
"Isn't this place coffee express cafe?" asked Sola.

“How do u know?” asked Taanvi.

 “The song of album Spring was regularly played here earlier when we visited.”

“Ooh, okay”

Taanvi used to enjoy her coffee, hearing to music at a corner of the café, beside a window looking at the red silk cotton tree nearby. She usually visits a park near her home, she stays calm there sitting under a red silk cotton tree and starts to draw a few pictures of what she views there. She always felt comfortable going to the café and the park, drawing pics, travelling and clicking pics and Sola was always there to help and guide her where ever she goes and doesn’t make her feel dull.

“You have an appointment tomorrow at 10.am to meet Dr.Paul.” notified Sola while Taanvi was making a few doodles on a piece of paper. The next day she went to visit the doctor.

”How is ur life going ?” asked the doctor.

“I just always feel like going to the coffee express café and the park near my home. I am taking drawing classes and I feel good doing such stuff. It's comfortable.”

"Have you been able to remember anything?"

"No, when I try to remember, my headaches and sometimes I collapse. "

"Have you made any new friends?"

"Yeah, Sola is my best friend, she always helps me with things I need and is a good companion."

"A person who is one of the members of Sola’s creator's team has come to visit you."

"Oh, nice to meet him."

Cavin entered the cabin greeted her and asked her, "Are u feeling better with Sola and any recovery with ur memories?"

“No, but I m happy with Sola and couldn’t believe that this cute small device is my friend, going to drawing classes, and travelling, going to the café and the park, but still having memories of the past will be better, I feel like I am familiar with a voice similar to Sola's voice."

"Okay, Doctor, why can't we show her a few photos of her earlier days to trigger her memories since she wants to remember."

The doctor said," yeah, we can but we should not put pressure on her mind."

The next day Cavin visited Taanvi who was sitting in the park under the red silk cotton tree and showed her a few photographs of her friends so that she can remember something. Going through the pics she couldn’t recognise but she found a few people who came to meet her after the accident she had including Cavin. She asked how he was there in those photographs. He replied that they all were friends in the institute of science and technology working together and were in the creator's team of Sola and worked together.

Taanvi couldn’t believe it that she was also a part of working in designing it. She had some weird glimpses of memories and fainted. Cavin revived her, gave water to drink and asked her to not think much. He felt sorry for his doing. She said that it's okay, anyways she was happy to be with Sola and wanted to get her memories back. Cavin said they wanted Taanvi herself to use this artificial intelligence in the process of her recovery.

Later she left to the café, sat beside a window, wore headsets, had coffee and Sola played music for her. She didn’t felt like leaving the place, it was the time for the Café to close, she was still sitting there. The café owner said to her, “Its time to close."

"Ohhh, I didn’t know how the time flew."

"By the way, were you waiting for someone?"


" I assumed you frequently come here to meet someone or you are waiting for someone."

"No, nothing so. Thank you, I will leave now."

She left the café and went home thinking about her feelings. She could understand now that she was having a feeling of waiting for someone at the cafe and the park but don’t know for what is she waiting for.

The next day Cavin asked her to meet at that cafe

When he arrived there, the owner asked her whether he was the person whom she was waiting for.

She said, "No."

Cavin asked her, "Are you waiting for someone.

She said," No but I had a feeling like I m waiting for someone.

"Oh..ok .. so did you recollect anything?"

"No, I couldn’t."

He made her hear a music recording which she liked it in the past.

When she heard it she was feeling very pleasant and calm but after some time, her eyes teared up.

Cavin asked her, "Are you alright? Did anything happen?

She said, "I don't know why my eyes just teared up after hearing that music."

He asked to not to hear that music since its making her sad. But she said she is fine since she wants her memories back.

The next day cavin went to meet the doctor to say about how she feels now. The doctor thought why is she feeling like she is waiting for someone. Cavin replied," Taanvi waited for a long time to meet her sister who left her home and moved to abroad, finally, her sister planned to meet her, but while returning she had an accident and died. Hearing this Taanvi was left broken and drove her car, but fortune was not on her side, her car was hit by a truck and ended with her memories erased. The music recording was the one composed by her sister, the voice of Sola is used from a voice recording of her sister, the park contains a lot of memories of her sister and her and the cafe is the place where they decided to meet. Her parents didn't wanna let her know about that mishap after when she returned from coma stage because if they said her about this, she will be in trauma."

"So we have to train and help her to overcome it if her memories return."

"Yeah, when the broken pieces put together can also be beautiful like a mosaic."

She once waited and still waiting for her in her memories…

July 09, 2020 18:21

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RBE | Illustration — We made a writing app for you | 2023-02

We made a writing app for you

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