
It was a warm sunny afternoon. I was waiting for my parents to return from their travels. I was done with all my exams. In a week my parents were going to host a get-together party for our family, scattered around the country. I was eager to meet my cousins. We had decided to host the party in our old family home. This place held a certain place in my heart. Unlike other stately homes, ours was built amidst the hustle and bustle of the city. But that never posed any hindrance to our family time. Our patio was built in such a way that it gave us enough privacy to chill around, at the same time kept us in a loop of the everyday routine of the outside world. We were the ones who loved to decompress amidst the chaos. But today, even the lively vibe outside was not enough to cheer me up. To change the pace, I decided to spruce up the house. Nothing too extravagant, just a little redecorating. This will be proof that even I have inherited the artistic genes of my family. 

I started sprucing up the hall, followed by the kitchen and finally my room. My room was on the ground floor. Unlike my parent’s room, it was built very differently. The room always seemed a bit asymmetrical. Something was off about it. I couldn’t place my finger on it. Many days were spent debating around it in the living room. When we couldn’t possibly find a logical reason for this peculiarity, wild theories were flung around. This particular subject matter had become a source of entertainment for our family. Over the years we started a tradition, whoever came up with the most outrageous story would be treated.

I am getting a bit ahead of myself. I never explained why exactly we were adamant to  dragthis for so long. After years of speculating about the off nature of my room, my mother cracked the problem. One of the walls of my room was oddly built. It was somewhat protruding. As we couldn’t find no good reason for this oddity, we decided to come up with our own theories, no matter if it crosses the line of absurdity. 

My room and pretty much all the room were kept as it was from the day we inherited it from dad’s great-grandfather. For the sake of preserving their memories, we never really bought any new furniture or redid the place. I respected their decision. Besides, I loved the way my room looked. It used to be my dad’s grandma’s room, making her my great-grandma. But that doesn’t mean I can’t move around the furniture here and there to give it a different look. Today I decided I will leave my mark on this room. After all individuality was a very important part of our Roy family legacy.

I don’t know much about my great-grandma. I have always been told that I resemble her a lot when she was my age. Unfortunately, we didn’t have her early photographs. I had to take word of my grandpa. It was not the lack of her photos. Actually her father was very fascinated by photography. When she was 17 or 18, her father bought their first camera. Since it was a rare object at that time, each and every photo was taken with utmost care. Sometime over the years, her photographs were lost.

I was pretty much happy with the way I rearranged my room. Now the only corner left was the infamous wall corner. Adjacent to that wall, was an old fashioned lantern hanging. It was quite heavy. Usually when anybody cleaned this room, they just dusted it off. Nobody really bothered to remove it and clean it. Anyway it did not work anymore. So there wasn’t really a point to oil it regularly. To reduce the weirdness of the odd shaped wall I decided to take the herculean task of removing that heavy lantern and putting it on this wall. God it was heavy. 

As soon as I completely removed the lantern, a sudden groaning sound came as if someone was forcing a junked door to open. I almost dropped the lantern when I saw what happened. The oddly shaped wall was painfully twisting around making an awful moaning sound. I couldn’t breathe for a second. After all our crazy theories, this turned out to be a makeshift door. It was cleverly hidden for so long. Now that the pandora box had opened up, I decided to finally crack the mystery of this oddity.

The makeshift door had suffered from the vagaries of time. As a result of being unused for god knows how long, this door had lost its ability to open up. The door was sadly not attuned to weather changes. It was half opened. 

I mustered all my strength to open it up. After what seemed like hours of struggle, the door opened up. I glanced at the emptiness in front of me. It was pitch black. I dropped my notebook through the opening to assess the distance from the ground. It didn’t seem like too deep of a space from my room. There wasn’t any staircase or even rope to go down. I used my phone’s flashlight to be sure before I foolishly decided to jump down. It seemed like a small crawl space. Not too big to be called a proper room, yet not too confined. I took some matches and that lantern inside with me carefully. I sincerely hoped that this place was not inhabited by any wildlife. Thankfully I couldn't spot one.

