First, the fan broke.

Submitted into Contest #53 in response to: Write a story about another day in a heatwave. ... view prompt



The fan was on, the music was on a low volume. Not too low, though. The kind of low that you can choose to listen to it if you wanted to, but you could also ignore it and get lost in your thoughts easily. The perfect amount for such a time.

Suddenly the fan stops working. I try different buttons, it still doesn’t work. I check if it’s plugged in properly, it is. I start slapping the fan slightly, sometimes it works. Not this time.

I decide to try and ignore the heat. I imagine I’m in a cool place, I’m letting my imagination create a different reality for me. But it’s too hot for it to work.

I go outside. Maybe the wind I saw through the window is the kind that sends a much needed breeze in between hot moments. it’s not. It’s the kind that just pushes the heat even more into your face.

I continue walking. Suddenly I feel someone tapping on my back. Not strongly, just enough for me to notice. I turn around. it’s just a branch that landed on my back. Now it’s on the ground. I pick it up, I don’t even know why. it’s one of those days where I can hardly explain why I do the things that I do.

It’s heavier than I thought it would be. Actually, a lot heavier. And then I realize it’s an arrow. And its pointy end has blood on it. My blood.

I wake up and I see a bunch of people just staring at me. I count them. One, two, three, four, five.

Two women, one girl, two men. What is going on? Where am I?

One of the men says “Hey, you finally woke up. Sure took you some time.”

“What? What are you talking about? Who are you people? What did you do to me?” I start moving uncomfortably, but I guess the anesthesia is still in affect because every movement I make is clumsy and gets me nowhere. Also, I notice that my mouth wasn’t moving at all. I actually uttered no sound. I must look pretty weird, just laying on the floor, twisting ever so slightly.

I try not to freak out. I try thinking about other stuff, then I notice the floor is kind of cool. I try to enjoy how cold it is against my back. I close my eyes and picture myself lying on ice.

I open my eyes.

They’re not here anymore. what’s going on? I’m trying to move again. The movements I make are much smoother than before. I try to cough. I can definitely hear myself coughing. I feel the anesthesia fading more and more away. that’s it, I’m fully present. I notice my hands and legs are tied. I try to break free, but to no avail.

I start screaming my lungs off. someone’s coming. it’s the girl. I would say she’s around 16 years old.

“Jesus. No need to yell, we’re right here. what’s up?”

“I want you to let me go right now! What is this place? What are you doing to me? Why me? I’m not who you’re looking for. I promise you. I have done nothing wrong!” I notice that I’m starting to cry. I try to stop, but I can’t. Not being able to control my body drives me crazy.

“We’ll let you go in exactly two hours and 15 minutes. Just try to relax”, says the girl in a calm voice.

“Why then? Why not now?” I ask.

“We’re waiting for your family to deliver the money, we promised them we’d release you at 8:30 if they do. The money should arrive any minute now, so don’t worry. Try to stay calm. it’ll all be fine in the end. They seem like such sweet people so far”. She answers.

“What family? What money? I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I’m genuinely confused.

“What do you mean what family? Your family, Stuart!” says the girl. “I mean, sure, it was kind of tricky to find them since you had no phone on you. But we managed, and I just got off the phone with your mom.”

I didn’t respond for a while. I just looked around me. The floor seems to just be a continuation of the smooth, white walls. everything’s empty except for a small clock that was put next to my feet.

“Do you have any more questions, or can I go now?” the girl asks. I was so concentrated on the room that I forgot she was there.

“Umm, sure. You can go”. I said.

I had a lot more questions to ask of course. But first I needed to think carefully about what I was going to say. I mean, someone has made a mistake here. I’m not Stuart, and the only family member I ever had was my mom. And she passed away two years ago. So, yes, someone has made a pretty big mistake. Now, how do I go from here? The “mom” that they spoke to is definitely not my mom, the “Stuart” that they speak of is definitely not me, and the money that they’re sending belongs to people that I do not even know, people that think that they’re saving their dear Stuart. So what do I do? What do I do? If I explain to them that there has been a mistake they might not release me. They might keep me here forever, they might kill me. I don’t know what they’re capable of. But this family, they’re losing their money for a guy they don’t even know. It’s a real dilemma and time is not on my side. I decide to call someone again.

“Excuse me! Excuse me! Can you please come in here?” I ask loudly.

One of the men shows up.

“Yes, Stuart?”

“I just need to ask. How much money are you demanding from my family?”

“One million dollars.” answers the man. “We are very lucky to have captured a man that is loved so dearly by his relatives”, he says with a smile.

I stop to think. A million dollars is a lot of money, money that I definitely cannot deliver. My life could depend on it. I’m sure that Stuart and his family would understand. They might even be happy to have saved a man’s life. I tell the man that he can leave. He does.

I look at the clock, the time that it shows makes no sense. Not too long ago it was two hours and fifteen minutes away from being eight thirty. I try to do the math for a long time, but the numbers get scrambled in my head. I finally reach the conclusion that it was six fifteen. Now the clock shows that it's five o'clock. I am very confused. So confused that my head starts spinning. Everything’s black and I start getting sweaty, I’m so sweaty that I start getting cold. Words mean nothing anymore. My mind is blank. I start seeing a very strong light.

“Hey, are you up?” “Are you waking up?” I hear a man’s voice.

I open my eyes slowly. there’s a man standing above me. My veins are connected to wires, I realize I’m in an ambulance.

“Hey, man. You got dehydrated. You’re fine now, You’re fine. Can you tell me your name?”

I must have passed out.

“Yes, My name is Doug. I’m Doug.” I mumble.

“Okay Doug, Can you stand up for me?”

I stand up and start walking around slowly. The paramedic orders me to wait for ten minutes outside of the ambulance before I head back home. By the end of the ten minutes I’m feeling like myself.

“Hey, I’m going home”. I announce.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” asks the paramedic.

“Yes”, I answer.

“Alright, don’t forget to drink. it’s very hot today.” he says.

“Yes, it is.” I reply, and watch him attend to another patient.

“Oh wait!” I turn back around and tap on the paramedic’s shoulder. He turns around as well and looks at me.

“I forgot to thank you for saving me. What is your name?” I ask him.

He tells me it’s Stuart. I shake his hand, thank him and walk away.

August 07, 2020 18:55

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21:15 Aug 12, 2020

Interesting! I thought it was a dream... then real... Then I thought he had heatstroke and was hallucinating. You kept me guessing either way and I liked the Stuart tie-in at the end. Nice story!


Verkisto Skribas
20:58 Aug 13, 2020

thank you for your comment!


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