The Forecast

Submitted into Contest #288 in response to: Set your story during — or just before — a storm.... view prompt


Fiction Funny Horror


As well as the impact of climate change, it has become increasingly apparent globally. We are facing devastating consequences of extreme weather events, reported the weatherman. The peculiar thing was, that all over the world, has reported the same weather forecast 66.6C, and the gust of wind was over 500mph that started from one corner of the earth to the other side of the world, and the wind was progressively rising-fast. In California 66.6C, Montana 66.6C, Louisiana 66.6C, Alaska 66.6C, China 66.6C, London 66.6C, ubiquitously, and the temperature was steady declining-- fast.

 Feeling the interrupted serene smug glimmer of comfort; her feelings quickly shifted with flooded unbearable emotions. A momentary look of anguish crossed her face as she pondered over the uncanny forecast report she just learned. 

The radio faded out completely. There was no signal reception anywhere. She repeated to herself: It can’t be. How could that be? What’s going on? It is in the middle of July, and we get a weather forecast, claiming a sleeting. The 66.6C evoked a dead queasy feeling in her gut. The real zinger was the 66.6C reported globally in July, simultaneously, unbelievable! That irked her more than anything else. That number 666, oh God help us. Then, it dawned on her! She well knew…

She was quite disturbed about the forecast. She had learned the protocol preparation plans, since she was a child. Therefore, it assured her that anything can be attained if one loves and trusts in God. It’s happening globally all over the world at the same time. How bizarre! Equipped with a baffled look in her eyes, she timorously drove quickly and with anxiety. Apprehension enveloped her, as she finally arrived at her apartment. She was reluctant to get out of the car into that revolting storm. She had always been terrified of any storm, especially thunderstorms; since she was once struck by lightning. How terrifying that was! She was hoping that this must be some bizarre wuthering glitch.

She trampled her way along the rutted muddy trailing in an irritated silence, making her way to her apartment. This forecast was worse than a tornado, maybe even a hurricane, she thought to herself. A piercing gust of wind shook the trees above her head showering her already miserable body frame with a fresh deluge and tree barks. She wiped the water from her eyes with her wet sleeve.  Taken by surprise, a blow from the wind, caused a large tree branch to fall on her head, almost knocking her on the gritty sodden earth.

Oh! my goodness she cried out! Oh! my goodness! God help me! What I wouldn’t give for an umbrella, she thought. Just that brief moment, she was drenched. The heavy rain and wind grew heavier and the sleeting was getting more condensed, almost the size of a walnut. Oh my God help me, she cried out. Some of her groceries flew out of the bag that she was carrying. It made no sense to try to pick them up, which would lead to more disaster.

She finally made it to the apartment. She anchored her key to unlock the door and entered her apartment. Just as she put her groceries down, well, what was left of it? There was a knock on the door. It was Brother Cleveland from the bible class. His eyes were flashed with terror. He tried to maintain his composure. He calmly told Sherry to drop everything she was doing and come to the hall, immediately. There is a tumultuous storm out there and it may be…his words trailed off… dismissing his thoughts to avoid alarming her. But she well knew what he wanted to say. She also thought to herself, gazing in disbelief. Is he for real? Could this be the …

He goes on to say, when you leave, don’t lock your door to your apartment. The other crew needs to get in quickly. Your place is closer and handy for hiding. When you get to the hall, park in the back, and leave the keys in ignition, so we can be ready to go quickly and safely. The other people are meeting at different places assigned. Please remember, you must sit quietly. Remember, obedience is the key to getting into God's kingdom. We have been preparing this protocol for most of our lives. Remember, that we learned this at the conventions? Now it is time to apply them. I know it sounds crazy, but you know the deal, and you’re going to have to trust. I don’t have time to explain it all now. However, we will keep you informed. Please, I hope you have your go-bag ready to go and your bible.

Yes, I do, Sherry replied. Remember, God sees everything we do. Sister King will assist you. Apprehension etched in his face, as he cautioned her to stay safe before leaving. Then the phone rings, it's Sister King. Sister King frantically yelled, Sherry! Sherry! Sherry! Reacting in a frantic rage. Please get to the hall immediately! Something is terribly happening! Let’s go. Hurry! hurry!

As she opened the door to leave, Sister King was standing there trying to get her to hurry. But Sherry recalled that she sinned badly, committing fornication. Sherry sadly told her no, I have sinned, and I can’t run or hide from God. No one can. She asked Sherry, did you repent of your sins to God? Yes, Sherry replied. I promised God that it would never happen again; not until I marry. Then, Sister King inquired Sherry of keeping her promise? Sherry nodded, yes, of course, I did. Feeling alleviated by her response, oh good, maybe God has forgiven you, replied Sister King. Sherry was really devastated about her past sins. But Sister King pleaded with her to go anyway. You never know what may come of it, replied Sister King. She grabs Sherry by the arm, to hurry out the door before the storm gets worse.

