Jorney of Rebirth, Rediscovery and Reformation

Submitted into Contest #61 in response to: Write about a character who’s obsessed with an era they never lived through.... view prompt


Inspirational High School Creative Nonfiction


Classroom Setting: The English teacher 

Teacher Mrs. De Locas: The topic of the week will  be about the historical era and the question is to tell us which historical era interests you the most and why. It is an individual presentation that each one of you will let me know what historical era you chose so don’t end up having many students presenting the same era. I know each one will be of different opinion or different interest but I want you to expand your knowledge on other eras. PLease come forward and write your topic on this paper if you have one in mind. 

Eric P.O.V

My English teacher Mrs. De Locas has assigned us to write a historical era of interest. I am extremely happy to embrace a culture that inspires generations to come to never let any type of art to vanish because without arts and beauty life would be lacking interest and excitement. However, the assignment is due tomorrow. I am reviewing and putting my last touches to give the best presentation tomorrow.

I know it is funny hearing a seventeen years old excited about a school or school project as a whole. 

I am a guy who enjoys learning and I don’t care if you call me a nerd or a loser. One of my favorite hobbies is reading alongside writing. 

Reading and writing helps me to express my feelings or learn something new. 

Either ways,  I am learning something worthwhile. As Leonard De Vinci once had said, “There are three classes of people: those who see, those who see when they are shown, those who do not see. I guess people don’t see what I see and I don’t mind them not seeing my world because I like to mind my own business.

The next day: Presentation Time!

Teacher: Allright class, who is ready to present first. Any volunteer?

Eric was the first one to put his hands up with enthusiasm. Eric shouted I am. 

Teacher: Eric your up first since you are ready to present. 

Eric presents: Italian Renaissance Era

Which historical era to live in? Hmm, that is a tough decision but decisions sometimes are simple by just saying what comes to your mind. Just kidding… No, I am serious, taking too long to decide will drain the life out of you that is why my decision was a simple choice for this project. I chose the Italian Renaissance Era. Simple right? 

I would live in the Italian Renaissance era! I am a total art person, so it would be amazing to live in a period famous for its literature, paintings, sculptures and other kinds of precious creations. 

The word “renaissance” means “rebirth” and it is the time period in Europe that covers the 14th to the 17th centuries.

When the fall of the Roman Empire occurred and the Middle Ages occurred, numerous advancements had been established during the Roman and Greek empires were lost. Including art, government, music, education and science.

That fall was referred to as the “Dark Ages” because of the detailed information that the Romans were heeded for obstruction. In other words, communication went dark.

The dawn of the Renaissance led Europe out of the dark and became a time of rebirth of all that had been lost as well as a better life for many of the people.

Florence, Italy was the place that the Renaissance started and it began to expand to other Italian city-states.

Many of the wealthiest families had remained somewhat wealthy due to trade and it was the rich people that wanted to spend money on art and education. 

Many in Italy ruled in the city-states of Venice, Florence, Milan, and Ferrara.

During the Renaissance, there was overflowing support for everything inspirational. In art, you see sculptures and paintings, in music some of the most beautiful created.

People were open to creating things of beauty for the enrichment of all. Many of the famous artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo became popular during that time.

One of the biggest changes that happened during the Renaissance was the idea of “humanism”. This was a philosophy that all should have the opportunity to learn and be educated.

Due to the new open approach to learning and progress, combined with the increased flow of money that was being spent as support, some of the largest projects in Europe were undertaken in construction.

Cathedrals and buildings that were elaborately decorated with the best art display, along with fountains and sculptures.  

Ever since that day, many talented people from all over the world were employed in a central location.

Furthermore, Italy became a central hub for the best inventions, beautiful architects, scientists and artists that created them.

Many people that lived in Italy were known as the “Renaissance Men” because they were experts in a variety of talents.

Leonardo da Vinci is a perfect example as he was a Master of Science, invention, sculpture, painting, writing, architecture, and engineering.

I want to do an activity with you guys to imagine my world in your own eyes. If Mrs. De Locas allows me. I looked at my teacher and she approved.

Okay, I would like you all to close your eyes and follow my lead. 

Reliving the past journey to Renaissance Florence.

Imagine If you were in Florence at the right time you would very likely see Leonardo Da Vinci on the streets in a public place. 

You want to chat with him? What would you do?

I will give you five minutes to think about it and then share it with the class.  I am going to set up a timer to keep a track, I don’t want you to be lost in there for too long.

I closed my eyes too and I imagined what I would do If I met Leonardo Da Vinci? 

I would introduce myself to him and tell him why I am here. He might not believe me but I will somehow prove to him that I traveled back in time. 

I don’t know what I could ask him that would benefit me greatly, but if I had the chance, I would like to walk Leonardo da Vinci through an evolution of technology, arts, starting from things he designed, invented or hoped to invent to things that exist today, some of them derived from his ideas. I would ask him about what he sees in the future. 

I’d tell him that his inventions and creativity will open the minds of humanity to the possibilities of science. 

The future is immensely improved by the works he created - Encourage him to keep up his amazing work. 

If he gets bothered by my curiosity I would tell him his famous quote about curiosity "Learning never exhausts the mind." and that one day I want to be like him because he inspires me in many ways that I can’t explain in words. 

Beep beep beep time off.

Open your eyes everyone, now how was the experience of traveling back in time and meeting one of the most influential people like Leonardo De Vinci.

You can tell your friends the journey you imagined during lunch time or after school.   

I hope you enjoyed the presentation today as much as I did. 

Allright that is enough. I am tired of thinking and presenting but that was cool right?

Thank you!

The class applauded.

Teacher: Clapping and she said, “ that was impressive Eric. What a great way to present something that has a load of information in a simple way. I  know history does not end in a few paragraphs but still we can get the knowledge and information that we need to know. 

Thank you Eric. 

Now you can go back to your seat. Who is up next? 

Eric P.O.V

We didn’t go through everyone's presentation but we had a fair amount. People who didn’t present today were assigned for tomorrow.  

However, when I did the activity with class I felt I was a part of that world and I learned that relieving something can be amusing because not only do you gain knowledge but also enrich the way you view things.

Imagination takes you beyond your expectations so don’t limit yourself. 

September 30, 2020 12:24

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