
My Name is Good Girl for that is what My Boy calls me. My Boy is mine and I love him and he loves me too. My Boy has always been with me since I could remember.

Sometimes My Boy is sad and I do not like that. My Boy should be happy so I will make him happy. My Boy is happy when I bring my toys back so maybe he would be happy if I brought him my toys now.

I quickly grab my toy and go to give it to My Boy but I get distracted by the noise it makes. That noise makes me happy, maybe if I bite more it will make more noise! I love that noise! Oh there it goes again, maybe I should-! Wait! No! I have a job to do!

I quickly focus back on my journey and soon I drop my toy at My Boy's feet. My Boy tries to shoo me away. Silly My Boy, it doesn't work that way.

After a few unsuccessful tries to shoo me away My Boy huffs but he pats my head. He says my name as he scratches behind my ears.

My Boy is happy now so I am happy. My boy will always be My Boy just as I will always be his Good Girl. I love My Boy.

Soon it is night and My Boy goes to sleep. I lay down next to his bed so I may protect him. Silly My Boy, I will guard your den. I quickly join him My Boy in sleep.


The smell of smoke jolts me out of my dream of endless parks. I jump to my paws at the light I see brighten the walls.

I turn to My Boy,"Wake up My Boy! Wake up!" But My Boy does not move. I whine at the light getting brighter. My Boy does not like me on his bed but I can feel the room get hotter through my fur.

I leap up to his bed and quickly begin to cough. I pounce on My Boy and frantically lick his face. He stirs and starts to cough too.

My Boy weakly stumbles to the floor and down the hall. I quickly follow only to yelp as My Boy falls to the floor. I nudge My Boy and get no answer.

I urgently turn to the front door and see it is closed. I scratch but it does not open. I turn to the back False Door. It seems to be open but I know it is not.

I run forward and ram it hard with my shoulder. I hear a crack. I glance up to see that lines had appeared.

I growl and pace as far back as possible. I see My Boy has gone still. I crouch down before sprinting and leaping at the False Door and ramming it as hard as possible.

I barely notice the False Door shatter as pain burst through my shoulder and side. Whining in destress I shakily stand and limp to My Boy.

I nudge him but he does not move. I glance around and notice the strange orange ribbon licking the walls.

I shift on my hurt shoulder but give a determined bark. I grab My Boy's Fake Fur and despite the pain I begin to drag him outside.

Though his Fake Fur rips several times I manage to get him in the grass. I fall weakly besides My Boy. My Boy is safe now. I'm tired.....


Jacob sighed in exhaustion. It had been several days since his house had caught fire. Turned out it was a case of faulty wiring.

"Jacob Davis?", a woman calls out. Jacob quickly turned and smiled. The woman grins," She's recovering fine though I would recommend not trying to walk for a while yet."

Jacob noted the words carefully as he focused on the bandaged and wrapped form of his savior; his chocolate labrador, Hershey.

Jacob knelt besides her and gave a scratch behind her floppy ears,"Hey Hershey. You were such a Good Girl!"

Hershey seemed to grin as she wagged her tail tiredly,"Woof."

Jacob smiled and quickly helped his beloved dog into his truck. She soon falls asleep in the back among what was left of his belongings.

The fire had actually started in his neighbors house before spreading to his. And while everyone got out fine; no one had thought to try and wake up him, assuming that he was either not home or already out.

They had quickly learn they were incorrect when they heard the sound of glass breaking. A quick investigation led to finding him unconcious from smoke inhalation in a torn shirt as well as his blood cover dog next to him.

The smoke inhalation was quickly treated and he was released pretty fast. Other then that he had gotten out unscathed.

Hershey on the other hand wasn't as luck. Along with smoke inhalation she also had; a cut and dislocated shoulder, lacerations on her sides, cuts and pieces of glass in her paws, as well as minor burns.

She was quickly taken into surgery. The burns as well as her paws were surprisingly the easiest to treat while her shoulder caused some issues.

Jacob was ready to sleep for the next decade but knew that had to wait. So while Hershey was recovering he had gone back to the house to salvage what he could. It was a toss up.

He managed to save many of his clothes and personal belongings but the fire had burned from the inside out. The house was no longer structurally stable.

So; until he managed to get a new place, he was moving back in with his parents a state over. It wasn't permanent and his job actual revolved around his laptop, which had luckily escaped the flames.

The only thing worse then the fire was the fact that Hershey had almost lost a leg. Her putting her weight and stress on her injured shoulder after breaking the glass door AND dragging him out almost caused irreparable damage.

He supposed that everything turned out alright in the end as it could have been much worse. And while he would dearly miss his old house it was more important that he and Hershey got out alive and mostly ok.

With that in mind, Jacob started his truck and quickly drove away. Taking comfort in the fact the while he had almost died, Hershey had stepped up to the mantle of Savior and they both lived to tell the tale.

May 14, 2020 05:11

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