As they headed for their cars, this turbulent, tempestuous, brutal wind made it inevitable to walk forward. There was thunder roaring a monstrous growl that reverberated through the air as if the storm itself were angry at the sins of the people…. your behind is mine baby. I’m in rare form.

She couldn’t hardly see where she was going. She slogged forward struggling to make her way to the car. People were everywhere hollering and screaming. This brutal gusty, wind, violently whipped her hair around her face obstructing her view. She tried to cringe her eyes to see through. Debris of the tree branches, twigs, sticks, mud, and the heavy rain slashed into her face; seeking out every exposed piece of her flesh as if she was being punished. Her body went zigzag vehemently, as she recoiled in horror, struggling to the car. But retreating to the relative of her body, wasn’t an option.

She quickly glances over at Sister King, hoping she is ok. Sister King finally made it to her car. As she struggled to open the car door, the wind twirled her in spheres several times, then, knocking her to the ground. She struggled to get up. The vicious wind swiftly pulls her dress over her head, twirling her in circles and developing this embarrassing grope fest. She developed a bizarre gravitational pull toward the wind; which she was in a spiral of shame; Sherry retorted to herself, and wanted to laugh, but she dared not.

 The lady next to Sister King struggled to get in her car. Her wig was blown off, and amongst happened to several other women’s wigs in the neighborhood, which were blown ubiquitously, flying all over the place. Goodness gracious, Sherry thought to herself, speaking of an embarrassing hideous sight! Sherry was trying to get to her car and found it too horrifying to feel their embarrassment or even laugh.

Frankly, Sherry had a crazy sense of humor with bad timing, I may add. She thought to herself, maybe we will laugh about this one day. That movie star, Bob Hope, springs to mind, when he tells a joke at the darndest time. He would be at the moment of losing his life, then he precariously, tells a joke. He was so funny. Sherry chortled a bit. Consequently, she quickly reprimands herself that this is not the time to be laughing. Sometimes using a little humor, sort of cushion the blow she thought. Ok, she muttered to herself, I need to be serious. Sherry quickly cuts off her snickering.

 A surge of guilt welled into her mind. So, she relentlessly prayed that God is not gearing this phenomenal plague-like confrontation toward her, despite her sins.

 The wind’s horrible, howling, sounds like a bunch of wolves’ cries of a banshee. The wind itself was so terrorizing. Its wheezing and howling sounds. Flying sticks, bricks, bottles, newspaper, you name it, clashed into Sherry’s body like a mass of wolves trying to devour her.

The wind blew from all 4 corners of the earth with dynamic pressures to rapidly and fiercely slash any and everything ubiquitously. Stones, garbage cans, glass, and even the dogs and cats were swiftly thrown around. It was unbelievable, like a nightmare! Trees were pulled out of their roots and knocked to the ground. Telephone poles were wobbling back and forth ready to hit the ground.

People were hit by cars with no way of help. Baby's squalls and cries of terror were overwhelming. People were thrown out of their cars, some landed in department stores and in the streets. A huge 300-pound naked lady fell three stories out of a window of an apartment building. Her frightful blood-curdling scream was dreadfully jolting. What a sight to see! Wow! Houses were crumbling to the ground. There were so many dead bodies lying all over the place; from one corner of the earth to the next.

Massive hail fell from the sky, as it progressed to the size of a cantaloupe, knocking people out. Some people were running trying to dodge the hail as if they were in a snowball fight, but no one was laughing. It was horrendous. An old man fell into a pile of snow, sliding down the icy streets, with his behind swiftly compiling the snow and other things underneath, cleaning the streets along the way.

Sister King decided to ride with Sherry, since it was impossible to open her car door. They both shook and shivered all the way to the hall.

At last, they made it there safe. Making that impulse decision, they did exactly what Brother Cleveland told them. They finally made it to the hall. Brother Cleveland was sitting quietly with his family. They noticed a huge hole in the wall.

People were standing in groups talking loud Instead of doing what they were told to do. Sister King and Sherry sat next to each other, embracing each other, ever so tightly. The howling became louder as if it entered the building. All at once, a great burst of wind, quickly slammed half the group that were standing and talking, were zipped apart, and thrown through the open walls to the outside! The other half were thrown through the wall making a new opening to the outside! Oh my God! Oh my God! Everyone cried out. They disobeyed. God does not play, mumbled sister King.

Setting off Sparks of terror, a burst of the frigid wind forced the rest of them to their seats. Everyone remained silent. The dead silence was deafening and the feeling of helplessness was suffocating, but even their reassurance was tinged with disbelief. They sat there and shook and quivered as if they were in spasms. Everyone was terrified. A small beacon of hope amidst their shared despair of a hushed conversation.

