The Beginning : Story of ADVEKA

Submitted into Contest #39 in response to: Write a story that begins and ends with someone looking up at the stars.... view prompt

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One enchanting night, a girl watching the dark sky full of glittering stars and half moon, reminds her of something happened in past times and she spoke in a soft low voice, "this is a beginning".

It all started in older days, a static child was born in an ordinary world at night and her life becomes very peculiar as she grows up. Eventually, she went to school for first time and noticed profusion of things. Her infancy goes on and her heed to know things expanded, she observed the world in a different way which makes her very odd in the swarm but also unique. Her parents want her to live a normal and safe life. The foremost time she hold a pen to write with her left hand was deined by her parents and taught her write with her right hand which was actually the first attempt of killing her uniqueness. But as it was said in past times that YOU CAN'T CHANGE THE FATE AND YOU CAN NEVER LOSE WHAT'S MEANT FOR YOU, BUT YOU CAN DELAY IT. As she became older her mind became more powerful with respect to her body. Her thinking is not normal, she always see things form different point of view which leads her to many mischief.

Erstwhile, when she was decennium, she saw something that put her in a great sadness. What could a 10 years old child think by seeing a street day and cat sitting close to each other, without fighting? "Yeah! It's strange, what happened dear little fella?" She said in low voice with another question, "do you know my name? " Therapist said "yes dear, ADVEKA." She said "what it means?" He avowed "it means quirky, you are very rare in this world dear." Adveka muttered "Why me, why only me?" He smiled and answered in a calm way "oh! Dear fella I can only answer your one question and the other should answered but God one day at right time. You are not the only one, everyone has uniqueness in them but their levels and powers are different. " And then bell started ringing. "Time up, see you another day dear chamaca." She tacitly went towards her parents who waited outside the room and they left the spit together.

"Addy, what are we going to do now, we should punish her for deeds on our own, wait I have a plan, we should........... "said by her only friend. She said after apologizing "we should forgive her. She is just a little bit childish and dumb, we are none to punish her. As I said you before, always remember one thing Karma." "Yes, but she done it second time without any reason and you will still forgive her? How could you forgive someone who spoiled your homework, lunch and belongings in front of everyone just because of jealousy? You just broke your own table with anger instead of her head." her only friend said rapidly. Adveka said with frustration, "listen ADDY, why you always want to show up your powers over others? Grow up! " He replied "cool down you volcano and no, I will never grow up, although I am just twelve now. How can I grow up so easily." So, finally after detained by six schools, she knew how to control her anger by being calm, forgive others and believing in karma.

Now, she is perfect in all terms and in all fields but still aimless and trying to find her goals of life. She had only five heirlooms in her life till now who are responsible for shaping her future. One of them is the therapist Mr. Ester Ambrose who taught her to be mentally strong in all circumstances of life. Her sports teacher is not that bad, who prepared her physically strong enough to fight for her right. She also find her true companion for rest of her life, Addy who is an ordinary person with a superpower named Positivity and strength of joy. Can you all guess the two remaining heirlooms in her life?

When this leaping child was born at night, the first thing she saw was sky full of stars, well that's another story.

Everyone is jealous of her and always tries to let her down in any circumstance. How bad it could be for an unique girl with perfection in beauty, brain and strength to live a normal and peaceful life? "This is the truth of life if you are a banal people will rebuke you and if you are a brisk they suppress you." said Adveka to ADDY after facing another mischief in her high school. She saw a bunch of guys bulling a weak one although she was a fresher, she helped him with Addy. Want to know what power does Adveka have? She was born under an open sky and now she is just four years old but not technically. These are only some reasons, but the supreme one is her mind and power of sense, she can feel what others are feeling in advance with her mind which was strenthed by her therapist and physical strength by her sports teacher.

Everyone of us have some powers difference is that our heirlooms are busy in finding us or teaching you indirectly. So, mainly it's only you who can strengthen your own powers.

After, two years she will become an adult but she will still remain under four years old child. Although she had asked all her precious person but always failed or droped out the idea, besides one day she got it from her own father, "Adveka! Can you see the beautiful dark blue sky full of stars? In this you are SIRIUS. As you see other stars also shining and that star is hardly visible but not impossible, we can see it. You have your strength, your uniqueness just because of your fate, your own efforts and a little bit of your supporters. That moon which shines the most is consist of us your helpers to make you shine the most. " Uttered in a understanding way, "Paa, would you tell me, why there is only one Sirius in the whole sky? " Her father anwsered patiently, "dear amigo this is because only it is capable of being unique with its own hardwork, worship and potential. Always remember, this is just a beginning of something new and fresh. "

After two years, she looked at the sky full of stars, although she can't see the full moon by her side but there is a shining star getting closer to Sirius day by day and she spoke in a soft low voice, "this is a beginning."

April 28, 2020 10:18

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15:06 Apr 28, 2020

Guys this is my very first story. Hope you like it.


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