Teens & Young Adult Middle School Fiction

Today would be the day. I, Leland Caraway, being sound of mind and body, will ask Tiffany Halls to the school dance. She’s in the drama club, but never notices me. Today will change that. Hopefully. Maybe

I hate Mondays. Every week I wake up hoping to smell pancakes cooking, to hear my dad laughing with my brothers. But I don’t. I wake up remembering that dad’s away, off in some foreign country. I miss him a lot. So Mondays suck. At least I have drama.

She stood me up! That was the thought that struck my mind. My bestest friend in all of eighth grade, Tiffany Hall, stood up to our plans to practice our lines together. The only other person in the halls was a guy from drama. Leland. Right! Now where is Tiffany?

Rats. I just remembered Tiffany never comes early. I can always see her shiny red hair rush through the halls right before classes start. I see her friend Allie standing in the doorway looking upset. She must have been waiting for her to. I felt self conscious in the crowded halls of Frederick Baker Middle, wearing my best informal outfit. I had cologne on! Maybe I could ask her at lunch.

I trudged to school. Mondays. My ruby red hair started to frizz. I regret telling Mom I could walk to school. Drizzle, drizzle, drizzle. At least I could count on Allie. Crap! Allie! I started to run while internally scolding myself. Forgetting your BFF to me was a big, no wait, HUGE mistake. I felt so bad. Sorry Allie.

I saw her rushing toward the door. Her hair was all poufy, and she looked really mad. Tiffany never forgot an appointment without something big taking up her time, so I let it go. It must be really big, because she looked sad after she apologized. Maybe class could distract her. Maybe.

Lunch didn’t work out. I looked at her, right in the eyes. And I couldn’t do it. I just sat alone in the corner. Trying to pull up the courage to ask her, but by the time I did, she had left. My last chance was the club. I mentally asked her to the dance about one bazillion times. I would not chicken out again.

Class made it better. Lunch was better than normal, and I had drama. Allie forgave me for missing our thing, so that helped. Drama started out great. We ran through the skit once, then we could chat. I started to tell Allie about that new Teen Fashion article when another kid walked over. His name was… Leland. Right, Leland.

Tiffany looked happier at drama. She always did. I did too. It was my passion, to be that character, and not my klutzy, socially awkward self. After we ran through our skit, Tiffany started to tell me about an article in a magazine we both love, when Leland came over again. What does he want?

Drama was the big moment. We ran through our skit. I titled it Lily and Rose. It’s about two girls that go on a quest to find a magical garden to cure the king. I play the sorcerer who guards the garden, to pick the worthy one to save the lands. I walked over when Tiffany and her friend Allie started to talk. No turning back now.

“Could I talk to you Tiffany?” Leland looked like I would bite his head off if he said the wrong thing. I smiled and obligingly stepped off to the side to talk in sort of privacy. He quickly whispered “Would you go to the dance with me?” He said it like he needed to say it quickly or else he wouldn’t say it at all. I was stunned, but really really happy. I had always thought he was cute. That dictates my answer.

Tiffany came back over. She looked like she was off in Daydream Land. Trust me I know. My friend always does it at least once a day. She daydreams. A lot. I whispered “What did he have to say?” She replied dreamily “He asked me to the dance.” I looked at her, stunned. “Did you say yes?” I really hoped she said yes. Leland is really nice. She whispered “Yes. But don’t go shouting it to the world!” I reassured her. I wouldn’t tell a soul.

Today was the day. In a few weeks the girl of my dreams will go to the dance with me. I was so so so happy when she said yes! We made arrangement and on Friday night I will be escorting Tiffany to the dance. YES!

I’m super excited. In a few minutes, Leland will come pick me up. Dad even got the time to FaceTime me for a few minutes. Allie was one of the dance organizers, so she had to take care of the details and may not be able to dance. She got a date to, Rico Thrift. They’re going to be hanging around all night. I heard the rumble of a car pulling up. He’s here! 

Tiffany is so excited. She looked so happy when she came in, so in place with Leland. I may not be dancing, but I got myself a date. He’s a cute guy, dark skin and hair. He’s a jock, but he’s really sweet. Rico Thrift. We’re going to be at the refreshment table, A.K.A the place where all the teachers and guys with no dates will hang out. I’m going to have a lot of fun though!

The dance went without a hitch. I asked her out on a double “date” with Allie and Rico. Next week, we’ll meet at one of the restaurants on Main, then see that new movie that just came out a week ago. I really enjoyed my time at the dance with her.

It was absolutely wonderful. The dance was amazing, and Leland asked me out on a double “date” to a restaurant with Rico and Allie, then we’ll all see that new movie. Me and Allie have to pay for the popcorn, but Leland and Rico have to cough up for the candy and drinks. So ha. But I had a blast. Leland is so sweet. Sigh..

The dance went without a hitch. Everything was perfect, and I’m in a double “date”. I’ve never been asked to a date. But we’re going to do food, then a movie in the theater on Mulberry street. All in all, this was pretty fantastic. :)

August 05, 2021 19:19

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Kurt Karl
22:20 Aug 11, 2021

This is a fun, playful story and I'm a sucker for happy endings, so I liked it. The shifting POVs added a lot and I enjoyed the way the views appeared in a rapid-fire way. However, I have to admit I struggled with keeping up with whose POV it was at times. Some other authors simply labeled the POV with names, Leland, Tiffany, Allie. Something to consider in a rewrite.


Moon Fox
00:44 Aug 12, 2021

Thanks! I never thought about labels so I will do that!


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TJ Squared
19:37 Aug 05, 2021

Really cool story (don't ask me why I like to so much)!!! I really really enjoyed this for one reason or another. The different POVs where interesting enough, and it added another level to the story. Awesome job with the transitions and what-not!!!


Moon Fox
19:49 Aug 05, 2021

Thanks! I was homeschooled, so this is pure speculations on what teens do. ;)


TJ Squared
20:03 Aug 05, 2021

It’s really good though ;D


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