A Sudden Disappearance

Submitted into Contest #37 in response to: Write a story about a rumor making its way through the grapevine.... view prompt



A noble colleague of mine at the University of Colorado went skiing one day on Aspen Mountain and was never heard or seen from again. Around the water cooler in the teacher’s lounge I heard it through the university grapevine that maybe his sudden disappearance was not and accident, but foul play may have been involved.

It was also whispered around campus that his 25 year old wife is now dating another man even older than him. He was 52 years old when he was accidently involved in a one on one match with an avalanche.

Professor Ashbury’s remains hadn’t nearly thawed and his gorgeous widowed wife was gallivanting around the snow covered plains of Aspen with millionaire playboy Walter Countbassey who was 90 and six days years old. Everyone knew the older playboy, days on the planet earth were numbered, before he met the most famous playboy of them all Hugh Hefner down below.

Professor Ashbury was believed to have had taken out an 8 million dollar double indemnity life insurance policy 3 weeks prior to his sudden disappearance. His benefactor would receive double if he was accidently covered with over 6 to 12 feet of snow.  

All the faculty members were unrelenting on pointing their middle fingers at the Anna Nicole look alike in her direction.

The Chief of Police, the Lieutenant Governor of Colorado and the Mayor. All agreed that she was as dumb as a box of pet rocks and surely wasn’t mentally capable of plotting his disappearance, besides she was sleeping with all three at the time.  

Most of the wealthy and prominent men residing in Aspen, Colorado (population 7,365) demanded that the lovely Rachel Lawrence Hewitt Smithe-Ashbury shouldn’t never have been included as being the number 1 suspect.

Professor Ashbury’s death was ruled as an unfortunate accident by the coroner’s office Dr. Warren Chapman. Who also cleared her on another accidental death of husband number 2?

Dr. Amos Hewitt the famous plastic surgeon was found hanging on a hook upside down like a giant cow with an incision made with a sharp knife in the jugular furrow at the base of his neck, the knife being directed towards the entrance of his chest to sever all the major blood vessels arising from the heart, in a hidden laboratory in their secluded mansion. He weighed over 800 pounds soaking wet.

I heard it through the cold cellar storage grapevine that Rachel spent a lot of nights in his doomed and gloomy bodies on ice domain? His famous line being. “The dead can’t tell on you”. I guess he never considered the array of security cameras planted all over the place ever since Harvey Weinstein’s body was stolen. It was “alleged” that it may have been taken by 122 of those women he allegedly raped over a 40 year span, led by Cynthia Burr.

Dr. Chapman is now under intense investigation. It was believed that he got caught on tape having late night sex with some of the frozen corpse female and male. A person who engages in sexual activities with a corpse is called a necrophiliac.

I teach Psychiatry at the University of Colorado, having had my tenure over the last 4 years. I posed the question to my students is it any way possible that Mrs. Ashbury could have been Socially or Psychologically involved in her husband’s sudden disappearance. I gave them 3 weeks to complete the assignment. I had hoped to stop all the gossiping going on by giving my brilliant students something else to focus on what really may have happened to Professor Ashbury, who also taught Human Behavior. A young mind is a terrible thing to waste and not manipulate.

When I got 103 hypothesis papers back. I immediately copied each and every one of them and gave all of those who completed the assignment an A. Except for the pot smoking Luther Vangross. I gave him an A+.

Everyone in all my psych classes knew he was a slacker. I truly believed by giving him the best grade I would be cutting two apples with one slice. I took all the papers home with me and when I truly had enough time to thoroughly examine their minds I would re-grade them properly. My classes were getting larger and larger each semester.

In the meantime, I did a little background check on the ex wife of my prodigious friend Professor Rufus Ashbury. They had only been married less than two years. I was the best man at their wedding. The first place I knew where to look was LinkedIn, Snap Chat, Facebook, Instagram, Myspace, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Tumblr, Reddit, Flickr, Kik, Periscope, Medium, SoundCloud, Tender, WhatsApp and Slack. Rachel must never had a job because she was posted on every single social media I discovered.

Our, I mean Rachels net worth was over 27 million. How could someone supposedly being that dumb be able to acquire that much income at just turning 25 years old.

I found out later that she was actually 35 years old all due to husband number 2.  The Plastic Surgeon.

Rachel was also a child prodigy. A child prodigy is defined in psychology research literature as a person under the age of ten who produces meaningful output in some domain to the level of an adult expert. The term wunderkind (from German: Wunderkind, literally "wonder child") is sometimes used as a synonym for child prodigy, particularly in media accounts. Wunderkind also is used to recognize those who achieve success and acclaim early in their adult careers.

