elegant long dresses, ... or a pair of gloves". These would look pretty strange during the ordinary workday so I feel like the narrator is starting to obsess. Sure enough, you showed more of her obsession during the scene where she sips tea. I enjoyed reading the hallucination she has - I'm guessing you could do ...


Renata Vaideanu
12:56 Oct 13, 2020

Thank you very much for reading my story and for telling me what you thought about it. It means a lot to me. You're right, after submitting the short story, I came up with even more ideas.


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