Friday the 13th

Submitted into Contest #267 in response to: Write a story set against the backdrop of a storm.... view prompt


Romance Horror Suspense

The storm had been brewing all day, an ominous black sky that only got darker as the hours passed. Perfect for a Friday the 13th, especially one in October. Flynn and I had been working all day at Rewind Rentals, the shop busy with locals picking up horror films to fuel their spooky movie marathons. Upstairs, at the Rewind Theater, we'd been showing a lineup of old-school classics—Freddy Krueger, Halloween, even The Company of Wolves for the hardcore fans.

I was setting up the projector in the small, cozy theater room, a bowl of popcorn resting against my hip. The audience—mostly townies who liked the idea of watching horror movies in the vintage ambiance of the theater—settled into their worn velvet chairs with drinks, candy, and buttery popcorn. Flynn had put together a killer playlist for the pre-show, layering eerie sounds between trailers for other horror films. The first jump scare in Halloween was coming up, just as the weather outside began to turn nasty.

A sudden, deafening crack of thunder echoed through the building. Lightning illuminated the theater windows, and everyone jumped in their seats, right on cue with the movie. I couldn’t help but laugh, the timing too perfect to be planned.

The storm had really picked up, pouring rain rattling against the windows. It made the dim lights in the shop downstairs flicker, which I only noticed as I left the theater and headed back down. Flynn had snuck off a little earlier, saying something about grabbing the next movie for the queue.

I descended the creaky stairs, the hum of the old films playing through the walls. Just as I reached the last step, lightning flashed again, and the room went momentarily white, followed by a boom of thunder that seemed to shake the very floor beneath me.

I shook my head, grinning to myself. Flynn loved Friday the 13th, especially one as dramatic as this. “Flynn?” I called out, stepping behind the counter to check the register, fully expecting him to pop out from some shadowy corner.

And, of course, he did. He timed it just as another bolt of lightning struck, diving out from behind a row of horror movies with a loud “Boo!”

I screamed, slapping his arm instinctively, and he burst into laughter, pulling me close before I could get away. His lips found mine in a soft, warm kiss, the contrast to the storm outside making it feel all the more comforting.

“You're too easy,” Flynn teased, brushing his thumb over my cheek. “Always so jumpy.”

I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore the way my pulse quickened. “Yeah, well, I have a reason to be, especially on nights like this. Something weird always happens on Friday the 13th. I’m starting to think I’m cursed.”

Flynn raised an eyebrow, that familiar smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “Oh? And what makes you say that?”

I sighed, stepping back and leaning against the counter as I crossed my arms, the rain tapping against the windows behind me. “Okay, so, remember last year when I was doing the end-of-day paperwork behind the desk?”

He nodded, waiting for me to continue.

“I looked up, and there was this guy standing by the horror section,” I said, feeling a little chill run down my spine at the memory. “He was wearing this creepy mask—like one of those old porcelain doll faces—and just... staring at me.”

Flynn’s grin faded, his expression shifting from amused to something more serious. “Wait, what? Who was he?”

“That’s the thing—I don’t know. I didn’t hear the bell ring when he came in, and when I greeted him, he didn’t say anything. He just kept... watching me while he ‘browsed’ the shelves.”

“Okay, that’s seriously messed up,” Flynn said, taking a step closer. “What happened after?”

“Well, I kept trying to act normal, you know, like maybe he was just one of those weird horror buffs who gets really into it.” I shrugged, feeling the goosebumps rise on my arms. “But then, he was just... gone. No bell, no nothing. One second he was there, the next he wasn’t.”

“Jesus, Amelia, that’s creepy as hell,” Flynn muttered, looking around as if expecting to see someone lurking in the shadows. “What the hell is wrong with people? Coral Cove is supposed to be safe.”

“Yeah, well, that’s what I thought too. But every Friday the 13th, something strange happens.” I glanced over at the old TV sets lining the back wall, one of them flickering ominously as if the storm outside had seeped into the electronics.

Flynn shook his head. “That’s insane. Did you ever find out who it was?”

“Nope. Never saw him again,” I replied, my voice softer now. “I even checked the cameras, but... nothing.”

Flynn stared at me for a moment, clearly freaked out by the story. Before he could say anything else, another loud clap of thunder boomed through the shop, making the old bells on the door chime just as the lightning flashed again.

I froze for a split second watching the window, and Flynn turned to look at the door. When he glanced back at me, his eyes widened, and he took a step back. Flynn let out a yell, nearly tripping over the counter stool in his panic.

I couldn’t help it—I burst into laughter. I had slipped on the same creepy mask from the back room, the one we kept for Halloween decorations.

“You should’ve seen your face!” I howled, tears of laughter streaming down my cheeks as I pulled the mask off. “Priceless!”

Flynn clutched his chest, breathing heavily before shaking his head at me. “You’re a menace,” he said, stepping forward and wrapping his arms around me. “And I don’t know why I put up with you.”

I grinned, tilting my head up to meet his gaze. “Because you love me,” I teased.

He rolled his eyes but leaned down to kiss me again, the storm outside a distant rumble compared to the warmth between us. “Yeah, I do,” he murmured, pulling me closer.

The rain kept falling, the thunder rolled, and in that small, cozy corner of Coral Cove, surrounded by dusty VHS tapes and flickering lights, we felt untouchable—no matter how cursed the night might be.

September 06, 2024 19:41

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Casey Plazola
23:29 Sep 17, 2024

I loved the playful suspense of this story.


