Drama Fiction High School

Winter season is always awaited in Rhodes Island and it becomes a spot of tourist attraction. It is famous for violent beaches. Impressed with the weather conditions and landscape features, Hayda Family plans a trip to Rhodes Island.

 To the north of Rhodes Island, stood a guest house where they came on a summer vacation and were perfectly worried about her daughter, Dazzle’s, future. Dazzle had a childish behavior, and did only what she wanted. They were proud to say that she is entering in higher secondary school and was choosing science stream. On the other side, they were worried that their daughter would be bored earlier because of her “use and throw” nature. Mr. and Mrs. Hayda preferred her to take commerce as she was excellent at mathematics. Calculating faster than a calculator, Dazzle was a state topper of mathematics.

When they arrived at the hotel, they liked it so much. They did their daily chores and arrived at the breakfast.

At breakfast, Mrs. Hayda asked “What are you planning to do by taking science stream?”

“I am planning to be a pilot,” said Dazzle, “I have been learning some of the keywords used while flying an airplane and it’s really fun doing it. You don’t worry about me Mom; I will do something good with my life.”

“Oh! You girl, always giving me tension” cried Mrs. Hayda.

“Don’t worry Timsa, she will understand” said Mr. Hayda with a smiling face, “Although, she is my daughter.”

“Thanks Dad” sarcastically said Dazzle, got up from the seat, “I think so, we came here to enjoy.”

Changing the topic, “Of course we came to enjoy, so let’s go to the beach and order the lunch there only,” said Mrs. Hayda.

Both agreed and went to beach after some rest.

Going up to her room, she said in her mind, “Why are mum and dad always irritating me, what have done wrong, I just don’t understand.”

At the beach, the weather was awesome, cool winds were blowing and it is an idea place to cool anyone’s mind.

There were a lot of eastern pine trees which were the tallest trees in all Rhodes Island. They look quite alluring.

“Wow! That’s so enticing scene. It can make anyone’s day” excitingly said Dazzle.

“Have you thought of changing your mind about taking science stream?” said Mrs. Hayda.

“Mum, don’t start again” cried Dazzle, “I don’t want to spoil my mood.”

“Fine!” said her mother.

Dazzle met new people and made new friends. They enjoyed together and made sand castles.

Next day, there was an announcement in the hotel that they are organizing a painting competition and the best painting will be awarded £50 plus a gold medal.

Listening this, Dazzle decided to participate in this competition which was after five days.

She started preparing for the competition and her experience in school helped a lot. She was participating as a leisure activity and took it as a hobby. While practicing, she observed that she was getting interested in painting and loved it.

She participated and did a very well job.

After the competition, Hayda family went to beach to chill out.

“Hey see what’s there? What are they doing?” shouted Dazzle

“They are doing sky diving,” said Mrs. Hayda, “Do you want to give it a go.”

“Of course I want to do” happily said Dazzle.

Arising from the ground, Mrs. Hayda said “Ok! First your father will go and show you how to do sky diving.”

“I will go.” Said Mr. Hayda

The ride was to be of five minutes. But, due to bad weather conditions, the time was reduced to three minutes. He was relishing very much and shouting in craze.

The next second, weather was becoming worst and cold wind was blowing, the waves had becomes violent and a shout came.

“NO, NO someone save him, he is sinking down. Oh my God, please save him” said Mrs. Hayda.

Mr. Hayda’s rope was broken and he had fallen into the sea. He was sinking, and then only the dog saver, Dob came. He brought him outside the sea and was hurriedly sent to a hospital.

Everyone arrived at the hospital. Senior Doctor was checking him and time was falling like water. One hour then two and three went by. After three hours the doctor came and said, “Mr. Hayda is alright, but he had swollen a poisonous insect. Its poison has weakened his body. Due to this, his legs and hands had been swollen. He needs complete bed rest for at least one year and then only he would be alright.”

Mrs. Hayda and Dazzle took a breath of relief but were also worried about financial condition of the family. In the operation of Mr. Hayda, all the money kept for the education of Dazzle was spent. There was nothing left for Mrs. Hayda to let Dazzle study. Due to lack of money, Dazzle forcefully left the school. She burst into tears and Mrs. Hayda had to handle the situation.

After a few weeks later, Mrs. Hayda’s felt sick. All the responsibility fell on Dazzle. She started working as an employee of a beauty parlor. She was given money by which she can sustain her family.

After a few weeks later, the results of the painting competition came and she won the competition. Luckily, it was sponsored by a famous French painting magazine, “THE GATTE.” They offered her a job as an artist who will give two paintings every week and gave her good salary so that she can continue to go to school.

After one year she was remembering all she had gone through and suddenly a thought came in her mind “In my entire life, I have not thought of becoming a painter, but see me today. I can’t believe myself,” Dazzle was saying to herself.

After some time, everything became normal, Mr. Hayda was now eligible to go to his duties and Dazzle completed her studies and carried on, on becoming an artist.

December 16, 2020 07:00

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