False Dream

Submitted into Contest #43 in response to: Write a story about an unlikely friendship.... view prompt



Did you ever meet a person in your life who is more stupid, more innocent and more polite then you? But still he/she lacks something, something very important in his/her life. Sometimes when you look at him/her you feel pressured and irritated that everyone else is giving him/her their homework, asking for money, borrowing things and never giving it back. The pressure you feel had probably made you think to mind your own business and then you never look back. Is it a good thing? But sometimes fate is the thing which makes an individual strong. Our Male lead Dean Rodger is 14, he never expected that in the state of unreality he will become strong. But was all those experience was just a vision?

Jason, a middle school boy was running in his school corridor. Faster than the wind and yes, he was not chased by the dogs again. He was a very careless, clumsy boy who never thinks twice. He had made a huge mess in the corridor. The students who had a bunch of copies and pages in their hands were giving him curses, but it didn't work, as he was still busy running. Finally he came across his destination. It was an empty class; there were no students except one boy in the middle row. The boy looked very simple and pale and he had so many homework copies in front of him.

Jason was breathing heavily in the front of the classroom so he shouted.

“Hey! Dean! Huh…huh,”

Dean looked at him.

“Oh hello Jason… why are you breathing so heavily?” he asked.

“Listen to me Dean…”

Jason took a heavy breath and came into the class. He sat in front desk of Dean’s. So Dean offers him water.

“Here take water, now tell me what happened”

“Listen...hey? You are working for other students again?” he asked with a light frown in his forehead.

“Oh yeah, but don’t worry about it. So you were saying something?”

“Listen to me Dean, you know my girlfriend… she wants to watch a movie this Friday… I am less with 100 dollars. Can you help me, please?”

“A hundred Dollars, but wait, why do you need that much money just to watch a movie?”

“Ah…”he started scratching his head and then he looked at Dean who still had an exclamation mark on his face.

“You know, she cannot be satisfied with watching the movie only.”

Dean looked at him with a frustrated manner and then he take out a hundred dollar from his pocket.

“Here take this”

“You can carry that much amount of money in your, POCKETS!?” he ask it with a shocked expression.

Dean was annoyed.

“OK, OK don’t be angry.” He said with a little guilty on his smile. “So… then I am going… bye. I promise I will give it back.”

Dean waved at him while smiling. His smile fades away when Jason was gone; then again he went to work.

It was a cloudy day and it is difficult to predict weather in the month of July. Dean was sitting in his desk looking out of the window in the last class of that day. Today he was sure with the weather forecast, so he already bought an umbrella with him. The school bell rang and all the students started to ran out of the school with hands above their head. Dean takes out his umbrella and to his surprise it disappeared from his hand in one second. He looked up and saw it in Jason’s hand.

“Hey, Dean let’s walk home together” Jason said.

“U mm OK I guess.”

The time when they started to head back they heard a girl voice.


They both looked behind. She was Jason’s Girlfriend.

“Let’s go home together.”

Jason looked at Dean. Dean said, “You can go, just give me my umbrella”

Dean moves his hand to take it. But Jason takes it away, he says “hey Dean let me borrow this umbrella, or she will think that I am a forgetful person.

“No Jason, Mom said to not get wet.”

“Please Jason for just this instance, please.”

“But…”before he could say something Dean already reached his girlfriend.

“Jason who is that pale boy?” she asked.

“Oh, he is my friend.” He said.

“Did he forget to bring an umbrella?”

“Yeah, so this is why I was going with him.” He said while looking behind to his friend.

“Actually I also forget to bring an umbrella.”

“It’s OK you can come with me.”

“No Jason I can’t let your friendship ruin because of me, go I will find a way out.”

“Don’t worry he has many friends” Jason lied. He clearly knows that Dean has no friends.

Dean heard that last one. He became very upset about it.

“So okay then, let’s go” she said.

Jason looked behind and said sorry in a whispering way. Dean was not looking at him; he stood at the same place. It was raining heavily, everyone there were finding shelters. But Dean was walking silently while holding bag straps. He was completely soaked with water. When he reached home he saw that his mother father were waiting for him outside. And at that same time his mother saw him.

“Child, Didn’t I gave you an umbrella?” she asked

“Oh mom… that…”


“Hmm that….”

“I knew it, he is not a good friend my child. He is using you. Does he ever care about what you want?”

