Science Fiction

  The greeters’ stomachs were acting up; it shouldn't have let its coworkers talk it into trying the live lunch. It  could still feel the little things kicking around in its stomach. Oh well, it decided nothing to do but to vent its stomachs later in hopes of feeling better. There was a soft chime as the dimensional gate opened and a customer walked out of the shining light. There was no noticeable space for what could be called a smile, seeing as its mouth was on what passed for its belly.  But the translator chip that was installed in its brain was able to convey the smile in its voice perfectly fine, as it called out “Welcome to Objetivo how can you be helped today?”  The customer rubbed its compound eyes, they were still blurry from the bright light of the gate.      “Umm, Yea I'm looking for some shock troops. Not super cheap mind you,you know?”  The greeter felt something in one of its stomachs execute a perfect roundhouse kick to the side wall, and once again was glad it didn't have a face that was able to show any signs of discomfort.  “We come fully stocked in all types of troops that can fit any budget needs. So if you're going for the whole galactic overlord theme then we can supply you with top of the line troops of questionable moral qualities. But if you’re looking to overthrow said evil army then we have the rebellion on a budget package, it comes with a guarantee to somehow pull out victory or your credits back. Or, if you're looking to just take over a planet or town and need some disposable minions we have an assortment of well equipped mercenaries.” The customer took a moment to think, then looked around and leaned in close as if to whisper a secret. “I'm kinda partial to the galactic overlord thing, my wife thinks I’m foolish but I’ll show her when I take over this place.”  The greeter jiggled his jellified form in a gesture or motion of agreement “I'm partial to that myself, it's in our DNA,  my species makes for great galactic overlords you know”  

Before the customer could answer, a loud rumble was heard: “I demand to speak to the manager right now, this is unacceptable!” The speaker was a short heavy worlder and he fiddled around his chest to adjust the volume on his speaker. His atmospheric pressure suit was filled with liquid helium that caused his voice to become muffled at times. “What kind of shoddy business practices are they running here?” His voice rumbled again “Do you have Any idea how many credits I am worth? I can buy and sell this place a million times over!” The small customer service rep looked like she would rather be anywhere else in the galaxy than here. Her small face twitched and she brushed her whiskers before speaking. “Sir, if you would calm down and tell me what the issue is, I am sure we can help you resolve this matter quickly.” Her eyes darted around looking for the manager and they widened as they landed on him quickly strolling up as if he was telepathic or else he really just had good ears. The manager stood by the frightened customer representative and pushed his glasses up onto his nose and adjusted his name tag so it could be read clearly. “Hello sir I am the store manager Steve, what seems to be the problem here?” The irate heavy worlder looked Steve the manager up and down before speaking “ What seems to be the problem Steve?” The name came out garbled, it seemed the translator had a problem deciphering what was said. “The problem is that I am a paying customer and I was not given what I paid for.” 

Steve stepped over to the computer system and glanced at the screen. The system had scanned his biocard, pulled up his order and information was being displayed on the screen. “Ah I see here, that you ordered the Deluxe Dyson sphere with upgraded living quarters, sustainable atmospheric generators, mining facilities, artificial gravity generators and rocket stabilizers. So you really have the works I see.” The heavy worlder leaned forward and placed his hands on the desk facing Steve “I know what I ordered. My problem is, I paid for a Dyson’s sphere and it's only half complete. I have clients who are planning on moving in within months. What am I supposed to do with half a sphere?”  The translator struggled to keep up with the rush of words from the heavy worlder. “Well I do apologize sir, but according to our records here your credit ran out about 2 solar months ago and well..since you paid for half.. half is what you got.”The heavy worlder’s suit rustled as if he was shaking his head in bewilderment for a moment before he spoke “How is that possible? I have a full line of credit with the galactic bank!” Steve just shrugged his shoulders “Sir, I am not sure I can answer that but maybe you should try to contact your home world branch of the galactic bank. Maybe they can sort this out for you.” If the heavy worlder’s face could’ve been seen it would most likely have a look of shock “ What am I supposed to tell my clients that are moving in by the end of the solar year?” Steve started to fiddle with the display and numbers started to scroll “ Well, it looks like with the amount you already funded, plus what's already been built we can easily convert that into a ring world, by the calculations it should provide roughly the amount of area you requested at half the price.” The heavy worlder paused for a moment while thinking and then slowly spoke “ I have to reach out to my investors. What kind of timeline is needed to convert all the completed work over to a ring world?” Steve ran some numbers and the computer proceeded to crunch them and then displayed the projections “ We can have everything broken down and a livable framework ready by the end of the solar year. Oh and as a small suggestion make it super exclusive with limited living space. That way you might be able to recoup some of your lost credit.” 

The weapons section sat back in the far corner, away from the excitement of the customer service desk, so the customers in that section were having a pretty boring day in comparison

“ So what are you in the market for today? We have a wide selection of the finest side arms, plasma and pulse grenades, and any kind of small arms you want.” The sales representative put as much cheer into her voice as was possible for her species. The small reptilian being shifted his weight from one clawed foot to the other as he looked over the numerous offerings. “What you are looking at right now is one of the premier small arms weapons in the galaxy. It comes with an auto targeting system with a scope that can see across the entirety of the known visible wavelength spectrum. “ Her black granite like skin started to gleam as she really got into the sales pitch. “ It can fire ammo from practically any technology tree, does your kind use depleted uranium rounds? This baby can be modified to fire solid ceramic slugs. We have a mod for that. You name it, this gun can fire it, in fact that is the reason that this gun is chosen by 9 out 10 forces throughout the galaxy. You name a conflict and this gun is there, from putting down a rebellion in Sigma 6 to a covert operation in Alpha Centri 5. Whatever your needs this will cover them all. So how about taking this baby out back to our in store shooting range and trying it out huh?” 

The customer’s tongue came out and slowly licked his snout and he blinked slowly once before speaking” Well I am more of an energy weapon kind of guy myself so I was hoping to see what kind of weapons you have in stock.” Without a pause or a drop in her voice the sales women kept up her pitch. “ Well then if you are looking for a good energy weapon then look no further. What's your flavor? We have plasma shooters, phasers,lasers, gravity bombs and my personal favorite.” Her voice got conspiracy low and she looked around as she was imparting a great secret. It was sales tactics 101.”My personal favorite is the micro blackhole generator.” The small reptilian eyes grew big in astonishment.”What's that?” His tongue shot out and this time wiped across one eye.” There was no smile on the sales representatives rock like face but her voice smiled for her. “Well it's our most stylish weapon yet, think about it your facing off against your enemies then bam there goes his right limb. Where did it go? Why is it sucked into this mini black hole that was shot at him. It runs on a mini neutron generator that produces an unlimited amount black holes that are about a micron across. So want to take it for a test in our weapons range?”  The representative opened the case and took out the glossy black ceramic weapon and handed it over to the customer then she gently placed one around his shoulders and guided to the back room.

It was almost the end of a long shift in just a few short moments her day would over and she was going out to hit the Eden-5 resort for a night of decadence. She watched as her last customer of the day approached her counter with his plastic chip in one clawed hand. “Hello sir so did you find everything to your satisfaction? “ She took the plastic card from him and scanned it into the system and ran his credit and totaled all his purchases. “Yea I was just getting the hyperdrive replaced in my ship’s engine and upgrading the weapons systems to a new Ion cannon.” The computer silently displayed the results of the credit check. She took the card back and handed it back to the customer. “Well I am glad you were able to find everything you needed. And remember here at Objetivo if we don't carry it you don’t need it. And have a great day.”

November 14, 2020 03:09

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