
That was a beautiful evening on the spring. After a small nap in the afternoon, I took a look through the window. I just can't believe my eyes that the spring has started giving its beauty in the first day of the spring itself. So, I decided to go for a walk. I went down the street and entered the park. I started walking through the park. The flowers were started blooming. The colours of those beautiful flowers will definitely said as a treat to the vision. I used to play in the park in my childhood days. I started remembering those days. Those are such beautiful days which will never get erased from my mind. As a cute little one, I have roamed all over my town. During the spring, I join my friends and come to the park to play. I used to climb the trees. And at the time, some girls will pluck the flowers and use them to decorate themselves. Those are really beautiful even in imagination. At the time, some old people used to sit together and chat about something. I still remember how they sit stretching their legs, chat and laugh. One day we were playing as usual. When a girl who tried to climb up the tree. She climbed a tall tree and she got fear. She doesn't know to get down from the tree. And she fell down from where she is. We all rushed towards her, she was in pool of blood. We all got scared and started shouting. The old people came to help us. They rescued her and informed her parents. They admitted her in an hospital. After a week we came to know she got severe injuries in her leg. And she will get well in a couple of months. After that incident, our parents never allowed us to play in the park. I still remember those beautiful days. I loved to live like that. Anyone would love to live as a child forever right. Definitely the childhood days will be the golden days of everyone's life. I came to my sense by hearing some voices behind me. I turned to see the beautiful children who were playing so happily. Among them, I saw two little girls playing run and chase. I started moving towards them. In all of a sudden, one of the little ones who was chasing fell down. I rushed to help the little one to get up. To my surprise, the girl got up by herself before I reach her. That made me remember myself that this is not my first fall. I fell many times in my business. At all those times I came up with more strength. That thought given me the confidence to come up again. I thanked the little ones, inside myself. Suddenly, I got an idea. I made a call through the mobile phone to my childhood friends who were still living in the same town and told them to join me in the park. They came and joined me. We started to talk about our childhood days when we all had great time together. Then, we all had a walk together through the park on a spring evening. We got tired and felt to take some rest so we sat under a tree where the old people sit and chat during our childhood. We all shared our problems, and now we know that what the old people used to talk. We made some fun of ourselves, and now we know what made the old people laugh. Some of us got knee pain, so they stretched their legs, and now we know the reason for the sitting posture too. The little ones where playing exactly where we used to play. We were also never had a thought in our childhood that we will sit and look at our younger generation like the old ones did. So as the little ones now. I became the happiest in the world after seeing my childhood friends and having a good conversation with all of them. One of my friends said about his lose of child in an accident. The accident was made by him as he drunk and drove. He still thinks he killed his child. We all tried to cheer him up. And my lose were gone as a dust in front of his' lose. After hearing all their problems my mind told me 'Every one has their own problems to come up. And each of the problem is different and has unique solutions. We have to search for the solutions and not the reasons for the problems. Whenever we fall, we have to stand up with some new enthusiasm and strength. Either we have someone to help us or not. It doesn't matter. We have ourselves to give us hand. That was once said as 'self help is the best help'. Everyone will fall at some point. Our strength is calculated not by our falls. How many times we fall is not the matter. The matter is whether we stood up or not after the fall.' I decided to stand up from where I fell. I came out of my thoughts and saw my friends enjoying the evening. All of them thanked me to call them up. But, I thanked the evening. I never thought about our reunion like that. If we had planned it before with something big, I swear it won't have given us this much happiness. I said to myself by seeing the children playing, and now the beautiful memories of us gonna be the wonderful memories those little ones someday. Thanks to the beautiful spring for giving us many beautiful memories and made that evening to be remembered till our whole lifetime. Finally, the time to say goodbyes to each other. And I started returning to my house. That was one of the most beautiful evenings of my life. And I mention it as "WONDERED MYSELF IN A WALK THROUGH THE PARK ON A SPRING EVENING".

April 03, 2020 14:49

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