Rachel’s real name being Nancy Thurgood. Nancy’s three fields of study where she degreed in were Abnormal Psychology, Forensic Science and Theater.

I always found her fascinating at the two dinner parties I seen her attend. Anyone with even one glass eye could see that Dr. Ashbury was over matched. All the men she married and concubine with were no match for her. I purposely steered cleared of her captivating beauty and wit. She was a far cry from being dumb as she had many others to believe. Even the women she slept with.

I had just gotten out of the shower when I her the sound of my Mozart GE 2-Melody Doorbell Chime. I wasn’t the least surprised to see the lovely Rachel when I looked at the camera monitor. I would not entertain her at this present time. She must have heard about what I assigned my students to do. She was a very brilliant woman. I also knew that I had better switched cars. No telling how devious and clever she could truly get.

I estimated that she was probably responsible for taking over 10 to 12 lives including her own sister who was said to have drowned at age three. In sibling rivalries, the first born can’t sometime adjust to now being second fiddle. No one ever suspected Nancy of doing something such as that. Her parents never had any other children.

What Nancy didn’t consider at that young murdering age is that she actually destroyed the family. Her mother and father blamed one another for their daughter’s unexpected death and eventually divorced.

I watched her get into her brand new convertible Aston Martin One -77 and drive away. A minute later I received a call on my cell phone from someone unknown. I never answer those kinds of calls.

When I got to work that following Monday. My secretary handed me a mailed envelope. I handed it back to Margret and told her to return to sender address unknown.  

Four days later I found that exact red envelope on the windshield of my car. I tossed it on the ground and purposely ran over it. I knew that Rachel was probably watching from a distant. The plot was thickening for real.

A sociopath can be defined as a person who has Antisocial Personality Disorder. This disorder is characterized by a disregard for the feelings of others, a lack of remorse or shame, manipulative behavior, unchecked egocentricity, and the ability to lie in order to achieve one's goals. Sociopaths can be dangerous at worst or simply very difficult to deal with, and it's important to know if you have found yourself with a sociopath, whether it's someone you're dating or an impossible coworker. I wasn’t dating her, but my coworker and very close best friend had. I knew running over that letter would drive her insane. The next day all my car tires were slashed and the side of my car was painted with a can of paint, “You’re as good as dead”.  I called the police and AAA at the same time. When I called the cab service I had the driver drop me off at a dimmed lit bar. After ordering my drink no sooner than it arrived it was none other than Rachel who climbed in the barstool beside me. I pretended not to know who she was and that irritated the hell out of her. Look Blane she clamored. When I try to get in touch with you, you better respond. I say who are you lovely lady loud enough so the female bartender could hear? She pulls out a gun from her purse and tells me to walk towards the door. I get up and take the gun from her. Slap her in the face hard and walkout of the place with her gun. The police had arrived when I got to the door. Rachel had pulled out a back up gun and started shooting. She shot me in the chest as the two police officers gunned her down just inside the door of the now famous bar and grill. I was wearing a bullet proof vest.

Three days later miraculously my brother Professor Rufus Ashbury returned. You see we both planned to get all the money Rachel had. When my brother signed away his life to Rachel. She willingly did so too. Thinking that she would one day dispose of him just like the rest. You know the saying. “Two devious anti-social minds are always better than one”!

After editing my ending 4 times. I thought maybe I could give my readers a better ending or they could decide which one they preferred or better yet mentally write and ending themselves.

You see I met Nancy 20 years ago when she was just 15 years old. She was having difficulties dealing and adjusting with college. Most prodigal children do, except for a few like myself.

Her parents chose me because of the reputation I had for helping brilliant minds to adjust to the real world. Right away after 3 sessions. I realized that Nancy Ann Thurgood was a natural born killer.

I taught her a lot about conning men and women it was quite easy because Nancy was asexual. Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to others, or low or absent interest in or desire for sexual activity. It may be considered a sexual orientation or the lack thereof. It may also be categorized more widely to include a broad spectrum of asexual sub-identities.

We were married. When it became apparent to me that Nancy’s thirst to kill was steady increasing over the years.

I knew it was time for her to expire from this world. I killed Professor Ashbury. I buried his remains somewhere on that mountain by causing an avalanche with the help of a stick of dynamite.

Nancy and I had to lay low so I knew it would be easy to get her in killing “me” mode. She never really liked being away from me no matter who we planned to milk. Her anger hit the apex especially when I didn’t allow her to come to our home or when I returned her letter and ran over it. She thought that I was having an affair with Margret my Secretary. The police did the job for me.

Your choice reader.

April 12, 2020 15:06

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