When Jake Seen All The Drama He Gasped

Submitted into Contest #236 in response to: Write a story about someone finally gaining access into their family’s very old computer.... view prompt


Thriller Suspense

Jake's family was as close as can be; they were known to hang out and make beautiful babies a reality. They were a thinking clan of winners who wanted to be happy at all costs. For these last few years they were extremely happy but then one day it became painfully clear that something was amiss. When the night came and fell it began to seep into his bones kind of like a fallen angel appearing in his slumber. 

When thoughts hit him that his will was done, he looked into a mirror that was sitting on the table and didn't want to flip it over causing all of those contents to hit the floor where he stood. He knew though that he saw an image of something that caught his eye in the shape of a makeshift computer that was very old looking. When Jake was a kid his family kept this computer away from him thinking it was no big deal at the time but as he got older he realized that he wanted to know what was on this contraption in the mirror image. But as nature would have it the locks came on and he knew it was time to go. Back into the world of darkness he had just come out of but as time grew and went on so did he. Thinking back with a preponderance of looks on his face he grew still. 

Thinking to himself, yeah well if I buy anything else I know one thing that I better have some form of solace from this type of purchase if I don't know nothing else I know that much about life and how to get things done. Even though they are low and light, even a bit loud, causing all kinds of drama, that computer was his way out. He eyed this idea of his with weary caution, thinking of all of those times when there was strife in the family. When they wanted him dead, to die a suffering long miserable type of life, let alone death.

Then there's those who have those thoughts of thinking that to keep talking is ideal, and that when we get to have a minute with our own self we either hit, or care. But what in the world happens when we take a turn that is wrong? Do we get the chance to come back out and try again like a flow chart I am hoping Jake thought. But what are those times when we don’t get a do over. When we don’t really have another chance to prove ourselves what does one do then? I’ll tell you we end up searching for a way out in this computer in the attic of his parents house.

They were old and loved to be home but they were rarely happy about anything and that was how their lives went on for years as a kid Jake was never really lonely but aware that his life was in the midst of solely solitude. The computer held his attention drawing him in but it was so old he didn’t know what to do. He didn’t even know what he was looking for so when he was going through the files and figuring out the password for a particular file. He huddled down and got closer but he heard a strange noise and went to investigate if it was coming from the computer.

So he stopped mid stride and sat down. Thinking he had to see what was going on there was a family photo that he’d never seen before. It was strange because the image was so old, he saw his family but they were all very old, and it was causing him great shock. He was only 23 years old, but there he looked 223 years old. He knew that no one was going to believe what he saw so he decided it was best to just keep quiet for now. He vowed to not ever really go back against his word and ever tell another human soul what he was thinking, let alone saw. Jake was into his solitude anyway so you know what it worked just fine. 

To the existent that when we noticed he was logging off of the very old family computer he began to sway back and then fell, tripping over a loose carpet rug that was on the ground decorative type you know. From those really big and expensive stores with china in the china cabinet. Hand painted that was mom for you though. The very old looking type of cup of chow got really cold like it was snowing of all things. When Jake seen all the drama he gasped.

But as time went on and the falling of snow grew more fast with big bright green frogs but one was the biggest of them all and then worms that were huge into a space that covered all of his head space there was no room for anything else. And no more than that but worms, and all of their pinkness that was a sign that more was to come than met the eye finding that they were huge size wise meant that death was sure to ensue. What was even worse was that Jake felt broken, in heart especially at times that no one was looking directly at him.

Then there were others when all that he thought of were fractured thoughts of himself, just life in general but mostly when he thought of his parents and what they might have been if they were educated, going to school graduating, making their family surely struggle less, finding more ways to experience happiness. His new bucket list was logged in as a place of terraqueous lad adventure. Looking back some of them had worms and when they opened up their mouths with teeth to speak they were gone and knocked out. All of them were no longer inside anymore; they had all fallen out, just like those times of the little angels.

February 03, 2024 18:52

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