ReedsyCast Pt. 5: Queasy Or Glad?

Written in response to: Write about a character, human or robot, who no longer wishes to obey instructions.... view prompt


Mystery Creative Nonfiction

Smith's P.O.V


I laid there with my chin resting on my arm. I wasn't sure how to feel about the news of Maxlynn moving. I mean, I don't have any connection to them other than Ky. 

"...It's going to be so weird without them." I heard him say. I blinked, focusing on him again. I let out a sigh, sitting up. 

"I'm sure everyone will adjust." Ky gave me a look before shrugging. 

"Inferna and I, maybe.. But Eli?" He frowns. I tilt my head, a bit confused. "They've known each other since middle school, and from what I've seen of them in high school-" He combs a hand through his hair. 

"It-... Fuck." I mutter. "A friend moving is never easy.. But this is Eli and Maxlynn we're fuckin' talking about." I smile a bit. "I'm sure those two freaks will plan something for contact." He laughs at this. 

"You're not wrong." He says with a tiny smile. I chuckle. 

"I know." I smirk. Ky roles his eyes. 

"You and Eli, good God." I chuckle. 

"Ah come on, you can't blame us." I stand up making my way towards him. A tiny smile on my face seeing him look amused. 

"No- no I can't." He stands up, pushing my head away from him. 

"Oi! Hey!" I shout. "What about my kiss?!" I bark.

"Not now, Rexie!" He giggles. "Food first, yeah?" I groan.

"But Kyyyy!" 

Johnson's P.O.V


I stood against the wall staring at the coffee table. Various papers were sprawled across it. I frown remembering the words of one of them. 

    "Dear Johnson, Maxlynn

The New Order wishes for you to move to Daytona Beach, Florida. You must be there in a week's time. The Clouds said such. 

                                                                                             -King Marc"

I made my way to the table, plopping onto the floor. I fingered through the various other papers before picking up the note from Marc. I stared at it for a moment and then the few boxes that were scattered around their house. My shoulders drop. I don't want to leave. 

I rest my chin on my hand, grabbing another piece of paper. It was mailed with the tiny note from Marc. It was about my new goal. "Gather information on K.D. Reed." was basically all I needed to know. I hated how the Clouds and everyone else insisted on giving the other bits of information. 

Frustrated, I stand up raising my arms high above my head. The sounds of backpops fill my ears. I let my arms drop as I stare at the ceiling. I could call the cops… But I've been in this for far too long.. I sigh looking back at the messy table. 

I gather the papers putting them in a neat stack before picking them up and dropping them into one of the boxes I had laying around. I admit throwing them in probably wasn't the best idea.

But fuck this and fuck everything.

Rose's P.O.V


My phone rang. Me being me I jumped. I looked over to my phone reading the name of the caller. "..Maxie..?" I raise a brow grabbing my phone. "Yeah..?" I paused hearing heavy breathing.

"Do that cool group phone call thing." 

"Is everything okay?" I ask, feeling a bit panicked. 

"I- shit- just… Hold on!" They barked. I flinched. 

"Maxie? You good?" There was shuffling in the background. 

"I said hold on! Jeez!" Their voice was distant, like they placed the phone somewhere else. I felt my heart squeeze. I quickly went to do what they said, creating the group call.

"Everything okay?" Ky questioned.

"Is everything alright?" Eli asked. 

"Yeah, Maxie, is everything good?" I add. There were some murmuring from the other two. 

"I'm sorry for having Inferna interrupt anything you guys were doing." Maxie starts. "But I have news."

"Oh?" Eli comments as Ky chatters away to someone on his side. I tap my fingers against the wall.

"I don't have to move." Maxie says immediately after hearing the two. 

"What?" I exclaim.

"That's amazing!" Ky shouts. There was a few cheers in the background, from a friend of his. A brief thought of who it could be passed my mind. 

Maxie laughs a bit: "Yeah, pretty cool, huh?" I grin ear to ear.

"Maxlynn." Eli says, sounding.. Concerned? The cheerful mood seemed to die. "Aren't your.. Parents pretty strict about you moving?" I blink. Why did he hesitate saying that?

"A, friend, moved here recently. So I don't have to move." Maxie says. 

"I'll want an explanation." Eli responds to that. "This is wonderful news however." He adds, and we all could tell he was smiling.

"It really is." Maxie grins.

Smith's P.O.V


I watch Ky hang up from the call. The three of them chatted a bit more, about their plans for the week after Maxlynn told them all the news. Despite the cheerfulness Ky put on, his eyes seemed far away. 

"Knowing what you know.. Did that seem strange to you, Rexie?" He asks looking at me. I let out a deep exhale seeing his concern. What do I know about Maxlynn? I know they're genderfluid- a senior, best friends with Eli.. I fold my arms.

"Shit… Uh.. They like order, structure and organization." I say to fill the silence, knowing that while Ky enjoyed it, he despised it when around people. "And their parents are pretty fuckin' strict, yeah?" I add. He nods. I tilt my head before offering a small shrug. "Maybe?" He exhales, resting his face in his hands. I frown. "I dunno hun.." I say, defeated.

"I get that." He sighs. "I'm just.. Worried, you know?"

"Why's that..?" He glances away from me before letting out a sound of annoyance.

"Eli mentioned their parents, yeah?" I nod. "Well.. As far as Eli and I know.. They're dead." I pull back. 


"Yeah.. I don't know much, but from what Eli says the people they live with tell them to move at certain times.. Usually every other fall, and they have to do.. Something." He says rubbing his arms. My eyes narrow.

"What's that something?"

"Not sure.. I do know that it has to do with how Eli and Maxlynn met though." He says looking at me. Something felt wrong about all this.

"That-.. Hhhggn…" I tighten my grip around my arms.

"I know babe.." Ky says quietly. He sat next to me, making me feel slightly more uneasy. "I know.."

June 14, 2022 16:20

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Jasey Lovegood
23:29 Jun 22, 2022



Crows_ Garden
23:55 Jun 22, 2022

Hehe, yep. XD Indeed <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


Jasey Lovegood
23:57 Jun 22, 2022



Crows_ Garden
00:25 Jun 23, 2022

<3 <3 <3


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in my humblest opinion i sincerely think that these teens swearing makes the story 100% better/jjj woah but.. kING? you have me hooked 👁👁 poor maxlynn and everyone tho- ahhh- i cant wait to see where this is going wesdoewfj


Crows_ Garden
23:14 Jun 14, 2022

I have the nasty habit of cursing in at least every sentence(in my head or in reality), so Rex's gonna do that too lol XD My mission as a writer is completed at last It's going to be interesting weaving this, friend of theirs into the story. It's uh, it's going places *nervous Minecraft villager noises w/ laughter*


HEHEHEE SAME RUU LMAOOO omg no it's never done/j but serious you have me so hooked HMMMM UHOH ohnoohnoohno *takes out tissues*


Crows_ Garden
01:50 Jun 15, 2022

XDD That makes me really happy Tsuki, ty Don't worry- it's just gonna be difficult for me cause I'mma have to do it in a way to give n o t h i n g away YEP


xDDD ofc!! :D *shivers in ma boots*/j *BLOWS NOSE INTENSELY*


Crows_ Garden
01:56 Jun 15, 2022

<3 Ha i5urkehjndfucperikwsrhjndo3uerkjqwshdn


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Unknown User
02:41 Jun 19, 2022

<removed by user>


Crows_ Garden
16:46 Jun 19, 2022

They are a thing uwu XD Of course!


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