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Romance Sad

A knock at the door made Margret jump up from the couch and run for the door. The lock shifted and the door handle turned. She pulled the door open. There he was, on her porch. She stood in the doorway, heart pounding in her chest. She watched him, waiting for him to disappear, for the illusion to end.

“Adam?” He smiled at her, his eyes shining. 

“Hey, Madge.” 

He opened his arms for her and she barreled into them. She buried her face into his camo shirt breathing in his scent. He still smelled of fire and smoke but underneath, lavender and fir; from the huge fir trees that surrounded their mountain home. “I missed you too M.” 

She pulled away enough to see his face, “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.” 

He laughed, “I think I get the idea.” He gently takes her chin in his hand and brings his lips to hers. She melts into him as he deepens the kiss. She can feel his muscular arms pull her closer, desperately. Margret pulls away, their faces only a hairs breadth away. 

“Do you wanna come in?” Adam’s arms suddenly drop from her hips, “M, I can-” Margret cuts him off, “Shhh, please.” He sighs, “For a moment, but then I have to tell you something.”

“Sure.” She grabs his hand and pulls him through the door. She leads him to the living room toward the couch. “So what did you want to tell me?” Adam looks at Margret, “I’m getting deplo-” She pushes her hand against his mouth, “Please don’t say it.” He takes his hand in hers, “Madge, you have to know.”

“You just got back.”

“I know, but that’s not all I have to say.” She leans into him, “Please, don’t say anything.”

“No Margret, this is important. I need to tell you I’m getting deployed again.” He can see her tears already, she quickly looks away from him and hangs her head. “Of course you are. You are always gone.” He squeezes her hand, trying to be comforting. “Margret I don’t choose to go, but I am choosing to leave.” Margret suddenly stands up and walks to the kitchen. Adam follows, “Marg-”

“Are you hungry?”

“Margret stop avoiding this.” She opens the refrigerator, “I have leftover pie! It’s lemon meringue, your favorite.” Adam walks over to Margret and closes the fridge door, “Margret! I’m trying to say th-”

“Okay, fine no pie. It was just a suggestion. So what do you want?”

“I want you to listen!” Margret turns away and opens a cabinet. Adam grabs her waist and spins her around to face him. “Margret I’m trying to say goodbye!” Adam’s face softens, tears are running down her cheeks. “Madge, don’t cry.”

“I don’t want you to leave!” He cups her face with his hands, “I know.” He pulls her close, hugging her. “Margret, there’s something else.” She shakes her head against his chest. “Margret I’ve been thinking about us.” Margret’s body goes stiff against him. “I realized that I’m not here for you as a partner should be.” She pushes away from him, “Adam?”

“Madge this is really difficult to do, but it’s for the best.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“Margret, we need to b-”

“Spend more time together, I agree! We can do that when you get back!”

“Margret I don’t know when I’ll be back, or if I’m coming back.” He looks at her, their eyes locking. Margret stared at him, “Don’t say that! Of course, you will.” Adam rolled his eyes. “Margret I’m not going to come back here! As in, I’m not going to come back to you.” Margret scrunched her brows together in confusion. Shaking her head, her voice a whisper, “What do you mean?”

“Madge I’ve been trying to tell you, I think it’s best if you don’t have to wait for me anymore.” Tears start to pool out of her eyes again. “Wh--what?” Her voice quivering. “Madge! I want you to be happy, live your life. Get married, have kids!”

“I want that as well, but I want that with you. Adam, I will always wait for you. I can wait for as long as it takes. I’ll always be here for you.” Adam shut his eyes tightly, “Margret you deserve better.” She laughs, a hollow sound. She reaches up and places her palm on his cheek. “It doesn’t get better than you.” He leans into her palm for a moment then backs up, he turns and walks towards the door. “Adam?”

“Goodbye, Margret.” She ran after him, grabbing his arm. “Adam!” He stared at the wood of the door, “I have to go.”

“Adam, tell me you are coming back,” She shakes his arm in desperation, “Tell me you’ll come back!”

“Margret, I hope you find someone new who is worthy of your love.” 

"Adam that person is you! You can't just leave me like this?"

"Margaret, stop making this harder."

"Then don't do it! You fight for our country every day, so let me fight for you!" She couldn't see his face, but somehow she knew he had started to cry. Deep down, this was killing him inside. He pulled his arm from her grasp and opened the door in one smooth motion. "I love you." His voice so quiet a wingbeat could have concealed his words. The door closed behind him, a noise Margret would forever remember. He could still hear her screams, the pain behind each wail. He had been to many battlefields before, but he had never been in a fight this difficult. He had heard explosion after explosion but nothing rang in his ears like the pained screams of Margret. He has many flesh wounds and scars but never one that hurt more than the one in his heart. In the battle to come, Adams soldiers would be victorious, but he had still lost.

~Two Years Later~

“Sergeant Fox!” Adam looked over his shoulder, “What is it, Private Wilson?” The small man ran up to him holding a letter in his hand. “Sir, a letter has arrived for you.” Adam looked back to the men training, “From whom?”

“Margret Thatcher, sir.” Adam froze, “Thank you Private, put it on my desk.”

“Sir, you might want to look at this now.”

“Private Wilson I can assure you it can wait.” The young man raised his chin, “Sergeant Fox, sir.”

“What?” The young man said nothing but stuck out his hand, holding a piece of paper. Adam rolled his eyes and grabbed it. The paper was thick and had a shaped edge. The writing was unmistakable, Margret’s handwriting. Adam’s eyes followed her delicate scripture across the page.

“You’re invited to the wedding of Samuel Goodman and Margret Thatcher…”

April 14, 2021 15:10

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1 comment

02:47 Apr 21, 2021

The ending really took a piece of my heart to write...


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