Inspirational Drama Suspense

" It's enough . I can't take it any longer , Kevin! It is either me or you !"

Young Emi thumped her feet : ready with her bags to put an end to all the drama in her life while Kevin just stood there , confused , not realising what he had done wrong.

Kevin was her only kin in this world or more like the only enemy. Kevin would do just about anything to impress their boss. Last meeting was the limit . He stole her project and presented it in his name ; his position as the design Director confirmed.

She never understood how could this brother of hers betray her.

" Why are you blasting off this early in the morning ? And what's with all that baggage? You are going on a vacation or moving places?"

" Don't you try to act all innocent now. You stole my project , my one month's hardwork ! Don't you know how I spent nights and days working on it ? You just went up and presented my project at the meeting! "

" That was my project ! If you are accusing me then where is the proof ?"

" You !... I have resigned and I am cutting off all my ties with you . Do not you dare come near me ."

" Don't you know how to communicate ? Can't you trust your brother a little?"

" As if you deserve it!"


4 years later

Emi was now a normal white collar employee in the design department.

Life went on as normal for her but a piece of her was lost. She wanted to believe in him but how could she, when she had seen the project ,handed by him ,herself.

On a bright sunny day with the usual bickering, something happened that changed her view on life .

" Emi , wanna go for lunch ?"

" Why asking her ? She must be busy kissing boss's ass!"

'The office bitch' was at it again.

"But why does boss smell like you , Susan?"

" And that's how you shut up a dustbin! Awesome , sister Emi!"

" Claire! You will be reported for animal abuse , do not say that."

They strolled together to the office canteen .

" Hey ! Sister Emi is that your brother Kevin? "

" Where?"

"Look...right there by the counter in a blue Addidas jacket ."

" What is he doing here?".

" Will you go to him?"

"Whatever, he must be waiting for someone."

They went back to gossiping and sat down on a table by the window.


One fine day , when Kevin was using the washroom ; he heard other colleagues talking about how they had replaced Kevin's project with Emi's . Hearing this, his blood boiled in his veins. Because of this matter , his sister had cut off all ties with him . It was 4 years now yet she had never even left a message for him.

Hurriedly finishing his business , he banged opened the door . He strutted towards the culprits.

A fist of immense anger landed on each of their faces and they landed on the floor with a thump. Kevin swang a kick to their heads and they laid down on the floor face down. Then he approached to sit on both their backs. He twisted their left and right arms respectively. He skipped the small talk.

" Why did you replace our projects?"

" We do..."

" Be advised that you won't walk out of this washroom on your feet of you dilly dally with me!"

They lost their shit and peed in their pants , forcing Kevin to get off them, as they stood up on their knees.

" You disgusting men!"

"Emi said that I won't be getting a promotion at any cost because this time it was hers. We were offended by her confidence. How can a woman defeat us? So , we decided to replace your project with hers. We would rather let you have it than giving it away to a woman!"

" Then what did you do to my project?"

" We shredded it in the shredder...Kevin , please let us go !"

" As if ... I am leaving you today but tomorrow you will have to come somewhere with me ."

" Absolutely ! Thank you , Kevin . Thank you."

(Flashback over)

Kevin took the culprits to Emi's company, he had got to know about from their common friend. He waited for Emi by the counter of the canteen .He was nervous to meet her after so long.

At lunch time, he noticed Emi with her friend Claire. He wanted to hide away immediately but Claire noticed him already . He stood up tall and confident and walked up to Emi , the culprits in tow .

" Emi..."

"Please go away . I do not have anything to talk with you."

Kevin furrowed his brows and for once he used his identity to his advantage.

" Emi ! Out the canteen with me now."

Emi was started at his yelling. She looked into his eyes and saw anger.

She glanced at the two men behind him and stood up to avoid any drama .

" Claire , I will be back in a minute please wait...", turning to Kevin," come with me .'

She took him to the smoking area for it was always vacant during break.

Emi was bewildered and didn't know what to do . Her kind had gone blank and had no ability to think anymore as she faced her brother whom she had not seen for 4 years now.

Kevin cut to the chase as always .

" They have something to say to you..."

He pushed the two men forward who started confessing at once.Emi listened in astonishment.

" Go away now!", he send off the men to talk to Emi in private.

" So, am I forgiven now ?"

" Wait ... what was that all about ? How did you even get to that? I am not believing you !..."

Emi was shocked at her findings. She no longer knew what she was babbling away.

" What about when you took away the gift I brought for boss on his birthday?"

" Remember? You were sick in bed so I delivered it in your name."

" What about the time when..."

Her breath hicked , making her unable to speak. Tears came trickling down her cheeks .

"Seriously , Emi I do not know why you distanced yourself from me . I never got to know about anything. I am sorry for everything , if that is what you want from me!"

Kevin hugged his crying sister.

"These people are so nasty ! I ..."

"Emi , just because you have always encountered scums in your life , it doesn't mean that you would stop believing anyone. Have faith, there is still so much good left in this world . One day you will be able to see."



"Let's play truth and dare everyone!"

"Aye! Aye! Captain!"

Emi and Kevin sat on a lavish l-shaped grey couch while the thought the same,

' It has been long since we got along like this together.'


Moral- we might have faced horrible situations in life but that doesn't mean that we should give up hope. Not everyone is the same.

Leave anyone in your life but never your kins.

February 04, 2021 12:42

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