“Mom, please don’t say it like that…”

“Uh OK…go change”

He looked at his mom, his mom was looking really sad. So he came to his mom and said “rest assure mom, I will fight for myself one day”

“OK my child. Well you know we are going in your late grandmother’s house for three days.”

“But why mom?”

“If you will like that place we can shift their permanently. Do you know there are children who are exactly like you, so we are sure you will like that place.”

“OK mom!”

He came down after being ready. It was a weekend, a good time to rest after a busy week. It was a very beautiful place with Grass, wind, mountains, cows, trees had already brightened up his mood. His mom asked him, “so tell me, do you like this place’?”

“Yes mom definitely” your grandmother’s cottage look there it is. From outside it looked small but when they went in it shocked Dean. It was very big from inside. It had so many windows which had brightened up the whole house. His father said, “Dean go and choose your room.”

“OK Dad” Dean was very happy. His parents also start laughing.

He went upstairs and found that not even a single room is better than the attic.

He came down and told his parents that he wants the attic as his room.

“But child there are better room then the attic.”

“Dad I want to live there because it looks best of all.”

His parents looked at each other and said him ok. He laughed and went upstairs.

  Dean was ready to go to sleep so he took his phone last time to check important messages and emails. To his surprise he saw that he was added in the school group chat.

And the messages were coming frequently to it. So he lay down on his bed and checked on them. It was his class group with the students who were the members. They were messaging all along one by one. Dean was curious, so the time he was going to reply, one of the students start messing about him.

“Hey guys listen, you know that idiot Dean, who is too good?”

“Oh yeah I just really can’t imagine that in this life there are still some innocent people alive.”

“Sometimes I think that he is doing all that good so that he will be the hero of our school.”

“Yeah as he is a “RICH” person, showing off is not a big deal for him.”

“I think he does all those things out of his stupidity, this is why everyone makes fun of him”

Dean became angry and was going to spit that all out in the group chat. But he stopped he saw that even Jason was complaining about him. He never thought it even in his dream that Jason would backbite him.

“Enough of you guys. I didn’t made this group for gossips and don’t forget that Dean himself is in this group.” The class monitor, Sia Watson.

The while when she said that everyone stopped messaging and then monitor said that,

 “You all will apologies to Dean in Monday, and if you don’t then you know what I will do.”

She is the best but cruel monitor of all time. They all agreed. But it didn’t make any difference for Dean. He was depressed by the fact that even his best friend was with them. And after performing more sad scenarios in his head he starts crying very hard. He takes out all his pain in the form of tears. Suddenly he heard a voice saying,

“Hey? Are you crying?”

 Dean looked up but can’t see clearly with his blurry eyes that exactly who was sitting in front of him. He rubbed his eyes and sees that three feet marooned color monster that had horns and a tail. He had his fist in his chin like it was listening to Dean with full concentration.

“I think that I need to sleep now. Don’t know what happened to me these days.”Dean was not very shocked after seeing him.

“What are you talking about boy? You are not imagining me…hey you asleep?”

Dean stood up and saw that thing again in his bed and at last he lost his temper.

“WHO THE HELL ARE YOU??? WHAT DO YOU WANT MONSTER?” his BP must be high while saying it.

“Hey I am not a monster. I am here to help you”

“Whoa….. I will-ll shout... if you will not-t say..? He was shaking while holding pillow as a protective shield.

“Well it will not work u know? As only you can see me”

“What are you saying? Just exactly who are you?”

“I am a soul of an evil man from 1000 year ago in this same place. I was trapped in this village because I did very bad things in my life. God had given me a curse that I have to help those poor people who are helpless and had no way in their life to go ahead… but it is only possible in this village to find me out. But to my surprise I never helped such a young boy before…hey are you listening?”

Dean was already asleep. “

“Hey you need to hear my story!”

“OK OK don’t shout, but your story is too unrealistic, even you are not real… I am such a pitied boy who is roaming in the world of fakes.”

“So you are sad because of this? Listen to me child” he sat beside him.

 “In this world no one sees the help you give; oneself only takes care about itself. And when someone is a step ahead them, they try to make him fall down.”

“How did you know-?”    

“Shh… Devil knows everything”

“A devil? But you are giving good advises like a philosopher”

“…you want to go home tomorrow?”

