
I let out a soft sigh as I turn off my car. I’m here. I never really liked these ‘family’ dinners, it almost always consists of someone getting drunk and starting something with someone before we were even done with the main course. There’s usually yelling, and the occasional spillage of food or drinks, sometimes staining an expensive suit or blouse. It’s a disaster really. I doubt this one will be different, but I couldn’t say no to my mother, I’ve never been able to say no to her. I pull the bottle of apple cider from the passenger seat and get out of my car. The snow crunches under my fuzzy black boots, it’ll probably garner me more than a few looks but I didn’t really feel like being cold or having to ice my feet when I got home. I finally reach the door, but I don’t really feel like knocking, I could just turn around right now, tell mom I couldn’t make it, but I don’t think I could live with myself if I lied to her.. Reluctantly, I reach up and pound on the thick wooden door three times. It takes a moment for her to come to the door, which I wouldn’t normally mind, but it’s freezing outside. When the door opens, I am greeted by my mother’s smiling face.

“Oh, Alyssa, I’m so glad you made it!” She greets, pulling into a tight hug. 

“It’s good to see you too mom.” 

“Well come in, it’s freezing out here.” 

She pulls me into the house, and closes the door, sending a gust of freezing air into the house. I shiver.

“Alyssa, finally! We were betting on you not showing.” My cousin AJ jokes. 

I just nod and smile, stepping into the kitchen to set down the bottle I brought with me. My aunt Silvia eyes the bottle in my hand, expecting something alcoholic. She huffs in disappointment and walks away when she realizes I decided not to contribute to her alcoholism this month. Leaving the kitchen I come to the dining table, all set and decorated, covered in food. It looks good, but I don’t think my mother’s excellent cooking can prevent the events that will ensue later this evening. 

I decide to be the first to sit down at the table, it felt too awkward just standing around while people laugh and drink and leave me out. . . It’s only about five minutes before people start gathering around to sit. AJ already buzzed, and Aunt Silvia wobbling in her heels. 

“Tuck in everyone, it’s time to eat.” My mother instructs, cheerful. 

Everyone sits. Arms reach across the table, piling plates full of food, I wait, I always wait. When everyone is finally served I scoop a dollop of potatoes onto my plate. 

“Could you pass the vegetables please?” I as softly. 

“Of course of course.” My mother replies, picking up the glass dish and walking it around to my side of the table. I smile thankfully and spoon some onto my plate. She takes the dish back to its respective place and continues eating. I take small bites, mostly just pushing around the food on my plate. I sort of never have an appetite when I come out here.

The conversation grows louder, Silvia asks for some more wine, one of my cousins gives it to her. I wish she didn’t. This dinner is just a waiting game at this point, once things get crazy I can just slip out the door and leave, no one will really notice over all the commotion. Uncle Paul spills the bottle of wine on the bright white table cloth, groaning in frustration as if he would have to do anything about it. My mother doesn't say anything, she just picks up the bottle and places a napkin over the spill. I don't know why she insists on everyone coming over once a month, how does she deal with all this?

"William will you be more careful!" My aunt Janet scolds her youngest, who's just dropped one of my mother's expensive wine glasses on the floor. There's glass imbedded in the wooden floor now as if she didn't already have enough to clean up once we all leave. The doorbell rings.

"I'll get it!" I practically shout out, jumping out of my seat.

Anything to get out of here. I walk out of the dining room and through the kitchen and back to the front door. When I open it I can't help but lose my breath. I don't say anything, just stare up at him, standing in the dark, a lock of dark black hair hanging down over his forehead.

"Are you just gonna stare at me or are you gonna let me in?" He quips.

I pull him inside, and shut the door, bringing him into a tight hug.

"Ok, it's good to see you too little sister."

I push him off, "Five minutes difference hardly makes you the older one."

"Alyssa, who is it?" My mother shouts from the other room.

I don't answer her, "Where have you been these last three months?" I scold, punching him in the shoulder.

"I had work, overseas."

"Right..." I reply, shaking my head.

"Is dinner over yet or do I still have a chance at a decent meal after that drive?"

"Right, come on, there's an empty seat next to me."

"You still sitting in Dad's seat?"

I shrug, "Better than next to Silvia or Paul."

He shoves me forward towards the dining room, "You can't say stuff like that." he chuckles out.

When we reach the dining room my mother stands up, a shocked look on her face.

