The pride of the family

Submitted into Contest #99 in response to: End your story with somebody stepping out into the sunshine.... view prompt


Happy Inspirational Suspense

It was indeed a great day between the student of the princesses high school and the federal government college had to present their speeches and expresses themselves in public. They will be debating on the topic titled immunization in our locality,before the day for them to Express themselves comes,Rose will always tell her parents and siblings about her debate competition,they would rehearse with her,tell her to do some demonstrations when talking so as to draw the attention of the audience or listeners.

Rose was the last and third child of Mr. and Mrs. Sam the son of a wealthy millionaire called Mofe.

Rose the baby of the house lost her mother after her birth,but despite the fact that she doesn’t have a mother she was always happy with her dad and siblings. She was loved by her family, community and her school. She was very happy when they chooses her to represent her school. Whenever she sleeps she would rehearse, whatever she does she would rehearse because she doesn’t want to fail or bring the name of the school down

As the name of the school implies, princesses high school High school takes a real beauty in education for you to become a member of it. Rose is not only a pretty girl but intelligent as well and also an intelligent child. Although her father was not as rich as her grand father,but he still struggles to provide for his children. Mr.Sam told his father that he was going to work hard like him,so that he would also earn more money like Mr. Mofe,he wouldn’t want to be Lazy,he wants to struggle so as to provide for his own family and prevent them from taking from his father’s properties. Rose my dear,her father would call to her,make sure you win the competition so you could also win the 200,000 jokingly,they would all laugh and she would say,don’t worry I will never let you down not even my school. I will make everyone of you proud!!!.

Rose was so adorable in the community, whenever she comes out to play she would always say that the time for play is over and gather all the children of her age and teach them and also assist them with their assignments. She was admired by every parents and her pairs.

She amuses people by her characters,she teaches perfectly well people even say that she would because a great teacher in future...

Rose has featured in so many rolls in her school,she act very well and want to be an actress in future. Her father encourages her and guide her in other to become an actress. He never discouraged her like some parents who would discourage their children.

It was indeed the day Rose was waiting for. She woke up by 4:00 a.m went straight to her dad's room,woke him up and also went to her siblings to do same reminding them of what that day was.

They all got up,the house chores was done by the children and they all left as early as possible for the competition in other for them to seat at the front....

The first school to come on stage was the federal government college next was Dore-Numa and lastly was the princesses high school. At first Rose was nervous and shy but when she remembered all the encouragement given to her by her family she quickly gained courage...

She spoke on the topic:


she spoke with so much confidence

There were murmur and clapping in the Auditorium,she couldn't stop hitting deep into the topic,she was so excited and so many ideas started coming to her mind.

At a point they all kept quiet because they wanted to hear her properly. She finally wrapped it up with"we have a lot to gain and nothing to lose if we allow our children to be immunized.

As soon as she finished her speech everybody started to shout for joy,her dad and siblings went up to her to embrace her with tears of joy in their eyes. The results were called and the winner of the competition happens to be The Princesses High School!!!

She and her family was so happy and went outside to take some pictures....

Every other people wanted to snap with her too and they all did together!!

She won the money and also became famous in and out of the country... A week after the competition her dad was called upon to work In a very huge company, they became one of the richest in the world......

Rose's father got married to a loving and caring woman named Beauty,the children happens to love and respect their new mother. After the wedding ceremony,Mr.Sam and his family travelled to the United Kingdom,the children further their education there.

Moral lessons

1. Believe in yourself

2. Don't keep your intelligence to yourself, instead impact into others too.

3. Study your books always...

4. Don't look down on anybody

5. Take advice from your parents and siblings.

6. Look up to God


Rose was a good girl who lost her mother at birth,she never had the opportunity to see her...

Even without a mother she still find love from her dad and siblings...

The space of not having a mother was filled by her brothers and sisters including her dad.

Despite the fact that her mother was dead,she still scale through. She attends the best school,she was given good food,nice clothes and never lacked anything in life.

She was a vibrant child who believed in herself and also her family..

She was full of respect. She gathered her pair in other to teach them and not to laugh at them. She gives the best advise,at times people wondered where she got her brain from..

Rose discovered her talent on time and worked towards it,above all she was also prayerful because prayer is the key

If you want to know more about Rose why not read carefully and know

June 18, 2021 20:43

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