
April 11th

Dear Diary,

Hello, I suppose? I don't really know what to say. According to my quite annoying therapist, I've to start writing in a diary because "it will help you understand your emotions" which I highly DOUBT. Yet, I'm writing a diary anyways because I suppose I should at least give it a try. Maybe she's making me do this because I'm fifteen and therefore a toddler in the eyes of adults.

Bye, I guess?

(Is saying bye necessary when I am only writing to myself?)

April 12th

Dear Boring Diary,

Hello again. Like yesterday I still have no idea what to write about, after all, nothing interesting really happens to me. I suppose it was funny when mum fell outside today however she did not agree, so I guess I shouldn't either?

Also, Miss Diary, should I give you a name? I heard of some people doing that? Apparant Apparently it helps with this whole writing process, I heard even Anne Frank did that in her diary. I think she wrote to her kitten though or was Kitty a person?

Hm. I should probably check up on that so I don't sound foolish.

Well, goodbye for now.

April 14th

Dear Someone,

I still haven't figured out a name for you. Also, my apologies but I accidentally forgot to write in you yesterday. School has been a living nightmare, truly it is hell on earth - no hell would be a vacation compared to school! Mum says I'm overexaggerating but I am not, it truly is horrible. Work, work, work until I have my thumb in a cramp and my eyes are crossed and not to forget the absaloutely - see even my grammar sucks because I've been writing all day! - absolutely agoanis agonising headaches. For what benefit?

Okay, I'm not stupid, I know that it's so I can have a good career. If I don't pass my exams I'm basically signing my life off to benefits and homelessness or at least that's what the school portrays life like when you don't pass exams. Dad says it's not and you can still go to college and learn everything there you need for University.

Maybe I am just an overachiever, after all, I just restarted an essay three times because I wanted it to be perfect.

Goodbye, for now, Diary, I can't procrastinate my homework any longer!

April 17th

Dear 'Noname' Diary,

AGHHHHHHHHHH. I am so mad right now! I HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE everything!

Life just sucks. It sucks. Everyone sucks. I suck. And you suck too diary. I mean today was just awful. I'm sick of all the homework and being ignored by my "friends", I get that I'm not the closest with them but they act like I'm invisible! Then, to add to my misery, I got yelled at by my "delightful" mum this morning for being late at school! Can't she tell I'm stressed and I'm tired! Clearly, I've been studying the majority of the night for the exams! Yet somehow I'm the bad one?!

Yes, okay, staying up all night was my fault. Being late was my fault. Not sticking close to my friends was my fault but all I'm asking for is a little "Hey it's okay" is that so difficult?

Maybe everyone and life, in general, doesn't suck, maybe it's just me... Maybe my life just sucks. That's hard not to take personally. Yeesh, I'm complaining so much. Life isn't so bad. So many people have it worse than me.

Ugh. I feel bad now. Well, goodbye for now Diary.

April 21st

Dear Darling Diary,

Also, Diary, I learned that Anne wrote to a character she made up named Kitty. At first, she wrote to her friend "Jettje" and "Emmy" which are very nice names however I'm not quite sure how to pronounce "Jettje".

Hey, maybe I should call you Anne? It's a pretty name and plus I feel like she'd understand me. Or would that be insensitive? I don't think so, I think it would be nice to write to her.

Goodbye for the last time Diary.

April 27th

Dear Anne,

Oh wow, that was very strange. Writing to someone besides "Diary" somehow made this feel a little odd. Oh well. Hello Anne, I hope you don't mind me writing to you. If it helps you are much more interesting than "Diary".

Today was pretty boring, unsurprisingly, school was of course stressful. When isn't it? I like art however and English, though lately I've been finding myself more stressed and a lot more anxious in the classroom than usual. Perhaps it's just a phase. It will pass surely. Or maybe I'm still tired from the concert from Saturday. After all, I've not been sleeping much lately.

School pretty much sucked. My friends were blabbing on about dumb stuff and leaving me out of the conversation per usual. At least I got to see Tim Brighton, aka the most adorable boy in our whole school and I get to sit next to him for some of my classes, three to be exact.

How was your day Anne?

May 2nd

Dear Anne,

I am extremely tired. I had that nightmare again. How I wish to forget it. It is currently six am and I have don't think I'll be asleep anytime soon. I don't know what's wrong with me, my chest feels heavy and my stomach is aching. My head really hurts too. I can't tell if it's from my bright phone torch I'm shining on my diary or if it's the lack of rest. Maybe I should drink water. That helps headaches, doesn't it?

Maybe I should stop writing and try sleeping again.

Goodnight Anne.

May 7th

Dear Lovely Anne,

I slept for so long yesterday when I came home from school, in class my eyes felt so heavy as if I had bowling balls tied to my eyelashes or something. Also, Anne, I think I quite like this diary thing. At first, I found it quite pointless however I have found myself enjoying venting on pieces of papers or doodling some terrible drawings. However, I would prefer to keep this journal a secret.

Bye for now Anne!

May 16th

Dear Anne and Whoever is RUDE Enough to Read this without Permission!!!

Remember what I said about preferring to keep this diary a secret? What am I saying, of course you do, after all, it was the last entry. Well, today in school I left my diary at the lunch table and my friend Victoria read some stuff in front of my friends! How terrible, right?! She also exposed to my crush that I liked him and told my friends about the things I said about them (although true). That's it I never want to go back! Who am I going to sit with? Who will talk to me? I've never been so upset in my life!

I hope you're having a better day than me Anne.

May 17th

Dearest Darling Anne!

The werid oddest thing happened today, truly the strangest of strange. My friends apologised to me? Rather unexpectedly too.

Sarah said they shouldn't have read the diary because it was a preach of privacy and I should be able to vent about them in my diary if I want to. Lisa said Victoria was out of line for telling Tim, who sadly did not feel the same way which is fine because I have moved on! Even Victoria gave a sad little "I'm sorry" which although wasn't a long apology, it was enough and I forgave her. After all sometimes just saying 'I'm sorry' is harder than the explanation.

They also admitted that they may have been a little distant lately and will try harder to make me feel included. I couldn't be any happier!

This diary has helped me more than I could've dreamed of! It's nice knowing I will always have somewhere to go when I have a problem and although I may not find a solution, I will find peace of mind.

Thank you Anne for always listening! <3

April 06, 2020 15:11

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Ashley Freeman
21:39 Apr 16, 2020

I am simply impressed with the maturity of this teenager! I teach for a living, and let me tell you, the children are not writing this well at fifteen! (unfortunately!)


Nicola Berry
22:35 Apr 16, 2020

Thank you! I'm sixteen myself so I was worried about how this little diary/story would sound to adults. I am grateful that you enjoyed it!


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Luna Lovegood
00:20 Apr 16, 2020

Wow..I love the simplicity of this story (it's really NOT a negative thing at all). Even though it has an element of simplicity, it's also very descriptive! I enjoyed it! Keep up the good work!!!


Nicola Berry
18:53 Apr 16, 2020

Thank you, I really wanted to write something light hearted and simple!


Luna Lovegood
19:25 Apr 16, 2020

You're welcome! I would say you succeeded greatly~!!


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