"Calvin!" She yelps, running across the room to hug him.

Everyone else at the table stops talking for a second to stare but then continues.

"Hi mom," he mumbles.

She finally let's go.

"Find a place to sit, go on."

He takes the seat diagonal to mine, and I sit back down. He dishes himself up and pokes around at his food, taking a bite every once in a while.

"So what'd I miss?" he asks leaning in.

I shrug "A broken glass and a wine stain on the tablecloth."

"So nothing crazy yet then?"

I shake my head.

"Hey, what're you two mumbling about over there?"  Paul pries, sounding irritated. he never really liked me for some reason.

"Just catching up," I reply quietly.

"Why don't you speak up?" he asks, "Who doesn't she speak up?" he turns, asking my mother.

She doesn't answer.

I turn to look at Calvin, who's ears are turning red. I grab his hand.

"Chill out, ok?" I whisper.

He nods and turns back to his plate.

Paul grunts in disappointment and pours himself another drink.

"Why don't you hold off there." Calvin scolds.

On no.

Uncle Paul snaps his head around, glaring at my brother.

"What?" he hisses.

"I said, why don't you hold off, you've got to drive home don't you?"

"And who exactly do you think you are, hmm?"

"Concerned for the well being of everyone else driving next to you."

"Shut up, will you. Why did you even come to dinner?"

Paul turns away stabbing his fork into something on his plate.

The rest of dinner Is pretty quiet, with the occasional scolding of the younger ones. Calvin and I are the first to excuse ourselves. We walk outside and stand on the porch.

"You want a cigarette?" he asks pulling out a red and white box from his pocket.

"No... eh, I guess, yeah sure." I reply

He pulls out two handing me one,

"These are so bad for us," I tell him

"You think so?" He chuckles, pulling out a lighter.

He lights his first then mine, I breathe in.

"You are such a bad influence on me," I say blowing out a cloud of white smoke.

"Whatever." he sighs pushing me.

"Now that's just abusive."

We both laugh.

"I hope mom doesn't catch us out here, she'd probably go insane."

"I'm blaming it all on you if she comes out here."

"That's just wrong."

I take a few more puffs.

"When are you leaving?" I ask.

"Well, I quit that job that I had a few weeks ago." 

"you've been back for a few weeks and you didn't tell me?"

"I've been back for like a month actually, but Amy and I have been dealing with some stuff."

"Oh, well how is the wife?"


I glare at him and snatch the cigarette from his mouth, and stomp it out.

"Hey!." he protests.

"You mean to tell me you have a pregnant wife, and you're still smoking?"

He sighs, "You have a point, I've been trying to quit though."

I hug him, pulling the red and white box out of his pocket.

"Really?" He wines.


The door opens, and I hide my cigarette. It's Uncle Paul

"What are the two of you doing out here?" he asks, sluggishly.

"Talking," I reply.

He shakes his head at us and struggles down the two porch stairs. Calvin pulls out his phone. He dials a number and holds it up to his ear.

"Yes, hello my uncle is trying to drive but he is very very drunk."

Paul, turns around, livid.

"Are you kidding me! You called the police on me?" He yells

"Yeah, that's the address." Calvin continues ignoring our Uncle.

"Ok thank you." he says, hanging up the phone "Yeah I did."

"Who do you think you are! I am an adult, I can make my own decisions!"

Calvin sighs and steps forward, he pulls back his fist and strikes Paul across the head. He falls over face up in the snow.

"Did you really have to knock him out?" I ask.


I chuckle.

"Go home, I'll call you."

"You sure? I can stay and wait for the police."

"No, I'll let Mom know, I'll leave before they get here."

"Ok, It was good to see you."

"You too."

Calvin walks away and down the driveway to his car. I take a few more puffs from my almost finished cigarette and toss it into the snow.  I walk down and grab Paul's keys and then go back up to reenter the house, I walk into the kitchen where she's bent over a soapy sink washing dishes.

"Hey, Mom?"

She looks up at me, smiling immediately.

"Do you need something Alyssa?"

"Yeah, the police are coming to pick up Paul, could you just look out for them?" I ask setting his keys on the counter next to her.

"The police? Oh my... I'll watch out for them, don't worry about it."

"Ok thanks, Mom, I'll see you soon," I say walking out of the Kitchen.

"Bye Alyssa, thanks for coming out."

I leave the house and get into my car.

"Well, that was something."

November 27, 2019 17:32

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