I lit up the lantern and placed it at the top of the entrance to this space. This would save me the trouble of carrying it around, also I placed it in such a way that enlightened the whole space.


I wasn’t ready for the sight that awaited me. The space seemed like something out of a fiction book. The walls of the space were painted crazily. As if the decorator couldn’t decide or bother to paint it with patience. It felt the colors were randomly splashed about and painted on without an order. An odd assortment of items filled the room. On one side there was this huge trunk with a small lock on it. Adjacent to which there was a small desk and chair. And next to it there were two small wooden logs to which a bedsheet was tied in such a manner that it became a collapsible swing where One can easily rest by spreading their legs. Looking at the material of the cloth, I was pretty certain that it couldn’t outlive over the ages. 

This crawl space spoke to a lot of the person residing here, and I was fairly certain about its occupant. To confirm my suspicion, there was only one step remaining. I was quite confident that the contents of the box would prove my guess to be correct.

The lock was rusting off so it was easier to break off the hinges and open it. My heart gave a big jolt when the contents were revealed.

There was a small yet preserved in perfect condition, a portrait of my great-grandma. It felt as if I was looking at an alternate version of myself. We looked so similar yet somehow different. There was a kind of mischievous glint in her smile. Like there was some secret that only she knew. Her photograph gave a huge clue about her personality. From the rebellious way she dressed at that time to her smile, it revealed a lot.

It still wasn’t enough for me. I was curious to know more about her. I took out the photo and placed it by my side. Below the photograph was a set of clothes, the very same that she wore. It gave out a musky odor. It felt as if she preserved her memory inside the trunk. On further rummaging I came across a small blue colored notebook. By this time, my hands were shivering. I was about to witness something which I am pretty sure nobody knew about my grandma. 

She had documented her life in those pages. Her handwriting was so pure and beautiful. I immediately became a fan of her. It felt like ages once I completed reading her notebook. The contents of her notebook revealed something even more bizarre. But it is a tale for another time. It deserves its own story. Once I gather my nerves, I will document that too.

Finally when I reached the last page, there was a note written by her.

Congratulations on finding my possession. I am pretty sure you are my family. And I might be forward or bold if you may assume that you have inherited my nosy and wild nature. It takes a lunatic like me to create this perfect hideout, and a lunatic like you to discover it. This is my time capsule. I have documented all the bizarre happenings that I witnessed. I have a strong feeling you are my kindred spirit. I am sorry I couldn’t be there to share my adventures with you. But I think I have fairly done enough that I could to document everything scene by scene so you can feel as if you are witnessing it first hand. And by this time you know how sensitive the content is. I request you to keep it to yourself and not make it a family anecdote. When the time comes, just like today you will find more instructions laid around the house about what to do next. I couldn’t place it all in one place in case it got exposed. But you were clever enough to find my space and I am sure you will find the rest of the hidden memorabilia as well. Once you become successful in discovering and digesting everything that I left, you will know what to do. Not a moment before the right time under any circumstance reveal what you discovered today. Good luck”

I still couldn’t believe what I discovered today. Digesting this and keeping it a secret from my family will definitely be tricky.

But I know what my next adventure will be.  I promised myself I will get to the bottom of this.

I suddenly came out of my reverie when I heard the car horn of my parents. I quickly jumped out of the space and closed the door as fast as I could. Once the door was closed it looked again like the oddity it was.

I went outside to greet my parents. They had no idea of what happened. And I plan to keep it that way.

  • Deepti Venugopal 

March 27, 2020 14:04

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Roshna Rusiniya
03:32 Apr 04, 2020

The part about the note was interesting, but the story needs editing. The switching between past and present tenses for no particular reason makes the story less enjoyable. Also I felt that, there was too much focus on the backstory and the reader has to wait until the second half of the story to get to the theme ie. the secret passageway. Good effort overall. Keep it up.