Jax Wilder
06:49 Sep 18, 2024

Wonderful! Thank you so much for reading. I really appreciate it


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Vanessa Vestena
16:13 Sep 17, 2024

I like the way this story is written. It was funny and spooky at the same time.


Jax Wilder
19:53 Sep 17, 2024

Thank you so much for reading!


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Max Wightwick
18:53 Sep 16, 2024

The allusion to horror films were endearing, and, this may not have been intentional, but I felt there to be a recognisable similarity to Scream, with their twisted knowledge, and love of horror films. Also, was Coral Cove alluding to "Escape From Coral Cove"?


Jax Wilder
20:10 Sep 16, 2024

That's too funny! The similarity was unintentional, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised, lol. My husband is a huge horror movie buff, and he even hosts a horror movie podcast. While I primarily write romance, I'm surrounded by horror influences, which I love. So blending those two genres is always a joy for me. As for Coral Cove, it's actually a series I’ve published, and the characters in this story are from one of my books. It was great to revisit them in this way.


Max Wightwick
22:24 Sep 17, 2024

If I may ask, what is his horror podcast called? I, too, am an avid fan of horror films. Ohh, is it an adventure series?


Jax Wilder
06:49 Sep 18, 2024

Of course! His podcast is called Gorman On Gore. As for me, I write kissing books ☺️ Mine are romance forward with a dash of magic always. I write in a small town in the PNW called Coral Cove, where magic is real and everyone gets a HEA.


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Peter Townsend
07:12 Sep 15, 2024

This was a fun read.


Jax Wilder
07:50 Sep 15, 2024

Thank you for reading!


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Joshua Petty
06:15 Sep 15, 2024

Great story Jax! Your use of tension was excellent and layered- your atmosphere was set up perfectly to show the characters' tension within the story, and your timing and language worked on me as the reader- will it go full horror, romance, or some campy horror like Scooby Doo. The characters felt real- young and in love and the theater itself had great character. Amelia's story was super creepy! I would've been drawn in even further if you had more smell and taste (and maybe touch but less so) description. An old movie theater would be f...


Jax Wilder
07:52 Sep 15, 2024

Oh my gosh, thank you so much for both the kind words and suggestions. It could totally use a good warm buttery popcorn aroma. Thank you for reading it 🥰


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04:40 Sep 15, 2024

Haha. Flynn took his prank way worse than Amelia dd when he played one on her. Such a well described atmosphere for a creepy story.


Jax Wilder
06:04 Sep 15, 2024

Awe, thank you! That makes me smile. They're a couple from a book of mine and I really wanted to play with them more. It was a lot of fun 🥰


07:47 Sep 15, 2024

Are you sure it wasn't that they wanted to play with you?


Jax Wilder
07:52 Sep 15, 2024

Oh a thousand percent!


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Timothy Crehan
04:27 Sep 12, 2024

Agree with the comments, your story is a skillful mix of romance and horror, and I wasn't sure until the end which way it would go.


Jax Wilder
04:52 Sep 12, 2024

Thank you so much for reading. I'm a romance writer who likes to dabble in horror 😏 I appreciate the kind words.


Timothy Crehan
05:30 Sep 12, 2024

I have not read much romance, but I haven't read anything like your story before which is to say that usually romance in horror is simply a device to generate some pathos for the characters who will eventually be terrorized, or it's done in order to combine eros and thanatos. In your version of Friday the 13th, the romance and horror were developed in equal measure. Intriguing!


Jax Wilder
05:52 Sep 12, 2024

Thank you! That balance is exactly what I aim for. I love blending romance with horror to keep readers on their toes—whether they're rooting for love or anticipating the next scare. It's always fun to push the boundaries of both genres and see where the story takes the characters. I'm glad you found it intriguing!


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Suzanne Jennifer
15:13 Sep 11, 2024

Very cool story. The characters were nicely developed and the scene descriptions set the stage. I loved the interplay between spooky and romance (Long time romance reader and writer, here). The pacing was perfectly balanced. Well done.


Jax Wilder
15:49 Sep 11, 2024

Awe thank you so much! I appreciate the kind words ☺️


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Mary Bendickson
13:15 Sep 11, 2024

Spooky setting. Fun playfulness. Thanks for liking 'Too-Cute Couple'.


Jax Wilder
21:26 Sep 11, 2024

Of course! I enjoyed it. Thanks for saying hi!


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John Bryan
11:24 Sep 11, 2024

I also enjoyed the atmosphere. Your offering was so finely crafted. Your care and thoughtfulness clearly on display. I wasn't disappointed by the ending. It seems like a fine scene and allows you the freedom to take the story in many directions. Rather than boxing yourself into a corner, you leave birth to any world of your choosing. Honestly, I was drawn to the horror aspect. You seemingly set the table for this. At the very least, you established a bond between the characters - and a bond between them and the reader. I am beginning to ...


Jax Wilder
15:51 Sep 11, 2024

Thank you so much for reading!


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Jax Wilder
18:54 Sep 18, 2024

I've come back to your comment again and I hope you know how much I appreciate it. I love these two characters so much that they feature in two of my books. Getting to play with them again here felt right. I didn't realize how fun writing these prompts would be. 🥰


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Malcolm Twigg
07:00 Sep 11, 2024

I was really enjoying the atmosphere of this story and then you went and kopped out on me with a sloppy kiss! Lovely writing, though, but there were other possibilities for the conclusion.


Jax Wilder
15:52 Sep 11, 2024

Haha! Thanks for reading 😆


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