The Summary of Princess Zera's Life

Written in response to: Begin your story with the sensation of a breeze brushing against a character's skin.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction

The wind was fresh and blowing against Zera's skin. She had almost forgotten what this feeling was ever since she isolated herself in her room. She had recently given birth to Kera and was told to go outside. It was a nice day. Shining sun, cool breezes, and birds flocking. It should've been a nice day, but the dread of knowing that Kera is not Kamos' daughter, but rather Katose's always causes Zera's head to ache. It ruins any good moment she has with her family. This was no different. Luckily Lira, the wife of Kamos' brother Shelo, was with her to keep a close eye on her. Kamos and Shelo were off fighting necromancers and finding allies while Zera and Lira were staying here watching over the baby.

"She's getting cuter by the day," said Lira

"Yes, but it's her character I'm most worried about," said Zera.

"Well as Kamos keeps saying "As long as she's right, the chance of her being like Katose is next to none."" Lira said doing a terrible impression of Kamos.

"That's the thing. Katose was given everything, food, love, care, and more and that still wasn't enough to prevent him from becoming a monster," said Zera. Her fear of Katose was coming out and Lira knew it.

"Well if it helps. Katose is dead. He can't hurt you anymore." said Lira trying to comfort Zera. She even looked at the baby and scratched her tiny soft nose. "That's right, Katose can't hurt your mom anymore," said Lira as she baby-talked.

Zera just stood there motionless, looking at the grand city below them. She wondered how many women were like her. Having to bear children that aren't even their husbands. Having to wake up every morning knowing you gave birth to a monster in the making. that is what truly terrified her. That she was not the only one. Yet, Kamos understands that. He understood the risks and was do whatever to took, and for what? To brag and say how much better his moral standard was than everybody's else? No, that can't be it. Kamos isn't like that at all. According to him, half-orcs have a strong desire to fight for life, since so many had fought for them even though they had caused so much death and destruction. Perhaps Kamos is trying to pay that back by fighting for this child's life. Or it could be the Chrisstens he had been hanging out with for years now. "Princess Zera! Lady Lira! Kamos and Shelo are back from their mission!" yelled a servant. It broke Zera's string of thoughts. "Coming!" yelled back Lira. Lira walked Zera back into the castle walls.

Years later. After the Three Deaths War Zera stood over the city once again. It was rebuilding from the attacks of the necromancers, elemental sorcerers, and even the half-orcs. Yet all were beaten back to their borders one by one. The breeze calmed Zera's nerves. For so long she thought she would never see a similar scene again. Kera was holding her mother's hand. "It's so beautiful mommy," Kera said. "It is isn't. Soon it will be your responsibility to make sure it stays that way for as long it can," responded Zera. She was trying to hold back tears as the war had left many scars. It had driven Zera mad enough that after the birth of her second child, she killed him in his crib. She was trying to kill Kera but was frighted by Kamos who busted open the door with his bare hands; he was trying so desperately to stop her only to have the wrong kid get killed. Later she found out her half-orc son was supposed to begin the line of Noone. Now that honor fell to Shelo. That night still haunts her to this day. Even the breeze felt like its life had been regaining its life from the war as brushed past Zera and Kera. Kera's giggles had kept her from losing herself again. "Queen Zera! Princess Kera! Kamos has just arrived from the Green Swamps!" yelled a servant. "Yay, Daddy's home." cheered Kera as she ran back inside the castle walls. Zera reminded standing silent. The breeze blew once again.

Years later, Zera was an elder queen. The breeze calmed her down. She took a much-needed break from all the being inside the castle walls for too long. Kamos and Kera were by her side. Kera was now a young and powerful druid and was sent to be married to one of the elemental nobles. She had been told about Katose and even allowed to read his diary. It broke her knowing who her real was and it nearly destroyed the family entirely, but with the help of some friends, wise mentors, and family they have made amends with each other. Kera forgave Zera and Zera finally forgave herself. The wind blew with much life and strength, as the sunset on Kamo City. "How long have you two been doing?" asked Kamos since it was his first official time being there. "Ever since I was a little girl," answered Zera. "Me too, I guess it's a Kamo Princess habit" answered Kera. The three of them chuckled. "Queen Zera! The nobles are here!" yelled a servant. "Coming!" Zera yelled back. She turned toward Kera. "I bet they're here for the wedding, Kera be sure to look your best and try not to rely too much on your powers, the last thing we need is for one of the servants to untangle your hair because you tried using vines again," she said. Kamo burst out laughing "That was funny." Both Zera and Kera looked at Kamos with a smile and they went back to the castle.

Now in front of the castle are Zera's and Kamos' graves. Looking over the city. Kera once a year would travel to Kamo to pay her respects to her mother and step-father. It is said that one of Zera's descendants was Zarmos III the First Admiral of Kamo.

March 03, 2024 21:41

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