A Stroll Through the Apple Orchard

Submitted into Contest #63 in response to: Write about two characters going apple picking.... view prompt


Fantasy Drama Fiction

-I don’t know why we’re here, he said.

-It calms me, came the response.

-Sure, but we could really be doing anything else calming. Not… apple picking.

-This is my orchard Jonathan. These are my trees. I like them. I also like apples, so I don’t understand your confusion. If I don’t tend to my own trees who would?

-You are the king, I’m sure you can find someone to do this task for you.

-Nonsense, this is for my own satisfaction. Besides, I want to test this technique the gardener suggested.

-What do you mean?

-Apple trees bear fruits once every two years. Sometimes more. The gardener claimed that he knows a method that produces apples every year. Something that has to do with cutting the “right” branches. Apparently, it is quite common in his hometown.

-What do those people down there know? If they were a little more in the south, they would have been knee deep in desert sand and they wouldn’t have any apple trees to worry about.

-I’m just saying what he told me. Anyway, I gave him permission to apply this technique in a small part of the orchard. Autumn has finally arrived and I’m curious to see if it worked.

-Like you wouldn’t learn the results if you were sitting in your chambers.

- Oh quit whining, it doesn’t suit you.

-Please don’t tell me you expect me to help you with all these trees. We only did a couple dozens and I’m already bored out of my mind. I don’t want to believe that this is the only reason that you send for me.

-Can’t I enjoy an autumn stroll with you? I summoned you here as my son.

-Oh really? Because I clearly remember your servant saying “His Majesty King Christopher III requires your presence in the apple orchard this morning”.

-Like you ever paid attention to titles. You’re the prince of this country and my heir and yet you have never showed even the slightest interest to follow protocol.

-Don’t worry about it. You’re too busy to teach me about protocol anyway. Is this why we’re here?

-Walk with me.

-Father please, just tell me-…

-You know, there are more than 7,500 different species of apples. Please, keep up Jonathan. Most of them are for eating, some are for cider and some are just ornamental. I have here just a handful of different varieties. This part we’re right now is just for green apples. A little sour for my taste but please, help yourself to one.

-Father why we’re here?

-My biggest pride however is these two trees. Black Diamond Apples. I had to bring them all the way from the northern mountains but now I have 2 of them right here in my orchard. Aren’t they beautiful? I had to wait 8 years to taste them and this year finally I get to do it.

-Well, you always loved things that nobody else had.

-Look at them, fully grown. As you can see the name is a tad misleading, it’s just a dark purple. And the taste is said to be much sweeter than the other species.

-I’m really happy for you father but I’m going to go now. Have fun picking-…

-Are you meeting Lord Duncan?

-….No, why would I-…

-Please tell him that I’m decreasing the army’s wages. Also, I’m reducing its size.

-What? You can’t do that!

-I’m the King! I truly CAN do that!

-Father the army is the only thing that stands between us and our enemies. They don’t dare attack us because of its strength.

-I don’t remember putting you in a consultant position!

-A strong and large army both protects and prevents others to risk open war, your words not mine!

-I remember what I said, you think I’m so old that I started losing my mind? But I said “open war”! I’m pretty sure if you were a little interested in military matters you would have noticed that.

-What’s that supposed to mean?

-It means that presently, I don’t have to worry about external enemies.

-I think you stayed too long under the sun.

-Really? What about this then? Sir Robert, as a general, forged my signature and gave his approval for new war towers and catapults, without my knowledge!

-I don’t believe Sir Robert really did-…

-Sir William, as a general as well, started training his troops for “city warfare”, whatever the hell this is, without my knowledge!

-Father what-….

-Sir James, as the leader of the espionage units, sent his men to convince the High Priest to join their cause, WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE! The bastard dragged the church into this!

-I’m pretty sure you have-…

-And, of course, Lord Duncan! As the second in command behind me, it was conveniently easy for him to imprison guards and military men that held important positions! Men loyal to ME!

-You really have this all wr-…

-How long ago did you start organizing this thing?


-I said, how long ago did YOU START ORGANIZING THIS THING?

-What th-…



-Didn’t you think I would have my own spies? This city is a viper nest, without information you are nothing. How do you think I managed to survive so long? Do you have any idea how many conspiracies and murder attempts I stopped just because I had the information to act first? You’re a child!

-Father, I didn’t-…

-I know all about your plans. Sir James’ alliance with the church to turn people’s opinion about your cause. Sir William’s “city warfare” soldiers to swiftly storm the city and kill those who resisted while at the same time put themselves in key positions in order to maintain control. Sir Robert’s towers and catapults to conquer all the neighboring cities, almost immediately after you become king. So many times he and you tried to convince me about it. Everything of course under the supervision of Lord Duncan who would also perform your coronation. Him and that snake Jorgi the High Priest!


-You don’t even have the decency to deny it! I have fought many battles boy, your child’s play won’t have any effect on me.

-All I did, I did for the good of the country.

-Oh please! All you did, you did for power!

-I wanted to-…

-YOU WANTED TO BE KING! Just admit it! You didn’t care about the family and you certainly don’t care about this country! I know you, boy!

-YOU CALL ME BOY?! FINE! I wanted to be king! I wanted to have the last say in everything and I wanted to do as I pleased, but you were taking TOO FUCKING LONG TO DIE!


-I can’t tell you how glad I am to disappoint you right now Jonathan….

All Jonathan saw was a quick metal flash in his father’s hand. He felt the dagger enter his body right under his ribs and immediately autumn’s chill made the pain worse.


-All those years, my passion for apples has taught me one thing…

-Father… What the… hell…?

He felt the autumn’s chill on his stomach this time. He fell on his right knee.

-Family is like an apple tree…

-Pl… Please… Father…

-When an apple goes bad, you cut it down for the benefit of the tree…

Autumn’s chill entered his armpit and his neck almost simultaneously. He felt his blood coming out of his body with great haste. He tried to mutter some words but the effort seemed to stop at his neck. The last thing he saw was the king’s back walking away with a bitten Black Diamond apple in his bloody hand. His vision blurred and cold took over his body in an instant.

Autumn has indeed arrived.

October 16, 2020 14:31

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23:31 Oct 22, 2020

Excellent. I liked the way you gave tidbits of information as you went along.


Dimitris Profer
09:33 Oct 24, 2020

Thank you. My goal was to tell the entire story through conversation (apart from the ending). I'm glad you enjoyed it.


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