"Girl of the Dark Baths in the Sun"

Submitted into Contest #262 in response to: Set your story during the hottest day of the year.... view prompt


Thriller Bedtime

Today is June 21, the first and longest day of the year. There is a bright sun and a blue sky. Enjoying the warmth of the sun and the feeling of freedom, she bathes in the warm light. In Sharpton (in Florida), the summer sun beats down like an evil entity. On this day, she celebrates summer while lamenting other people's suffering.

As a young girl called "Ruby Rune," her eyes fluttered open, her pupils adjusting to the faint luminescence that filtered through the rocky walls of the cave. She lay on a soft, velvety moss bed, her Cavian skin glistening with dew. The air was heavy with anticipation, and her senses were on high alert. Today, she ventured out of her sanctuary into the world above. She took a deep breath, the scent of pine trees lingering in the air. She stepped outside, looking around, ready to face the world.

But, as normal, as soon as she stepped outside, a burn mark appeared, causing pain throughout her body. Her parents quickly saved her, scolding her for her reckless behavior. "You must remember, Ruby," her mother admonished. "Our kind is not meant for the harsh light of the sun." Her dad added, "You have to be careful and mindful of your actions, or else you'll end up hurting yourself or worse." Ruby's kind, known as the Cavian, had lived underground for centuries, evolving in cool, dark caves where sunlight never reached. Their pale, delicate skin had become highly sensitive to UV rays, making direct sun exposure potentially deadly.

This sensitivity resulted from generations spent away from the sun, their bodies adapting to the underground environment in ways that now make the outside world a dangerous place for them. Despite her parents' warnings, Ruby felt an insatiable curiosity and a longing to explore the world above. She often dreamed of vibrant colors, birdsong, and the wind on her face. Going as far as to say, "Even if it means risking my safety," she insisted, her eyes shimmering with determination. "I want to feel the sand between my toes and hear the waves crashing against the shore. There's so much more to see and experience beyond these walls."

This desire clashed with the stark reality of her condition, creating a constant internal battle between her adventurous spirit and the need to protect herself. Ruby's mother sighed deeply, her eyes filled with sorrow and worry. "Ruby, my dear, your dreams are beautiful, but the world above is not kind to us," she said softly, her voice trembling. Her stern yet compassionate father added, "We understand your yearnings, but we must find a way to protect you first. We cannot lose you to the sun's unforgiving light! You're a strong girl, but you can't control how you were born, and we never can." Ruby nodded, understanding her parents' words. She knew she had to be realistic and stay safe, no matter what she dreamed. She promised her parents she would never forget their words and stay safe.

The family hugged and headed back home as the rest of the day passed. As moonlight shines through the caves, except for one, the Cavian families are asleep. Ruby struggled to sleep, thinking about her parents' advice & desires. Shadows covered her eyes as she lay there, her mind swirling with the conflicting emotions of her parents' caution and her own yearning for adventure. The more she thought about the world above, the more her desire to see it grew, overshadowing her fears. Ruby knew she had to find a way to balance her longing with safety, but sleep eluded her for now.

So she walked out of her home with a deep breath. Ruby pushed aside the fear that had held her back for so long. She had heard tales of the beach, a mystical realm of turquoise waters and golden sands. Humans reveled in the element that could destroy her. The sun, a burning behemoth, ruled the surface world, casting long shadows that writhed and twisted like dark, evil entities. Now that she's outside in the moonlight, she wants to run out. However, even though she is young and naive, she doesn't have much wisdom, remembering that night doesn't last forever. It's not helping that she gets hungry outside as well.

But, being undeterred, she set a three-week plan and headed out on July 8. Ruby gathered her courage and set out to explore this forbidden world in secret. Her heart pounding with excitement, she asked family and friends for cooking lessons, learned how to fix up her clothes if they ripped up, and made a makeshift umbrella from a sturdy branch and a tattered piece of fabric. The most complex challenge is hiding this from her parents. After enough time, at 11:58 p.m., on July 7, Ruby placed her plan but left a letter for her parents saying, "Sorry, I promise I'll come back. I love you guys." Then, with a quick gear up, she navigated the forest cave's labyrinthine tunnels; the air grew thick with the whispers of her ancestors, warning her of the dangers that lurked above.