Sherry whispered to sister king saying, I’m not ready to die. I hope God spare me. I’m so afraid. And sister King replied, everybody’s wishing that, Sherry. Just be obedient to God. It was such a simple task to follow. All they had to do was sit down and shut up. Some people learn the hard way.

One sister, her name was sister Williams, overheard their conversation, then she arrogantly blurted out to Sister King; I know I’m going to make it, huh? Immediately, with a great burst of anger, the tempest wind broke through the ceiling and snatched sister William’s up with her still in the chair, and she went smashing through the roof to the outside! Everyone yelled in a harrowing despair, Oh no! Oh my God! Oh my God!

 You could see the sisters and brothers’ bodies just quivering. Everyone sat and was frozen with fear. This bone-chilling deluge has forced a flashback of the way God destroyed wicked people in the past. We all were so afraid for our lives. Horrid with the fact remains unknown; Sherry thought, if God forgave …her words trailed off without finishing her thought, but her wary expressions spoke it. Sister King and Sherry stayed glued-like together, it was unbearable. Sherry thought to herself, God doesn’t like it when you’re too sure of yourself. In fact, God hates haughty people. She recalls the scriptures in Proverbs 6:16-19 that would back that up along with other things that God hates.

 Sherry relished a warm Proverbial phrase to herself: The Bible is a Pearl of Wisdom and Gems of inspiration. People's problems are like Pebbles to God. There’s nothing too grandiose that God cannot handle.

Sherry's nostalgic memories brought her back to her teenage years of telling a lady: The boom is off the rose honey. You look like a corroded chicken. Please sit down, you’re not cute. Sherry rectified that audacious ill-mannered remark. She felt a rueful guilt that enveloped her; and the self-deprecating of being one's own worst version of themselves. She began praying and hoping God forgave her for being so rude.

Next, the wind swiftly whipped around Sherry and sister King several times. Hooping, growling, howling as if nature itself were scolding them. Pulling them apart, the wind whipped around Sherry’s body so close and began hurling and howling in her ears. As the saying goes, she was shaking like a leaf on a tree. Her body went limp.

She just knew she was dead. On the contrary, she had to fight internally to stay alive. This hideous, atrocious wind hovered over Sherry and blanketed her in great numbness. Her heart stumbled over its own rhythm. Her blood ran cold; it coiled through her body cascading straight to her feet. Her lips parted in silent terror. A sickening wave of terror welled up from her spine to her belly struggling to control the quavering dream-like feeling from the shock. Her breathing became shallow as never before. Her eyes were transfixed with horror, unable to look away from the gaze….

Seconds later, the horrifying hissing wind hauled over to Sister King. Provided, Sherry’s body regained the blessed air flowed into her oxygenated lungs, and regaining some of her strength only in shallow breathing. Her vision finally cleared a bit.

Sherry glanced over at Sister King, hoping she’d be ok. She saw the look of panic cross her features. Her eyes flashed with great terror looking faint. She shook in her chair as if she was being executed for capital punishment. Finally, the wind glided past Sister King. Sherry perceived the look of relief astounding on her face. They quickly placed their seats back together and began embracing each other like never before.

The wind towered over everyone in the back. Sherry couldn’t bear to watch; it was too much. Under the circumstances, God will clean his house first. Finally, it hurled back outside, and an ear-piercing cry filled with terror, rang throughout the crowd of people. She felt great sorrow for them.

She recalled that she gave warning to people, about the last days. If only they would have listened. She knew the prospect of this day was coming, but she never imagined it would happen like this.

Nevertheless, everyone had a look of death anxiety, but a momentarily look of relief. They all inaudibly thanked God, not saying a word or even moving a muscle. Hoping that the blustery, gusty, wind doesn’t vacillate back for revenge. The wind made its way back into the hall. Our situation came to this earth-shattering halt! This time it loomed over everyone in the hall, hanging in midair…                                                     THE END

February 05, 2025 22:12

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Lashun Kidd
02:09 Feb 11, 2025

Hey mom. Love your story. Wow! I didn't know you had it in you to write. The story was heart -rending and a little humor. It was funny when you said the wigs flying everywhere an embarrassing hideous sight, lol🤣🤣🤣 I died laughing. Also the old man swept the street down icy road and his behind cleaned the streets. 🤣🤣 I know I shouldn't laugh, but It was funny 🤣


Cheryl Bynum
02:57 Feb 11, 2025

Thank you my son. You used my phone to comment. I guess that's okay, but thank you. I know I have a crazy sense of humor and yeah just like you said about the wigs that was hilarious 😂 😂 😂 😂 and about the old man sweeping the streets with his behind that was so funny. I was laughing so hard. And also about the lady looked like a chicken the boom is off the rose honey you ain't cute you look like a Corroded chicken. I was laughing so hard🤣🤣🤣🤣. It took me forever to finish my story. Most people probably wouldn't find it funny.


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