Loving Minnie

Submitted into Contest #41 in response to: Write about an animal who goes on a journey.... view prompt



~from the perspective of a dog~

I loved Minnie. To me, she was perfect in every way. Minnie was kind and loyal, and she was the prettiest girl I ever saw. Her skin was smooth and clear, and her dark hair was long and wavy. I adored her more than anyone else in the world. I wanted Minnie to be mine and only mine, and I wanted to be Minnie's.

I heard the sound of Minnie´s boots just outside the door. She's here! She's here! She's here! She's finally back! I knew she would be back! I just knew it! Oh, she's here! Minnie's here!

I inched closer to the door. The sound became distant. It had just been the neighbors. I hated the neighbors. They were so rude to Minnie, and on top of that, they smelled funny. I hated their smell most of all.

Quiet clicks of heels could be heard coming up the stairway. She's here! She's here! She's here! Minnie's here! I knew she- 

The key jangled in the doorknob. Oh, she's finally back. Minnie's finally back! She's here! Oh, she's really here!

The doorknob twisted and the white framed door slid open. 


An unfamiliar face looked out from behind the door. Her short hair bobbed on her shoulders.

"She never told me she had a dog.¨" The woman closed the door. 

"Where's Minnie!¨" I growled. "I want Minnie!¨" I stood in front of her, snarling.

"Out of the way, dog. I'm not here for you.¨" Her face was ugly. I hoped it would stay that way. 

The woman mumbled to herself while she dug through Minnie´s drawer.

"That´s Minnie's! Leave it alone! That's Minnie's!¨

"Be quiet, won't you!¨" She turned to me with a scary look on her ugly face and then back to the drawer. "Where is it? Minnie said it was in here.¨ 

Minnie? Minnie is in there? I hopped onto the small desk chair and peeked into the drawer. 

"Schooch dog!¨" The woman slid me off the chair. Her hands were short and fat, unlike Minnie who had the perfect hands for belly rubs. The ugly lady snatched a paper from Minnie's desk drawer like she had found a magnificent treasure. Then she stuffed it into her brown leather purse and headed for the door.

"Where's Minnie!¨" I repeated, the lady continued to ignore me. She opened the door once more, to leave. "Take me to Minnie! She needs me!¨ I snuck my face through the crack in the door. "Minnie needs me!¨

"Out of the way, dog, I need to close the door!¨ She protested. 

"Minnie needs me!¨" I popped out on the other side of the door. I was free! ¨I'm coming Minnie!¨" I burst into a run down the stairs. I could hear the woman's heels approaching fast behind me. But I was faster. I dashed down each step, laughing at the woman who couldn't keep up. She couldn't keep Minnie from me. I wouldn't let her. 

A pizza delivery man opened the door at the bottom of the staircase. The smell was wonderful and oh so tempting. I shook the thought out of my head. I just need Minnie. I ran out of the doorway and outside. The air was wonderful. Some days Minnie would take me on walks in this air. I loved this air. 

"Dog!¨" The woman leaned against the doorway, heaving heavy breaths. 

I started to run again and faster. I ran everywhere. I ran down familiar roads and unfamiliar roads, but Minnie's scent wasn't anywhere. 

"Minnie?¨" I looked about the alleyway. I'd never been here before. Minnie never went this way. I missed Minnie. 

"Who's Minnie?¨ A dog with jet black fur came out from behind a corner. His eyes were a deep brown and looked terrifying. 

"Minnie´s my girl, and I think she's lost.¨" I said, sniffing back my tears.

"Lost huh? Well, what color fur, she got?"

I don´t know if Minnie had fur. "White?¨"

"Does she got a collar?¨" The dog asked, stepping closer. His un-collared neck was arched as if he was from high-class society.

"I thought about it. ¨Minnie did have that one collar she always wore, it was silver with a pink thing in the middle.¨ 

"i don't care what it looks like as long as it got her name on it.¨' He approached me. ¨There's a million white furred dogs here in New York.¨

I stayed silent. I wished Minnie were here. 

The black dog sniffed my scent. ¨I´ll bring her to you if I find her, got that?¨ 

"Thanks.¨" I ran off again. I'd seen some of these shops before. Minnie and I ate outside the one covered in the color pink. It smelled like all different kinds of sweets. Though I wished I could smell Minnie. 

The people on the sidewalks gave me funny looks as I passed them, but I didn't care. I didn't recognize any of them. I sat down near the bushes that smelled full of squirrels. I wasn't in the mood for squirrel chasing today. I just wanted Minnie. 

¨Biscuit!¨ Someone yelled from across the street. Across a sea full of colors racing by, was Minnie in the same pink dress she´d left in.

¨Minnie!¨ I cried. I ran to her and nothing could stop me. I was happy because I was running. But I was happiest because I was running to Minnie. I loved Minnie. 

It all happened so fast. I didn't feel anything when it happened. I just saw Minnie still standing on the sidewalk, but she looked petrified. 

I was lying in the road, that was recently painted red since I last saw it. Minnie came running to me, begging the cars to stop.

¨Minnie.¨ I yelped.

She was crying like I was gone.

¨Minnie, it's okay." I tilted my head sideways. ¨I knew you´d come back, Minnie. You always do.¨

Minnie sobbed as I leaned onto her lap. Her tears fell like a sun shower. There wasn't a reason for her to cry. But she did. 

I closed my eyes as she began to run her soft hands through my curly brown fur. It all felt so warm. 

I felt the warmth of her hands for what felt like hours. But when I opened my eyes, Minnie was gone. I was in a white room that seemed endless in all directions. And I was alone. I hated when Minnie left me alone. She always came back, she promised every time she shut the door to leave. 

So I waited. I waited for her. I waited for Minnie. I waited for a sound. 

I waited for the sound of Minnie coming home. I waited for the jingle of her keys as she opened the door. I waited. 

I knew Minnie would come back. She always did. 

So I waited. I waited for her. I waited for Minnie. I waited for a sound. 

I waited for the sound of Minnie coming home. I waited for the jingle of her keys as she opened the door. I waited. 

And then I heard it. Her voice. Minnie´s voice. She´s here! She´s here! She's here! She´s finally back! I knew she would be back! I just knew it! Oh, she´s here! Minnie´s here!

¨I just want to see Biscuit. Please just let me talk to him.¨ Where was she? Her voice was everywhere. 

¨Minnie!¨ I yelled. The only reply was my echo. 

Minnie always came back. She promised. I curled myself into a tight ball. I closed my eyes to try and feel the warmth of Minnie´s hands, but it never came. But I still loved Minnie.

May 09, 2020 21:53

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