The Dare

Submitted into Contest #94 in response to: Start your story with someone accepting a dare.... view prompt



“Damn she’s hot” young Liam said, staring at young Bella Williams who had walked passed them, the wind blew through her hair gracefully and her hips swayed hypnotizingly. “Well too bad she’s out of your lead” His best friend, Usher spoke up, “Who says” Liam snapped. “Dude look at you and where you are and then her” Liam’s other friend Landon answered.

“I can make her mine if I wanted to”, “Wanna bet on that?” Landon asked.

“Yeah, I’ll make her mine before graduation” Liam confidently said. “So you have 5 months left, Usher type that on the bet tablet” Landon said.


“Well see ya later” Landon waved as he walked off to his first class

“Dude are you sure you can pull this off??” Usher questioned as Liam and him walked to class, “Of course watch me” Liam said as he jogged over to Bella.

In the end Liam did win that bet, at first he did the bet for fun… for the thrill, but as him and Bella got closer he actually fell for her. She was a very independent and wonderful woman.

1 month before graduation…..

“Hey babe, I’m home,” Liam said sluggishly as he walked down the long corridor in search of Bella; he’d had a bad day and all he wanted to do was cuddle up with her. “There you are,” he smiled, upon finding her staring off into space on the sofa, he grinned. “Did you have a good day, babe?” Liam inquire, as he kissed her on the forehead and sat next to her, but she didn’t respond and kept her gaze fixed on the wall.

“Babe” he worridly said, grabbing her hand which she instantly slapped away, “OWWW, what the hell Bella??” he asked as a wave of sadness and abit of anger washed over his face. “Im I some type of game to you” she angrily yelled, her puffy red eyes finally meeting his green orbs, “No babe! Why would you even say that!?” He furrowed his brows.

Where was this coming from.

“Then what the hell is this!” She demanded as she shoved something into his face, “I can’t see it if it’s all up in my face” Liam said, slowly getting irritated. “Here” she threw the object next to him and got up, not wanting to be anywhere near him at the moment.

The color in Liam’s face quickly faded as he turned to face the object. “I can explain,” he began, “Yeah, you better explain.”

So I’m guessing you want to know what the object is, huh?

It was a tablet, but not just any old tablet. It was his best friends Usher’s tablet where he kept all their bets, the bets that Liam and his friends did throughout college. And the bet onscreen was Romeo and Juliet… it was a bet for him…. A bet to make Bella Williams, the most popular girl in their collage, fall in love with him.

“Is this a game for you!? Do you even care about me?!! Are we fake! Is everything we went through fake Liam!?” She yelled, tears rolling down her cheeks. “NO! What we have is real! At first it was a game, but Bell trust me” he said as he slowly stood up and held her hand tight in his, “Its no longer a game to me” he finished looking into her swollen eyes. Her golden brown eyes looked into his as if search them, “Im sorry, I can’t” she whispered pulling her hand out of his hold, “Im going to stay with my parents for a few…. I should go pack” she said walking to the stairwell, she took one finally look at him and disappeared up the stairs.

Now…. Now it was his turn to cry.

Liam sat sobbing on the couch ad sobbed even harder as Bella approached him with two bags, “Here” she softly whispered as she handed him her promise ring which he had given her. He took it… she gave him a soft smile then turn on her heels and disappeared, the door loudly closed behind her.

After a few more hour of cry Liam picked up his phone and dialed Landon’s number still sniffling… he was no longer sad, all he saw was red. “What's up dude” Landon happily answer from the other side of the line, “Is usher there” he calmly asked, “Ahhh yeah want me to pass the phone over??” “No I’m coming over” Liam said and hanged up.

He didn’t have a plan… he didn’t know what he was going to do Usher. But at the moment he wanted nothing more that to ripped apart Usher. Liam grabbed his keys on the way out and hopped into his car, “She’s really gone” he whispered to himself, realizing her car was not beside his, that only added fuse to the fire. After a 10 min drive he arrived at Usher’s and Landon’s apartment, he jumped out and ran to the door and banged on the door, “Why are you banging the door so hard” Landon asked, ignoring him, Liam pushed passed and immediately headed to Usher’s room and barged in, startling Usher “Why the fuck was your bet tablet at my house!” he yelled.

“what” he simply questioned

“The tablet was at my house and Bella found it” Liam screamed out like a man man

“What did she do?”


“I didn’t leave it there” Usher simply said

“Then who was it??”

“Landon was the last one with the tablet, he said he needed it for something important. Since I gave him it I haven’t seen it”

That’s when it hit me…. Landon also liked Bella…. HE PURPOSLY LEFTED IT THERE. I sped out of the room in search of Landon with Usher hot on my heel. We found Landon in the living room watching a movie, “Hey guys” he smiled as we approached him, I immediately swinged at his nose, “OW WHAT THE HELL KINGS” he screamed as held his nose as blood flowed down. “Why did you leave the tablet” I angrily said.

He looked at me a bit shocked before a huge smirk took over

May 21, 2021 16:05

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