
Submitted into Contest #76 in response to: Write a story told exclusively through dialogue.... view prompt


Drama Fiction

  ‘’I have been sitting here for twenty-two minutes. Where were you? Now, don’t come up with an excuse. When I said 2:00 PM sharp, I meant 2:00:00 or a little ahead of time. Not 2:01, not 2:05, not 2:10…’’

   ‘’Look, we all have a buffer of twenty minutes when a time is set for a rendezvous. It is an unwritten rule.’’

   ‘’Are you serious? Okay, if that is the case, you are late by twenty minutes from where I am standing. And from your standards, you are still late. By two minutes…’’

‘’Look. There was traffic. I can’t predict what is going on outside on the roads, the highways, on the streets, the sidewalks, etc. Anything can happen last minute. Construction, accident, traffic, etc.’’

   ‘’Honestly Tony, you are a real piece of you know what. I have been here since 1:45 PM in front of this restaurant. I was here before the time we scheduled to meet. That is what I call being punctual, and showing respect to the other party.’’

   ‘’Look, calm down Bruce. This just a meeting. Not a wedding. Lower your tone. I am here because you called me. I had no intention to cross paths with you for a millionth time.’’

  ‘’Can you sit down now? You are wasting time. My precious time. We both need each other. I am not doing this for me only, and you are not doing this for yourself only. Let’s other food and a few drinks. Have a good meal and sort out our problems. We need to find a solution ASAP.’’

   ‘’I agree for the first time with you today. Sure. Let’s order. I am hungry. Let me pay for you. Okay? That is the least I can do.’’

   ‘’That is fine. I don’t need that. I am a grown-up man. I work. I have money.’’

   ‘’You see Bruce, this is your problem. You get angry for no reason. I am offering you to bury the hatchet.’’

‘’You know the way I work. Time is a precious commodity for me. Time lost cannot be brought back. Not even with money. Okay…pay for my meal…but only if our deal goes through…’’

   ‘’Deal. If we both get what we want this afternoon, then, and only then, I will pay your tab.’’

   ‘’ Tony, this is a crucial year. For you and for me. I might lose might lose my job and so do you if we don’t take any action. Both of our teams have been contenders and picked as favorite by Vegas bookies to reach the finals for the past three years. What happened? All three years, we got eliminated in the second round. We are not in the same conference. A trade between you and me, between our teams, could be beneficial. The chances we meet are slim. If yes, then may the best team win the cup.’’

‘’I am open to a discussion. My team needs help. We are not rivalling at work, so why not? I still hate your guts for stealing my girlfriend in high school.’’

  ‘’Just a second there! You mistreated her. Plain and simple. She came to me. Regardless, don’t deviate the subject. This is an important meeting. We are not here for pure pleasure and to reminiscent the old days. I need a goalie that can stop pucks and you need a forward that can score.’’

  ‘’I know where you are going with this. You want Anderson. I am not giving you him. What will I do without him? Even if I traded him to you, who will you offer me from you top three scorers? Richard?’’

  ‘’I don’t want Anderson. How about your third goalie, Mark. I will give you my second pick from the next draft.’’

   ’‘Wow! Really??? Are you hiding something from me? Why would you even do that? My third goalie has played only twenty games in the league.’’

 ‘’I am offering you a good deal, right? What do you care what I do with your third goalie? My second pick will give you a chance to get a good forward. We have some good youngsters coming up in this draft.’’

‘’I want to win next season, not in five or six years…’’

‘’Tell me what you are thinking? Propose to me something. Have your fish and chips. Food will get cold. Eat my friend. Let me have my steak. I am starving.’’

‘’Simple. My number one goalie for your number one center. One for one trade. Both are of almost the same age. Both are great players in their position respectively.’’

‘’Tony, you are straight to the point huh? Okay. I am willing to do it now. Maybe not now on the spot, but after we return home, we can finalize it over the phone and email.’’

  ‘’Bruce, one on one trade. No surprises. The players will keep their salaries, paid by their new teams.’’

  ‘’Done! Let’s finish off our meals. You pay my bill. We head home. I want to get this all done my 9 PM tonight.’’

  ‘’Perfect. I will call you around 8 PM. By 9 PM, contracts and the trade will be officialized by the league.’’

A few hours go by. Bruce is home. Waiting for the phone call. It is 8:40 PM. Looking at his watch. Looking at his phone. Looking at his emails. Nothing yet. He seems to be running out of patience. Someone is going to be late again, twice, in the same day. Bruce is fuming…

   The phone rings at 9:23 PM. Bruce picks up the phone.

‘’Hey Bruce! So sorry. Got distracted last minute- ‘’

  ‘’Shut up! Tony, the deal is off! You are a piece of shit! How did even get this job? Did you show up to your interview on time for the position of general manager? Never in my life, I hope I have to deal with you again. You have no work ethic. I should have brought my laptop and documents with me at the restaurant to get it finalize on the spot.’’

‘’Let me talk. Give me a minute to explain…’’

   Tony hears nothing now from his phone. Call ended…

   Bruce is a man that takes punctuality very seriously.

   Almost a year later, both teams are meeting up. In the finals now. Both have not met since that day when Bruce and Tony met at the restaurant. Both are looking to each other with an angry stare look. Game one about to start…

January 15, 2021 17:19

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Lilliane Wei
06:48 Jan 21, 2021

Great story, I thought it was a very good rendition of the prompt. It really illustrated the scenery subtly and just through dialogue. The only advice I would give you is to try to put a little more emotion into the dialogue by using stronger terms. Other than that, this was really well done and I can't wait to read more of what you have to write. Stay safe, happy writing. -Lillian


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Kay (:
22:13 Jan 20, 2021

The story was interesting, it did fit with the prompt although you could add, he said, as it was hard to figure out who exactly was speaking. I wrote a story in the similar prompt which I am very proud of and would appreciate some feedback! Keep writing and stay safe!


Rajesh Patel
02:18 Jan 21, 2021

Hey Kay. I will check it out later then and let you know. I did not want to use he said because it was only two people going back and forth. What is the title of your story?


Kay (:
03:02 Jan 21, 2021

Ok, that makes sense maybe if you just did it once or twice. It's called Truth be Told


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