But along the way, she encountered a family of bears who tried to eat her, forcing her to flee for her life on day one. She got lost more than once, wandering aimlessly through unfamiliar terrain on day two. She nearly got run over due to her ignorance of what a road is; she also faced trouble with people who scolded her for not knowing what money was, as she was just hungry or needed to fix her clothes on day three. On day four, she met a stranger who tricked her and took away all her items, leaving her with nothing but determination to continue her journey.

It was a determination that would not beat her weakness, and as her skin began to crack like glass, she fell to the ground, about to lose her conscience and face death in tears. And became unconscious. She would later awaken, noticing she was in a cozy room with a plate of food and a cup of water beside her. Feeling low on energy, she devoured everything, savoring each bite. As she finished, the door creaked open, and an old man with kind eyes and a gentle smile entered; he introduced himself as Sam Fisher, explaining he was an old friend of her grandfather. Ruby's eyes widened in surprise and curiosity as she tried to process the unexpected connection. Her heart raced with relief and apprehension, but Sam's gentle demeanor put her at ease. She listened intently, eager to hear more about her grandfather and the stories Sam had to share.

She asked why he helped her and how he knew she was Red's granddaughter. He explained that he recognized her because she had the same messy brown hair and tiny scarf as her grandfather, Red. Sam recounted how he had once been lost in the forest for nine days, starving and near death, when Red had found him, fed him, and guided him back to safety. Helping Ruby was his way of repaying the kindness he had received many years ago.

Ruby felt a rush of gratitude and amazement as she listened to Sam's tale. Tears welled in her eyes, knowing her grandfather's kindness legacy had come full circle. She thanked Sam profusely, feeling renewed hope and determination to continue her journey. However, before she left, he gave her old clothes his daughter used to wear when she was younger. He also gave her a summer hoodie to protect her from the heat while keeping her hidden.

She said, "Thank you," as she left, & finally, as she approached the shoreline, Ruby's eyes widened in awe. The turquoise waters lapped gently against the golden sands, creating a soothing melody that harmonized with the beat of her heart. She had never seen anything so beautiful and so full of life. In the distance, Ruby spotted a group of humans, their sun-kissed skin glistening with laughter and joy. They seemed oblivious to the danger lurking in the shadows, unaware of the Cavian girl who watched them with fascination and fear.

As Ruby explored the beach in her hoodie under the sun's relentless assault, she stumbled upon a seashell half-buried in the sand. The shell was peculiar, its surface etched with strange symbols that shimmered in the sunlight. Ruby picked it up without thinking, feeling an inexplicable connection to the mysterious object. Suddenly, a gemstone hidden within the shell glows, casting a warm, protective light over Ruby's skin.

She felt strange, as if the gem were imbuing her with temporary immunity to the sun's deadly rays. With newfound confidence, Ruby approached the humans, her heart pounding excitedly. They turned to face her, their eyes widening in surprise as they took in her Cavian features. Ruby feared the worst for a moment, but then something unexpected happened. The humans smiled; their faces were warm and welcoming.

One of them, a young girl with curly hair, approached Ruby, holding a hand in friendship. "Hi," she said, her voice hesitant but genuine. "I'm Lily Li- Lily Fisher. We don't get many visitors out here." Hearing the similar surname, she wondered and was proven right as she saw Sam wave beside the girl's mother. Ruby's heart swelled with emotion as she took Lily's hand and felt a sense of connection she had never known before. For the first time in her life, she felt like she belonged and was more than just a creature of the shadows.

Ruby explored the beach with her new friends as the day wore on, laughing and playing in the waves. The sun still loomed large, but it no longer seemed so menacing, not with the gem's protection and the warmth of her new friends. As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the beach, Ruby knew that she would never forget this day and this feeling of hope and connection. Thanks to a drive from Sam, she returned to the cave, but she would never be the same, for she had discovered a world beyond the shadows, full of beauty and wonder. As she returned home, she received plenty of love and punishment from her parents. However, she didn't seem to care, as she knew things were back to normal, an idea that shocked her parents. She was different now. She knew there was more to life than what she had known before. She was determined to explore the new horizons she had found.

Ruby explained her adventures with her parents and community, even showing them the gem she found, but it went from colored bright to gray. Ruby didn't let the gem's fading power dampen her spirits. She cherished the memories of that sunny day and the connections she had made. Although the gem's protection was temporary, the courage and hope it had instilled in her were everlasting. Many adults were shocked at the idea, thinking the gems were just legends, but it was true. Ruby's journey from the moment onward would foster more trips in the future, but she wouldn't go out on her own.

August 09, 2024 02:35

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