Deepti Venugopal
15:00 Apr 06, 2020

Thank you so much. I will definitely keep these pointers in mind. These really help


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Pooja Makal
11:09 Apr 02, 2020

I liked the way, you have articulated the whole story. Each and every words in the story threaded very beautifully. Great Start ! Keep it going.


Deepti Venugopal
11:11 Apr 02, 2020

Thank you. Glad you liked it


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Palak Jain
04:14 Oct 02, 2020

Awesome story! Keep writing!


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Anmol Sharma
21:02 May 29, 2020

I was so engrossed in the story that i could picture myself in the scene. Wonderfully presented and made me think about the next clue. Good job!


Deepti Venugopal
23:04 May 29, 2020

Hey, thanks. Do glad you liked it 😁


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Sammie A.
14:59 Apr 10, 2020

I really liked the sort of cliffhanger ending, and the way you set the scene!


Deepti Venugopal
16:29 Apr 10, 2020

Thank you, I am really glad you liked it.


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Aakriti Khare
20:19 Apr 05, 2020

Paints an excellent picture! I got engrossed while reading it! Hoping to see a continuation on this...


Deepti Venugopal
15:00 Apr 06, 2020

Thank you


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Dileep Warrier
06:20 Apr 04, 2020

Good try !!! Expecting more


Deepti Venugopal
15:00 Apr 06, 2020

Thank you


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Arpita Agarwal
10:54 Apr 03, 2020

Really very nice and beautiful story. Great work deepti... Keep going!!!


Deepti Venugopal
11:15 Apr 03, 2020

Thank you so much


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Joanna Joseph
09:25 Apr 03, 2020

Intriguing story, nicely thought and portrayed.


Deepti Venugopal
09:41 Apr 03, 2020

Thank you so much


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Malayaka Jain
02:59 Apr 03, 2020

The story describes each and every detailing really appreciably. I enjoyed reading it. You kept up the excitement and suspense throughout. Very well written! Keep writing more stuff. :)


Deepti Venugopal
08:05 Apr 03, 2020

Thank you very much. I will do my best. :)


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Sasikumar T G
01:27 Apr 03, 2020

Good story


Deepti Venugopal
08:05 Apr 03, 2020

Thank you


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18:48 Apr 02, 2020

Every bit was written so perfectly, and there was suspense till the end. Way to go :)


Deepti Venugopal
18:52 Apr 02, 2020

Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it :)


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Unknown User
16:46 Apr 02, 2020

Well thought and well framed😁 Fantastic work...keep it up👍


Deepti Venugopal
17:38 Apr 02, 2020

Thank you very much :)


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Ravi Nath
16:14 Apr 02, 2020

Awesome.....My Little Bhanji has become a prolific writer...... Keep it up Vinu ..... We are proud of you and your achievemnts..... Loads of Love ..... Continue Such writing......


Deepti Venugopal
16:20 Apr 02, 2020

Thank you :)


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Parth Patel
15:57 Apr 02, 2020



Deepti Venugopal
16:02 Apr 02, 2020



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Aditea Nath
15:32 Apr 02, 2020

A nail biting story Di .it was so fascinating each and every paragraph was very interesting .keep going .


Deepti Venugopal
15:33 Apr 02, 2020

Thank you very much :)


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Revathi Warrier
14:08 Apr 02, 2020

Simple and grand😁


Deepti Venugopal
14:12 Apr 02, 2020

Thank you :)


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13:19 Apr 02, 2020

Amazing, thrilling and touching story.


Deepti Venugopal
13:50 Apr 02, 2020

Thank you very much


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Monica Eva
12:34 Apr 02, 2020

Wow, it was such an amazing story. Looking forward to the next part of the story. Keep up the good work Deepti. 😍🤩


Deepti Venugopal
12:39 Apr 02, 2020

Thank you. I will do my best


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Padma Bisen
10:26 Apr 02, 2020

Excellent story .keep up the good work .


Deepti Venugopal
10:40 Apr 02, 2020

Thank you..


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