Dean was surprised.

“My mom and dad are one of the best people I’ve ever seen. They wanted me to let go of my habit of helping other’s in a major way. Those people ask me for homework, money but what? They promise to return it but they never.

“Don’t worry boy this is why I came to you, to help you.”

“I still don’t know who you are but thanks; tomorrow I will head back home to face them myself. Goodnight Devil.”


He woke up in the morning it was 6 am. The first thing he saw was the date it was 29th of July, Sunday. He went to do brush. After sometime he realized that the devil he saw was gone. So he assumes that it was his inner self who was cheering him to go ahead. So he went down the staircase to meet his mom and dad. His parents were shocked that he woke up himself in the early morning. He said

“Mom dad let’s go home…. I don’t want to miss any classes.” He was ashamed by the fact that he was not able to tell them what was going on his head.

“Hey ya you said that you wanted to face them.” The Devil appeared out of nowhere, and because of his small height he was flying above, near Dean’s head.

“WHAT ARE YOU-” he looked at his mom who was seeing him with a question mark on her eyes.

“Oh mom it’s its’…”

“Hey idiot your mom cannot see me”


“Dean, why are you standing there? Come have breakfast.”

“So she really can’t see you, I was being afraid of nothing.”

Dean the same day came back home with his parents. He was in his room when again suddenly the Devil shows up. Dean was curious that how does he appear at that exact time he wants to see him.

“Hey Devil? How do you always end up showing when I need you the most?”

“This is because whenever you are happy you enjoy that happiness alone and not think about me and when you are sad, I have to show up that instant. You can say that you can’t see me when you are happy.”


Dean was still confused but Devil was smiling. The day was end up in confused way. The next day he woke up early and after doing chores, he went to school. The time he reached school everyone was standing and waiting for him, to apologies.

“Class say sorry to him” Sia (class monitor) was standing to lead them.

“We are Sorry Dean,” Whole class.

“Itt’ss ook” Dean was shaking.

“Really, you will just let them go?” the devil was still unsatisfied.

“So what else I can do?” Dean whispered.

“Hey Dean, Can you just let them go like this?” Sia was looking straight to Dean.

“Huh… oh … that” Dean never had talked to a girl this close so he was blushing.

“Ohhhh so your weakness is a girl, well I like that girl so much. I prefer you should talk to her daily.”

“Shut up…”he whispered

“Siaa… don’t worry… at least they apologized.”

“Huh but…” clearly she wanted to help him.

Dean met Jason in the door. He was looking like he had to say a lot of things.

“Dean! I- I am sorry” his apologies was so sincere that it melted Dean’s heart. “Don’t worry we are friends.”

Devil was not that satisfied with Dean’s answer, so he started to teach him some important needs of life. It started to make Dean a better person. Days went by, it was already 6 months passed, and Dean grew more mature. One day Devil and Dean were talking about something nonsense and suddenly Devil bring up that he is a bad soul.

“Hey Dean anyways… I am a bad person’s soul who killed many people”

“……… Really? Well even if you were bad I think that you never had any kind of bad intention present in your mind. I trust you”

Devil was so happy, that first time in his life someone really understood him.

“You know what? For me you are more than a best friend”

Devil hugged him so tight that Dean started to become out of breath. But he still adored him.



“You can say that, I cannot be your friend forever…”

“Eh but why?”

Devil just gives him smile and then they both went to sleep. Next day he woke up and the first thing he saw was his calendar. It was 29th of July. Then he noticed that he was in the same cottage. So he went down the staircase and saw the same scenario he saw that day. He told his mother father that he need to prove everyone that he is not a stupid or fake person. His parents were shocked. Everything was same, even in the class when everyone apologized, so he told them what they have done and it made him feel so desperate. He asks Jason to give him his 700$ back which he took day by day and never gave back. Everyone starts seeing his other side which was better than his last one. Sia was blushing when he told her to take care of those people. Every girl started to realized that he is… “HANDSOME!”

In Dean’s mind he thought that all of those things he saw were a dream but it last for a very long time. But guys was it only a dream?








May 28, 2020 03:07

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04:22 May 29, 2020

This story is really amazing!! It is showing the truth of the world.


Swastika Nyopane
01:43 May 31, 2020

Thank you, Lavender🤩. This is my first attempt, I am happy to hear your precious words to me


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